Comments by mark94 (page 100)

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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    From a tactical position, we have 8,000 troops, with no heavy equipment, surrounded by 70,000 Taliban and ISIS that are now heavily equipped. They could shut down the runway with a few mortar shells, leaving our troops isolated and under artillery fire. My guess is the plan is to keep saying yes to any Taliban demands as our hostages are released a few at a time.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Speaking of the Social Justice crowd, an interesting comment from someone with government connections: “Every NATO country has people trapped in Afghanistan and they tend to be trust fund babies or friends of trust fund babies. Every prime minister’s phone is blowing up with VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE asking how they’re going to get their kids or their kids’ friends out of Afghanistan and every ally is blowing up the phones of the White House and State Department and getting jack shit from them. And they’re all blaming ‘America’ but they also know it’s on Biden.”
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    “I wish you'd show do much passion for social and economic justice” Where do you think there is more social and economic justice, Taliban Afghanistan or the US ?
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    ICEE, have you ever been in a serious negotiation ? There’s something called leverage. When we had Bagram, and were propping up the Afghan army, we had leverage. Along the lines of “ do what we say and we might not kill you”. That’s bargaining from strength. Now, the Afghan army is gone, Bagram is gone, the Taliban has us outnumbered and surrounded, and there are about 45,000 NATO hostages. Now, our negotiation position is more along the lines of “ let our hostages go and we’ll do whatever you want”. That’s the difference between negotiating with the Taliban a year ago and now.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    For those who didn’t watch Biden’s presser, here’s a summary. 1. Now is not the time to second guess anything we’ve done. So, don’t ask me about that. 2. I’m working really hard and, so far, things have gone well. 3. Our allies tell me we are doing great 4. We’re going to get everyone out but we can’t tell you how. 5. We’re talking with the Taliban and they’ve been helpful. 6. I’d be doing even better if the Afghan leaders, the Afghan Army, and my predecessor hadn’t screwed up.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    It’s like Biden saying he wouldn’t discuss the people falling from the plane because it happened 4 or 5 days ago ( actually 2 days ). If you don’t like the questions, you invent reasons it would be inappropriate to respond. This thread is a bash Biden thread. Shut it down. This topic is verboten.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    There are 15,000 Americans essentially being held hostage in Afghanistan. Only one person has the power to do anything about that. It’s kinda tough to discuss Afghanistan without mentioning Joe Biden and his actions. If this was a bash Biden thread, we’d be mentioning the porous southern border and other failings.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    “WOKE AMERICA IS THE NEW FRANCE. “ It’s worse than that. French Citizens and their Afghan employees and families had been sheltering in the French Embassy in Kabul. A couple days ago, all of these people were rescued by French soldiers, brought to the airport, and evacuated. The French had an exit plan. We didn’t.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Umm, yes it is. The Afghan military was staying in place as long as they knew they had American air power and Special Forces standing behind them. The US was also funding their paychecks. Once Biden pulled our troops out, the Afghan army knew it was all over. No paychecks. No back up.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    “Chaos was caused by the former afghan government and military capitulating and running away” Which they did AFTER we abandoned Bagram and pulled out our troops without notice in the dead of night.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Trump’s deal with the Taliban was a series of steps where, if the Taliban did what they promised, we would take another step. Included in this process was 2 months set aside for evacuation before the first US soldier left. Biden claims he was just following Trump’s plan. That is total crap. Biden pulled US troops and closed Bagram and let chaos reigned. That is his plan.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    I think Taiwan is the next flashpoint. If it falls, the US will no longer be able to manufacture anything that has micro chips which, these days, is pretty much everything.
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    3 years ago
    I’m not arguing, I’m insulting him/her. Fine with me if a non Troll wants to start a fresh approach to the subject matter. It does take a long time to load.
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    3 years ago
    ^Fuck you. Who made you king of the forums
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    3 years ago
    Found on the internet Anyone with half a brain shutdown plan - Wait until winter begins to suppress Taliban operations - Maintain Intel network and air power operations -Evac level 2 civilians ( NGOs, charities ) -Evac level 1 civilians ( US Govt ) -Evac vetted Afghan nationals -Spike/destroy heavy weapons and sensitive equipment -Evac US Military -Terminate operations at Kabul airport -Terminate operations at Bagram air base The Biden plan -Shut down Bagram air base -Shut down Intel and air operations -Evacuate US Military -Something happens
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    3 years ago
    10,000 to 15,000 Americans trapped 80,000 Afghan allies at risk of execution Women being executed for not covering faces Girls as young as 12 being torn from homes to “marry” Taliban And you say we are pretending to care. You are a sick fuck.
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    3 years ago
    I see no hope for the next 18 months. Depressing.
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    3 years ago
    On Thursday, NATO officials said that 12 people have been killed in and around the airport in Kabul since Sunday, prompting the Taliban to urge people to leave the airport.
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    3 years ago
    There are reports that British paratroopers are moving throughout Kabul rescuing UK citizens while US troops have been ordered to remain at the airport. The Brits are rescuing other foreign nationals, including US, if found at locations they visit. I’m trying to find a link to a news site to confirm this.
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    3 years ago
    I wonder how the people in Kabul are sleeping: Biden telling staff he wants to go back to Delaware. Hasn't been sleeping well this week. Thinks he will be more functional if he stays over at home in Wilmington.
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    3 years ago
    For those saying this isn’t Biden’s fault, explain why we gave up Bagram air base before we evacuated Kabul. A secure air base with two runways under complete US military control. Instead, we are relying on the Kabul airport encircled, and blockaded, by the Taliban. Who made this idiotic, and deadly, decision ? If not Biden, who ?
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    3 years ago
    “Putting this on Biden is laughable “ I thought he was Commander in Chief. I must have been misinformed.
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    3 years ago
    Very weird: Kamala Harris has not been seen publicly in six days as Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban. The Daily Mail reports that Harris has been out of the public eye for almost a week, which includes her not being present on Tuesday when Joe Biden gave an address from the White House about the crisis in Afghanistan. Now, she’s apparently leaving this week for a trip to Singapore and Vietnam.
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    3 years ago
    Every other President, when faced with a crisis like this, would be in the situation room nonstop with his security team, working the phone with world leaders, and answering questions from the press to keep the public informed. That has been the process for about 60 years. Biden has literally done none of that. The only possible explanation is that he is mentally unable to do his job.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Taliban has surrounded the airport and is not letting anyone in. There are 10,000 to 15,000 Americans hiding in their homes in Kabul. Now what ?