Been driving past Pure Platinum every once in a while to see if it would ever open back up. Last night I drove by and saw that, apparently, it is now permanently closed. Dirty Dan's/Pure Platinum had been in San Diego in one location or another for as long as I've been going to clubs in the San Diego area. When I first moved to the area, they had 4 or 5 locations open at the same time. They had gone downhill and business was terrible when I last reviewed the club.
Last night I drove by and saw the parking lot full and the sign out front said "Candy Shop". I came home and looked it up online and saw that they are advertising an opening this evening. I guess Scrubby would call this a "club ad" but haven't been. Just glad to finally see another club open in the SD Market. If this is topless with alcohol, it will only be the second one in the city like that. Last night must have been a pre opening celebration.
Just happy to see a new club in an old location.
last commentMaybe that's just window dressing added to secure approval to open. But that description doesn't make it sound like the typical strip club we talk about on here.
From the website it looks like this new club is trying to go upscale and going for more of a nightclub vibe. I'm curious to see if they will have a day shift that is staffed. I'm guessing the liquor license is transferring.
I'll admit it's a bit of a turnoff when they talk about the DJs too much. I don't personally go to strip clubs for.the music, I go for the naked women.
Still, more competition is always a plus for the customer. I'm curious to see reviews when this opens and I may ask some of the girls at Cheetahs if they have heard anything about it.
Currently only open Friday and Saturday nights 9pm-2 am
Candy Shop is a cool name but the Cirque DeSoleil stuff is a bad sign. Not expecting much.
I guess the big question is the main product alcohol or lap dances? Are the strippers just glorified gogo dancers who happen to show their tits? On the one hand the income is much lower for that sort of work, on the other I've known women in my life who would have gladly shaken their ass in a g-string on stage but had zero interest grinding on strangers for money.
I look forward to the first review; it's not gonna be me