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Comments by Jeepslow

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More TUSCL changes
6 years ago
Not a fan of the change... less user friendly.

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Compete with Follies?
7 years ago
Any ideas on what other clubs could do to compete? Would a little less mileage work if there was more diversity in the dancers (ie, not so many Cubans... for some people at least)?

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The girl next door.
7 years ago
A few years ago... back in the single days... I lived in an apartment and the next door neighbor was a bouncer at a local Atlanta strip club. His girlfriend was a travelling feature dancer. Out of respect, I never tried to hit on the girlfriend (respect for the fact that he could have pounded me into the ground like a tent stake).

But, one evening I was out late and had to take my dogs out for a walk at 2:00am. The girlfriend was in town and as I was hanging out waiting on the dogs to "do doggie stuff", a couple of the girlfriend's dancer friends came up the walk. There was a bunch of cooing for the dogs... and things were looking good until bouncer boy showed up and ushered them inside for more drinking. I was really hoping for a door knock that night.

Didn't happen...

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Jolene, Jolene...
7 years ago
She's that good... I know there isn't a real relationship, but she has her acting skills down.

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Lisa and Christina OTC
7 years ago
Because this doesn't sound like an ad...

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7 years ago
Club ad? Seriously...

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Too early...
8 years ago
No. I went to Tease and ran into Shawn, the waitress. She used to be at another club. Hadn't seen her for a while, and she is really nice and fun to look at...

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Always a blast!
9 years ago
No details about the place at all...
11 years ago

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Nice club
8 years ago
Club ad of the day?
I think he is right about it being a club ad