
Comments by Blomeclown

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Novelty, risk, or waste of time?
    I've hit a few overseas strip clubs in the last couple of years, Canada and Russia not included. A few hints-- 1- if you're going to Russia, spend some time seeing other things first. T&A is T&A wherever you go. 2- make some good, solid personal contacts AT WORK before you hit any clubs. See if any of them are interested in going with you. There's always strength in numbers and the locals can usually steer you away from the places you don't want to be. There's also the language barrier. You may THINK she's asking you for a private session when, in reality, she's asking you to take her to the US. 3- LEAVE YOUR CREDIT CARD IN THE HOTEL SAFE. CASH ONLY (US $$$ WORKS ALMOST ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD), BRING LOCAL CURRENCY AS WELL. 4- if she offers to take you "upstairs", be careful, especially if you've ignored suggestion 3. Good luck, have fun, be careful.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is tha club review section being worked on?
    Looks like the whole system may have crashed. Looks like I'm spending the night with Sally Fist and her five sisters.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New forum comments
    I just logged in for the first time in a few days and WOW!!!! The interactive map is great when I'm on the road. No more searching for zip codes, no more using my map software to see if there's a club within driving distance of my hotel, this format is awesome. Founder, you've outdone yourself. Thank you.