Comments by mark94 (page 99)

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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    The United Kingdom and Western allies have warned they have credible intelligence of an “imminent” terror attack against Kabul airport, where thousands of people are crowded outside the gates in hope of catching a flight out. Speaking on Thursday morning, British Armed Forces Minister James Heappey told British television audiences that the “credibility” of the intelligence about what he described as an “imminent” and deadly terror suicide terror attack against the crowds at the Afghan airport was so strong that they had to take the decision to order them to disperse.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Background on the biometric database now in Taliban hands
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Bagram airbase is heavily fortified and heavily armed ( at least it was ) with two runways built with several feet of concrete depth. More importantly, it is surrounded by open fields where threats can be identified and targeted. The Kabul airport is in an urban area where one moron with a mortar tube can shut down the runway and make escape impossible. That’s the disaster scenario in a few days when the military decides to leave. Mortars start dropping, the runway is closed, and our troops become fish in a barrel.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    he's obviously getting good military advice The biggest change of the last few years is the exposure of ALL the experts in the federal government as frauds. Stupid ones, at that. CoVid. Afghanistan. The Southern Border. The economy. Fuck up after fuck up after fuck up.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Incidentally, the embassy left behind a computer with records of every Afghan who worked for the US. It included their address and phone number. That computer is already in the hands of the Taliban.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    What would you rather we increased the amount of troops in the country and go back to a shooting war, This is a false choice. There was a third choice that Biden ignored. Keep 2,500 troops at Bagram. Methodically and safely evacuate Americans, our NATO allies, then Afghan allies. After doing all that, remove or destroy all weapons and pull our2,500 troops out. This is the way all evacuations have taken place until now. It is beyond comprehension that Biden closed the base and surrendered weapons before evacuating civilians.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    The US embassy has just sent out an alert telling all Americans to avoid going to the Kabul airport because of a threat of violence. Anyone who is currently at the airport trying to enter the gates is advised to leave the airport immediately.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Just yesterday, Jen Psaki, the press Secretary, told reporters at the White House that if they have the contact information of Americans still on the ground in Afghanistan, pass along their contact information and the administration will get in touch. So, yesterday they were trying to find out who was left. Today, they tell us they know exactly how many are left and how many want to leave..
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    We have no idea how many Americans are left. The vast majority of those evacuated this week were Afghan citizens who the Taliban left through. There are dozens of reports of Americans being stopped at Taliban checkpoints on their way to the airport. Some were beaten. Some had their passports taken away. The Biden administration has begun the big lie about a successful and heroic evacuation. Will the media go along with it ? Apparently USA Today has.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Word is coming from several sources that the last evacuation plane will be on Saturday. After that, troops will evacuate the airport and anyone left is on their own.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    The Safest and Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S.
    Big cities with large minority populations have a lot of crime. Rich suburban areas have less crime. I’m glad they did the survey to uncover these shocking results.
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    3 years ago
    First Trip to Vegas
    Top hotels described:
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    3 years ago
    First Trip to Vegas
    The hotel/resort you select will largely determine how your visit goes. Restaurants. Pool. Gaming. Shows. Clubs. Odds are, you’ll just stick to that location out of convenience. Choose wisely.
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    3 years ago
    First Trip to Vegas
    There used to be a great site with all sorts of inside information on Vegas called cheapovegas, supposedly written by a cab driver. Best buffets. Best shows. Best free stuff. Scams to avoid. I just checked and it looks like it’s now just another hotel booking site. Too bad. If anyone knows of something similar to cheapovegas, I’d be interested.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Trump was impeached for a 5 minute phone call with the President of Ukraine. Joe Biden is stranding 11,000 Americans in Afghanistan. Compare.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    For the record, if 4,000 US citizens have been evacuated, that means there are about 11,000 other Americans still stranded. Plus, there were 30,000 European citizens stranded as of a week ago. I assume most are still there. Meanwhile, Biden just said all our troops will be out within 7 days. That’s leaves thousands of Americans at the Mercy of the Taliban. And, there is very little vetting being done of the Afghans who are in the airport. They have made it to the airport only because the Taliban chose to let them in. Who are these people ? Some have already been identified as terrorists through a biometric database. Clusterfuck.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    From Richard Engel: US embassy issues last alert for US citizens to leave afghanistan or they’re on their own, then recalls it 30 mins later.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    According to BBC News reporting on the Joe Biden teleconference call with G7 leaders, the sum total of the call lasted seven minutes. Think about that. With so much at stake and so much to be discussed and coordinated within the emergency situation in Afghanistan, the discussion between Joe Biden and the allied leaders of the U.K, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Japan, lasted only seven minutes: The adults are back in charge !
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    If you wanted to tank the economy, this is how you’d do it. Vice President Kamala Harris advised shoppers to consider buying Christmas presents now due to global supply chain issues.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Joe Biden was scheduled to hold a press conference Tuesday at 1pm. Just as it began, his team came out and said it was canceled, only to return a short time later and said it was back on but postponed. Now it’s been almost three hours since it was set to take place as the time continues to get postponed. This is after G7 leaders told him not to pull troops out of Afghanistan by August 31. Since the originally cancelled presser, Biden did what he wanted, without a thought of any of America’s closest allies and the Americans trapped in Afghanistan, and now troops are now suddenly already starting to pull out of of the region at the time of this writing.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Those who forget history are destined to repeat it.
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    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    In Ancient Rome, citizens of Rome could travel the empire in safety because it was widely known that harming a Roman citizen would cause a massive retaliation. In present day America, it’s safe to hold 15,000 American citizens hostage with no fear of rescue or retaliation. The only reaction is to have top level American “ leaders” beg for mercy.
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    3 years ago
    OT: Best sports moment / event you've seen in-person
    Played in a football state championship.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Afghanistan ( Current Status )
    Troop size at airport is directly from DOD press briefing. Lack of heavy equipment is speculation based on the fact that all supplies have been air lifted in. They may have flown in some armored vehicles but nothing compared to the hundreds left behind at Bagram.