
Comments by Houndguy

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    All time Favorite! DAmn I'm dense at time. LOL
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Girlfriend Versus ATF
    I've heard this term ATF recently and call me&nbsp;a moron if you want.&nbsp; But what the hell does ATF stand for?<br /> <br /> WFFM I get.&nbsp; RAGF I get....ATF?<br /> <br />
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who don't seem to want anything from you -- the most confusing kind
    Years ago I became a regular at a strip club across the street from where I worked.&nbsp; It was the &quot;neiborhood bar&quot; for my company and it got to the point where the girls would not even ask us for dances or expect tips.&nbsp; We were simply part of the bar.<br /> <br /> They just liked that a bunch of big strong construction guys were hanging out in the club, watching out for the girls.&nbsp; I remember one of the girls telling me that the owner of the bar felt that if something went wrong we have their back&nbsp; <br /> <br /> Sadly that bar is gone and the company is no more, but the memory lives on.&nbsp; What I can remember.&nbsp; Freaking bunch of alcoholics.