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Joined Oct, 2002
Last Seen Mar, 2025


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2 years ago
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Non-Chain Breastaurants (Nation-wide)
Show-Mes is a regional bar with a few locations in Missouri that copied Hooters. Bone Daddy's in the Dallas area is another regional chain…
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
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Nasty Girls
I have only done anal a handful of times but one time I learned a cardinal rule about anal. Don't do it after…
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2 years ago
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Changing NFL Teams
I never dropped the teams I rooted for growing up, but did start to root for local teams where I live as long as…
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2 years ago
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Spanish language mongering resources
Quiero chocha, donde esta el bano and quiero un cerveza are good beginning phrases. Mama meis good too.
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2 years ago
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Congratulations to the people of Donbas and Novorossiya on their vote to rejoin
@docsavage. When I was in high school taking a civics class from an instructor I liked, but now know he was on…
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2 years ago
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Stage tip that's noticed
Probably just me, but I think the make it rain thing is just silly. It's all about drawing attention to the tipper and…
avatar for mike710
2 years ago
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Congratulations to the people of Donbas and Novorossiya on their vote to rejoin
@docsavage. There is a difference between people fighting for their home and people fighting because some politician says they have to go kill some…
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2 years ago
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Inflation is Starting to “Drop Like a Rock”, leading to deflation.
I'm not an economist and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but I can't see how Europe is not going…
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2 years ago
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Revisiting your hometown
I inherited the house I lived in when I turned 7 years old and lived in all through my pre-college years. I go…
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2 years ago
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Russian Nord Stream gas pipelines damaged or sabotaged
Well, Putin could have blown them up to use Biden's words against him and he can declare to the world that the US has…
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2 years ago
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What's the deal with scanning driver's licenses?
One bar that I frequent in a beach area said that they do it as part of a group of bars to spot people…
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2 years ago
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OT: 0.999... = 1
I say this in a good way but what a bunch of F'ng nerds. I studied that stuff but don't need to use…
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2 years ago
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It was me. (An open letter to Founder)
It seems to me that Founder is never going to be part of the "cancel culture". If I were him, I'd cancel the person…
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2 years ago
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Rich sanctuary state sends "asylum seekers" to military concentration camp
What city in the US is prepared to house migrants that just show up on your doorstep? The border cities have to deal…
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2 years ago
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emoji use on TUSCL.
Doctored her wound and she kissed him.

I hate typing on my tablet sometimes. Premature post
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2 years ago
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emoji use on TUSCL.
^Blah cut off a PL's dick using 3 knives and enjoyed her worth until she noticed that she slightly cut her finger. While she…
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2 years ago
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Doggie Discount
^Similar to Warrior, I knew a woman that had a huge Doberman that was trained in German. This was one of the full sized…
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2 years ago
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You ever fly out a girl to you or considered it?
I have always been the one to make the flight so I don't have to entertain them for more than a few hours. …
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2 years ago
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Songs to listen to under the influence
In college, my roommate and hooked up an oscilloscope to the audio output on our stereo. I smoked weed back then and…
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2 years ago
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Having trouble posting comments?
I was. It just sat there saying please wait on 3 different devices. It this comes up, it's now fixed.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
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The Noble Pervert
Sorry for the double post. I just hit return twice I guess. Had one more thing to say is that sometimes we…
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3 years ago
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The Noble Pervert
I hear what you are saying and believe that it's best to stay away from the type of appeal that happened and have done…
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
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The Noble Pervert
I hear what you are saying and believe that it's best to stay away from the type of appeal that happened and have done…
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