Stripper Working on ... Work
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
A little fun:
..."You better believe I'll be out of here the minute I either die or become so old that no man will pay to see me naked."...…
..."You better believe I'll be out of here the minute I either die or become so old that no man will pay to see me naked."...…
No, seriously ... I've been meaning to email Founder and ask him to do me the favor of finding some of my old accounts. Back before Tuscl had serious membership criteria, I'd log on for free under a variety of names. I'm sure they're lurking in the "dead" parts of the database somewhere. There was "book_guy" and "book guy" and "bookguy" of course, but also "bookie" and various permutations of the uppercase and lowercase possibilities. I'll bet there have been 10 me's at this website, all the way back to its initial founding.
Now I'm more responsible about using just one user-name here. Of course, I have a hundred other internet identities for OTHER websites ...
The Sybil of TUSCL!