
Comments by o2bRainf3

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    14 years ago
    Republican National Committee spends $2k at West Hollywood topless club
    Interesting. Wonder what the California Democrats are doing? So, who wants to bet whether the $1946.25 included the tip, or not? Its a little light for a night out for the whole committee + tip, if you ask me, but then I'm not a Republican. If these guys are into bondage, I'll bet the Democrats got something really juicy going. I may HAVE to become a Democrat, but that's not a commitment, just yet. Let's see what they got going first.
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    15 years ago
    stripper offended by asking for OTC?
    I'm going to go way out on a limb here and suggest that in most cities where it is legal to watch a naked or semi naked person dance on stage, the legality comes with a book, at least two inches thick, describing how easy it is to have the legality become an illegality. Given all the different ways that employees could interpret that book, versus how the club owner would interpret it, and more importantly, knowing exactly how LE and the courts will interpret it; I will further suggest that it is highly unlikely that all those people are going to be in agreement on a particularly correct way to bend even one rule in that two inch thick book. Keeping all of this in mind, my final suggestion is that you will find no one willing to risk their job, or their club because you are absolutely certain that the first time your eyes met with hers you fell instantly and irrevocably in love and you are independently wealthy with the ways and the means to give the owner ten times the value of his establishment. I can think of only a couple of circumstances which would make make bending the rules worth it for the club management. Those would be the legalization of prostitution, or the fact that the city just made all clubs illegal, effective tomorrow. Admittedly, there are several more circumstances under which the employee may bend, or break those rules, but unless the two thousand you just handed her is just the tip of the iceberg to your limitless funding, or you have her signed statement that she is in love with you, along with a filed pre-nup, I would guess that the other reasons won't amount to a hill of beans when she's off negotiating for her release and you're fiddling with zipper#1 and #2.
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    15 years ago
    stripper offended by asking for OTC?
    From a practical standpoint, I suppose one could do a bit of research: Ask the guy next to you at the bar; if he tells you to beat it, ask whoever is behind the bar to tell you the 'official' rules, then ask if there are any 'unofficial' rules. Or, be direct and ask if solicitation is a problem in this town. Sometimes a reaction to the question tells you more than the answer itself. If you're action rather than talk oriented, a discrete touch will often tell you how uptight both the dancers and the management are about rules in the private areas, and their meaning. a dancer friend of mine told me a guy whispered to her 'there's a 50 behind zipper #1 if you can get it out and use it towards 'whatever extra was on the menu'. Her reply was that if she were to go get it, she hoped he had left bail money with his wife with instructions to 'get me out and leave you to fiddle with whatever's behind zipper #2'.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Clubs and the Movies
    <b>Ron Howard is gay?! </b>Little Opie is a fag?! Go On, now, you gotta be exaggerating.&nbsp; What will Mayberry say?<br type="_moz" />
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    14 years ago
    Back when i was driving a cab in Chicago, I could swear I heard all those same reasons given by cab drivers, 'or they would leave tomorrow, no questions asked.'&nbsp; The reasons given by the passengers were even worse.&nbsp; That's why I'm a Volunteer of America, now!<br /> <br /> Just kidding.&nbsp; Actually I've been thinking there has been a growing trend of assertiveness from the ladies over the past 10 years, or so.&nbsp; A lot (notice I didn't say 'most') of performers have decided they like the job, and/or they like the money and the only people who see anything in the job that they should be ashamed of, are people who shouldn't be in the club in the first place.&nbsp; I didn't say 'most' because many people like to gripe about their jobs, and their first answer should never be taken as gospel.&nbsp; i also didn't say it was a trend in honesty, but how many people do answer that question honestly, particularly when its asked by a client? if it were asked of me while i was dancing, I would probably find myself answering with a bit of gallow's humor, or worse. Do you think that could be what you are seeing in your little impromptu poll? Now, if only management could do something about keeping those other people out of the club, we would have progress at our fingertips.<br /> <br type="_moz" />
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    14 years ago
    The Chicago Way?
    Depending on where you go, particularly if you're in one of the S-SW border suburbs,or near the airport, that's the way its been for at least 20 or 30 years.&nbsp; Frankly, in some of those places I'm surprised they waited until you got to a private room.&nbsp; Must be a new police chief in town, or the Tribune is on a crusade again.<br type="_moz" />