8 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedSundowner8870 Lundy's Ln Niagara Falls, ON L2H 1H4Very happy to see a classy place even if the DJ needs to shut up
11 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedclosedHeavenly Bodies1300 Elmhurst Rd Elk Grove Village, IL 60007Bouncer looked at my ID when...
12 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedBrass Rail Tavern701 Yonge St Toronto, ON M4Y 2B2, CanadaMuch like Zanzibar for looks. ...
12 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedZanzibar Tavern338 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 1R8, Canada*Not too sure on the number...
13 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedZanzibar Tavern338 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M5B 1R8, Canada*Number of dancers, about right. ...
15 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedClub Pro170 Doughton Rd, Concord, ON L4K 4H7, CanadaWent on a slow night. ...
16 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedWhiskey a Go-Go566 Rivermede Rd, Concord, ON L4K 3M5, Canada*Lower mileage type club. Girls...
17 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedCrossover's Entertainment Lounge426 Dunlop St W, Barrie, ON L4N 1C2, Canada*Seems they are doing some renovations...
17 yrs ago•crazyrollerreviewedclosedLanding Strip191 Carlingview Dr Etobicoke, ON M9W 5E8 CanadaThe area is already described, so...