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Joined Oct, 2002
Last Seen Mar, 2025


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5 years ago
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Worst Popular Bands Ever?
@Mark. My first concert was on new years eve 1980 at the Cow Palace in SF. I saw Blue Oyster Cult and…
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5 years ago
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Apparently It's Not A Two Way Street?
If you haven't spent time outside the club with her and don't know her well enough that she remains a mystery, then I agree…
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5 years ago
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Anyone ever bang a celebrity?
Closest I ever came was banging a couple of porn stars before they became porn stars. The biggest name was Cierra Sage. …
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5 years ago
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Worst Popular Bands Ever?
I don't understand the Bruce Springsteen love either. I've always hated his music and change channels whenever it comes on. I don't…
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5 years ago
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I don't have a glitter story but have a makeup story. I once wore a freshly laundered pair of jeans to a club.…
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5 years ago
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Is Vegas open yet?
Vegas is currently pretty slow. All sit down service at a bar is shutdown, even in casinos. You can drink in a casino if…
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5 years ago
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Do you show your hand when at a club?
I don't show any money at all either. Never had a problem getting girls to drink with me. Some don't drink but a…
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5 years ago
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Today's edition of "huh?"
Maybe scratch and sniff porn for the blind?
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5 years ago
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Sports Update - what do you think now?
I don't know how you can be diligent enough as a pro athlete to prevent spread within a team if someone comes down with…
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5 years ago
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My Experience with Covid 19
I'm going to get an antibody test tomorrow. I haven't been feeling ill at all and get my temperature checked about 10 times…
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5 years ago
commented on real website or setup
There are escort review sites that have been around for a long time. The Erotic Review has been around since the turn of…
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5 years ago
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Glendale CO 2AMer.
I may have seen that dude at some point in my trips there. The one thing I always noticed at this club is…
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
I consider gun ownership as both a privilege and a responsibility. All the responsible gun owners I have spoken to here, and in…
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
It's funny, in the past few weeks when I have discussed things with friends and family, a lot of people, maybe 10 or so…
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
Yes, I was told that too. I think, in the home a shotgun is less likely to penetrate walls over a distance so…
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
Thanks for the advice. I was going to look into a real class as well as a local gun range to practice in.…
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5 years ago
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With recent unrest and riots, anyone changing their home defense plan?
I wrote in a previous thread that I've never thought about owning a gun but will get one soon. I live on a…
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5 years ago
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The LV scene... hooker edition
Funny! That's the real Huggy in another lifetime. Not that fake Huggy Snoop Dog. I'm sure he can hook me up but…
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5 years ago
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The LV scene... hooker edition
Going to work in Vegas this week. I'll look for Huggy Bear in his purple Cadillac and mink coat and ask him for…
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5 years ago
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Here is the hot girl ....
Now that one I like! Reminds me of a bartender that was at the Sportsbook at the Cosmopolitan hotel in Vegas
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5 years ago
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Glendale CO 2AMer.
@BabyDoc. This club really is a shadow of it's former self. I'm not sure what the hiring standards are now but, almost…
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5 years ago
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Glendale CO 2AMer.
I'm with @doctor. I've been to this club dozens of times and it isn't in a bad area at all. Right on…
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5 years ago
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Risk vs Reward
The risk reward calculation is a personal thing. Myself, I got to go to a club 3 times before things started closing down…
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5 years ago
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Is this the Democrats Endgame?
@Tera. Berkeley is just the bayside/college town community of Oakland proper. I'm sure the criminal types from Oakland will understand that Berkeley…
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5 years ago
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Florida Strong
I've had a job that takes me into ICU's on a regular basis for over 20 years. The ICU in a hospital and…
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