
Comments by godfatherstill (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lots of new people here
    Godfatherstill here. I will be 45 soon and live in the Bible Belt. Happily married but recently re-realized how much fun it is to go clubbing. You just cant beat young beautiful nude babes, nothing else in the world like it. A buddy of mine who is very experienced in the Houston Club scene started calling me the Godfather as a reference to the character played by Luke Wilson in the movie Old School. I too have an engineering degree (is there something perverted about engineers?) Anyway, I cant go out near as much as I would like because the wife has a nose for club smoke and other women although I have never actually cheated on her. Which leads to the question, how do you married guys get away with it on a regular basis?