
Cocoa Beach ?

Monday, December 1, 2008 8:50 PM
Will be visiting Orlando, FL with the wife for a week in December. She's very open minded and likes to play on occasion. Planning a stopover in Cocoa Beach for some fun. After doing my homework here, am thinking about Inner Room/Cheaters/Lido ... any ideas for couple-friendly clubs in the Atlantic Coast/Central FL areas? Thanks !


  • Otto22
    16 years ago
    Inner Room is many things but "couple friendly" probably isn't one of them. I would recommend Lido as there is more room and much better VIP situation for couples. YMMV.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Take a side trip to South Florida.
    16 years ago
    How about Tampa? I've been to Ybor Strip back when I was single and I don't remember it being a "couple friendly" establishment either. Any suggestions about other Tampa clubs Mons/2001/etc.?
  • Tucker40
    16 years ago
    Define "couples friendly." I've talked with several strippers at Ybor who enjoy dancing for couples (the two booths behind the bar are handicapped accessible and thus wide enough for a couple to get a dance from a dancer without having to spring for VIP). Aside from that, it does depend on what you're looking for. I've seen couples at the Mons. In theory the "rooms" at Deja Vu may be big enough but not the booths. At one time 7 Seas was couples friendly but given the general ambiance of the place, probably not a good place to take a woman unless she's channeling Oscar Madison from the Odd Couple. If you and your lady are looking for dances, Ybor may have the best setup. If you're just going for the stage entertainment, does it matter?
    16 years ago
    Thanks Tucker40, You're right it's somewhat of an ambiguous term. I guess when I think of "couples friendly" is a combination of things, including the diversity of patrons and general ambiance (i.e. dive bar with creepy dudes vs a party environment, with a few couples and mixed-gender groups). Having dancers who enjoy dancing for couples is a plus. But in my experience the dancers generally like to dance for the female even more than the guy. "couples friendly" is hard to define per se, but I think you definitely know when a place is NOT couples friendly. Ybor might not be a bad idea after all, since what I'm looking for is a more private, high contact experience for her, not just the stage entertainment. Although the stage entertainment if my mind serves me right, it's pretty good too at Ybor. An "after hours" contact could be a possibility. I'm between Lido in Cocoa Beach and Ybor in Tampa. Any more suggestions??
  • boomer37
    16 years ago
    Both Lido and Ybor Strip are good clubs, and probably good choices. the only real difference, in my mind is the Drive and the fact that Lido serves alcohol and Ybor does not. Ybor is a little harder to find because exits off I-4. However, You wont't go worng with either one.
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