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Joined May, 2003
Last Seen Oct, 2009


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15 years ago
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Pink Pussycat Lounge
18329 US-19 A Hudson, FL 34667
Hudson has several strip clubs. ...
Hudson has several strip clubs. I choose Looipops because it looked the cleanest and had at least one nicer car in the front…
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19 years ago
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Ultra Gentlemen's Club
312 S Congress Ave West Palm Beach, FL 33406
I haven't been to Ts in...
I haven't been to Ts in a long time but it was early afternoon and none of my favorites were at Cheetah. When…
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19 years ago
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Spearmint Rhino
2154 Zip Code Pl West Palm Beach, FL 33409
I went to the club yesterday...
I went to the club yesterday (the Monday after Easter) and was not impressed. At 1:30 pm there were two dancers. One…
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19 years ago
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Rose Gentleman's Club
4458 Purdy Ln West Palm Beach, FL 33406
I don't know if I ever...
I don't know if I ever reviewed this club before because I seldom visit. Several years ago I was ripped off by a…
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19 years ago
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4229 US-19, New Port Richey, FL 34652, USA*
I had not been in Diamonds...
I had not been in Diamonds since the spring and since I was in WPB I thought I'd give it another chance. Boy…
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20 years ago
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How Much Are LDs in Your Region?
In South Florida (Palm Beach and Broward counties) they range from 10 to 30 dollars. Cheetah in WPB has a sign that says…
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20 years ago
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Real of Fake??
The best I have ever played with were built by a surgeon in South Florida. He really knew his business. They were…
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20 years ago
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Cheetah Palm Beach
3342 Shawnee Ave West Palm Beach, FL 33409
I stopped at the club for...
I stopped at the club for lunch today. It had been over a month since I visited. They still have an inexpensive lunch…
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20 years ago
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Survey Time! (Regulars Only Please)
Actually it really doesn't matter because I am looking for entertainment not a friend. I tend to respect them all because I think it…
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20 years ago
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spearmint rhino clubs
the new one in West Palm Beach is pretty poor mainly because when they opened they just imported LA girls who are not south…
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20 years ago
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Stripper shit - update
About 18 months ago my ATF left the area for the great Northwest. She was back last November on Her 30th and we…
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20 years ago
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How do the new girls learn?
Once I was at a club early in the day shift and the place was pretty empty. A couple of the experienced girls…
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20 years ago
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Petition - boot RL
yes - freedom of speech is ok in most places but this is a board run by the boss and he can restrict any…
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20 years ago
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4229 US-19, New Port Richey, FL 34652, USA*
I've reviewed this club a number...
I've reviewed this club a number of times over the last two years and always gave it a good review. In fact for…
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20 years ago
Seattle Strip Clubs
Which is the best from a customers pont of view and which will allow a dancer the most freedom to make her own hours…
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20 years ago
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4229 US-19, New Port Richey, FL 34652, USA*
Diamonds has changed their opening back...
Diamonds has changed their opening back to noon. It was 4pm for a few months. They did this yesterday (3/16/05) and I…
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20 years ago
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I knew a dancer in south florida who had danced in Tampa. She said in Tampa "no climax - no tip". She…
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20 years ago
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When did lap dancing become common?
I came from the northeast to Soth Florida in 1988 and had my first lap dance. It seems they were going on in…
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20 years ago
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How often do you go clubbing?
When I had an ATF I would show up 2 or 3 times a week. Since she left I might go 2 or…
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20 years ago
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A little help here for W.Palm Beach visit
Lauren's just south of Club Diamond on Congress is probably a cut above the places you mentioned and a bit more expensive. I…
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20 years ago
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Rachel's Steak House and Men's Club
2905 45th St West Palm Beach, FL 33407
I spent some time at Rachels...
I spent some time at Rachels on Friday afternoon about 3pm. The parking lot was very crowded unless you wanted valet parking which…
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20 years ago
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Private sessions
I sometimes get dances from a beautiful Mexican girl in South Florida who sometimes "cleans someones house" for a hundred. I've also known…
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20 years ago
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4229 US-19, New Port Richey, FL 34652, USA*
I was at the club on...
I was at the club on Thursday night between 6pm and about 8pm and it has improved signifivantly since my last review. There…
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20 years ago
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How Much Money do Strippers Spend Anyway?
Some of them actually do go to school and spend large amounts trying to better themselve. My ATF put her husband through a BS…
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20 years ago
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What are the strangest comments strippers have said to you?
Are you horny? was the best opening line a dancer ever used on me. My response was "Always" and a year later and…
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