banner for Soft Tails

Soft Tails

Bikini Bar
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open daily from 7 pm to 2 am
Lap Dance Cost: 25 Avg. Drink Cost: 5 Cover Day: 0 Cover Night: 7-10 Alcohol, Non-Smoking, DJ, Bikini Lap Dances, Topless Lap Dances, Private Lap Dance Rooms, Couple Friendly, VIP Room, Prepay Private Dances
3 years ago
1 Girl and 30$ Later
Went to ST because alot of people told me it was a great place. Upon arriving they with a very high cover of 15$ and had tried scanning my ID which I was very uncomfortable with but srill did. After paying high cover and scanning of my personal info...
last:3 years agoby:the718daddy
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