14 yrs ago•sexychanelreviewedclosedCrush Gentlemen's Club183 Broad River Bridge, Columbia, SC 29201, USA*I walked into Crush before dark...
14 yrs ago •sexychanelcommented onPlatinum Plusthanks a lot uscue13, and Crush was about to be one of the first places I actually went to try. Honestly, that was one reason that I didn't…
14 yrs ago •sexychanelcommented onPlatinum PlusActually I can sort of understand where they're coming from. A lot of girls at the black clubs are not very attractive and do have "ghetto" attitudes because…
14 yrs ago •sexychanelcommented onPlatinum PlusThanks you guys, & I was looking at trying Heartbreakers also so that helped.
14 yrs ago•sexychanelreviewedclosedZodiac3938 North Rd, Orangeburg, SC 29118, USA*For the longest time I had...
14 yrs ago•sexychanelreviewedclosedCrush Gentlemen's Club183 Broad River Bridge, Columbia, SC 29201, USA*This club is pretty popular with...