Joined Oct, 2002
Last Seen Mar, 2025

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What is the best chain breakfast?The Original Pancake House is pretty good. I have one near me that I go to when friends are in town. They…

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Your Biggest Challenge of All Time at The ClubI've been in the situation of losing a good one. But, that loss is forgotten as long as you keep casting your net…

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Retro Porn Had a chance to see Ashlyn Gere at the old Nightlife Strip Club in San Diego. She was very nice when she came…

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Phoenix 2AMerI do remember the VIP room at this place. I went back with this hot spinner redhead that had a little carpeting to…

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What is the biggest factor that would make you move from your current location?Dealing with all of the above on your list due to California politicians. Rather than make a law that punishes anyone participating in…

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Pros and cons of clubbing with friends Once a year, during spring training in AZ, I'll go out with the various buddies I take to the baseball games I have tickets…

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Phoenix 2AMerThis is the club where a firefighter customer was killed by a bouncer in the parking lot a few years ago. I used…

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What are your rules when you are at a strip club?Two rules.
#1 Have Fun
#2 Don't overthink it and always refer back to rule #1
#1 Have Fun
#2 Don't overthink it and always refer back to rule #1

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Has there ever been a time when a stripper HAS STOLEN from you?NJBalla's story made remember a dancer who got her money stolen from her bag while she was on stage. There was a couple…

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Camden NJ? Only been to Camden for work one time. The place reminded me of images of a bombed out Beirut. The place I was…

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New York’s first trans-only strip club experience.I have no desire to read a review of someone stick shifting a dancer.

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What pasco county clubs are good right now? Diamond Dolls is in Pinellas but, you are correct, fun can be had there. Oz, which was mentioned above, is also in Pinellas.…

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Performance AnxietyIf I had to guess. your problem is not physical but mental at this point in your relationship with this girl. I couldn't…

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UAW Strike?Is anyone posting on this thread, that has a salary job, expecting to average a 10% wage increase per year for the next 5…

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What is the best bumper sticker you've ever seen?Used to be wine women and song. Now it's beer the old lady and TV.
Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may…
Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may…

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Hotel Horror Stories, Recs, WishlistsSince I've been traveling over 100 nights a year for about 25 years, I've probably got over 3000 hotel nights in my lifetime. …

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The R.O.B.Quitters have to go to meetings and drink a lot of coffee and smoke cigarettes. Then you have to stand up and say…

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Could you ever have a long term CF that works completely cleanI guess it depends on the circumstance of the place the girl works at. In Phoenix, there are clubs where pretty much anything…

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I like to stir the pot on hereEven with Science degrees, you have to select a major that is marketable when you get out of school. After all, Jacques Cousteau…

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I like to stir the pot on hereSome regions have been doing a good job of exporting their poor people to us.

Following Mom's career path into strippingA feel good family story of a woman living her dream following mom into stripping.

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Hurricane HilaryAt least so far, this storm has been like it's political namesake, Overblown. SD has had less than an inch of rain and…

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Using dogs to connect with strippersMaybe add a sign that say "will work for Alpo" or "one of us needs their anal glands expressed taking donations"

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Holding one down at the barThere are so many different scenarios where you can end up talking to a dancer at the bar that all I can say is…

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Famous Quotes It's been a long time but I think the blowjob quote was from Jack Nicholson.