
Comments by leo100

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    threesome OTC
    turtle, she's not my g/f. she's an ATF. We have an arrangement for the last 3 yrs. I don't want to mess up this arrangement. She and i are more than customer/provider however, and emotions will get in the way. To be fair, i've been advised its not a good idea because i may like it too much. it might become addictive, and if all parties involve don't agree to continue, well i'm out of luck
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    threesome OTC
    mmdv26, mostly to change to mood. the other girl is not even a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should Married Men Who Have Paid Sex with Strippers Inform Their Wives?
    if they want to continue cheating,then the answer is NO. but, if they are stopping, the answer is maybe
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?
    They're the same, but somehow OTC strippers seem better because its seems more forbidden
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?
    They're the same, but somehow OTC strippers seem better because its seems more forbidden
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Meeting outside the club
    I've met many dancers OTC. Depends on what type of relationship you are after. Are you looking for strictly business (getting privates) or friendship/dating? If you have to ask to see her outside, chances are she's not interested in you for dating . Most will outright suggest to see you outside if they want to date you. There is a direct correlation between your age and dancers wanting to go out with you, believe it or not. In the past yr, i've seen 3 outside for dating (2 are 9s-10s). I'm not bragging, just stating the fact. But be careful what you wish for. I've come to realize the novelty factor wears off real fast after the 1st date, and you may not want a 2nd. You are better off dating someone in real life, with more substance. Most these dancers don't have anything beyond beauty and cant hold a conversation, let alone a relationship.