
Comments by SometimeVoyager (page 2)

  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Some First Timer Hints
    Also consider this thought (which may be met with a certain amount of dissent): Don't get emotional about strippers. They are there to give you pleasure for money, not to be your girlfriend. The moment you are done they will move on, and you should too or you will run the risk of becoming a pathetic, jealous loser whom the stripper will treat as her personal ATM. It's fine to have favorites, but circulate among the other dancers as well. Try the flavor of the day. Don't let one dancer take you for granted - you don't belong to her any more than she belongs to you.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    The Election, Ayn Rand, and Strippers
    Sir: With reference to your original post, you have managed to take three of my favorite topics (politics, literature, and strippers) and weave them into a virtually unreadable paragraph. The stupidity of your ideas is exceeded only by the tedium of your writing style.