
Comments by thatguy6673

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Dumbing Down of Americans or Stuffy Corporate Types Out of Touch ?
    Jeez.... Good thing strippers are more professional! never had one take a call while working - an no one's helicopter dad tried to increase vip prices
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Frankfurt School of Marxism: at work in America
    Not daft at all for a vibrant state like Texas to secede. Texans would no longer be bled to pay for the U.S. empire overseas. No longer bled to pay for expensive weapons. Yeah, and therefore cannot be defended by u.s. or cannot defend against u.s. weapons that could easily prevent succession, just like in the civil war. No longer required to pay housing, schooling and healthcare of illegals. Yeah, and watch illegals overrun Texas since you don't have the INS to patrol your border for free IN TEN YEARS TEXAS WOULD HAVE A HIGHER PER CAPITA INCOME AND STANDARD OF LIVING THAN THE UNITED STATES! NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    The cost/benefit analysis to secession
    also, don't forget that 'facist socialist regime' of obama has NUKES! TX ain't got no nukes! U GET NUKED, UNION IS PRESERVED! get a brian OP, secession is a fantasy and u are a tool. either secede or shut up about it.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    The cost/benefit analysis to secession
    remember the civil war? do you think obama would put up with states seceding? do you think 'militias' in texas could stand up to the u.s. army? quit dreaming, nobody cares about your tea party fantasies. don't think the commander in chief would allow unconstitutional sucession because of crying republicans wanting to secede over minor federal regulations. better yet, grow some balls and try it and see how it goes instead of pussy footing around. oh, I forgot, all this sucession talk is all posturing that Perry (the govonor of texas) won't stand behind unless he is begging for votes from tea party nutters.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    definition of prostution
    definitelynotgreenvegas makes me think I am a john! I repent for my sins and moral lapses! he totally has changed my life due to the immense guilt he has generated in my behavior!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    definition of a gentleman
    aww, nobody is taking definitelynotgreenvegas bait. go to a 'chritian' or 'conservative family values' with your moralizing b.s. and quit trying to put down women for exercising their right to do whatever they want. oh, and I don't care at all if you tell me i have no morals.