
Dear njcsfan2 Part II

Thursday, July 31, 2008 2:45 AM
njcsfan I have been thinking more about the your marital problems and how you try to deal with them by fucking tons of strippers and escorts on the side without telling your wife. IMO (and I would like others to comment), I think you have a moral obligation to tell her: As you and I both know strippers and other whores who many, many sex partners are very likely to have STDs like herpes-1, herpes-2 and HPV (about 80% in each case). I don't know how diligent you are with protection, but even with it the transmission risk is only reduced by 50%. So it's not just your own health you are putting at risk by fucking all these whores, but also your wife's. That is completely unacceptable since you are doing it w.o. her consent! How can you consider your actions moral? It is completely reprehensible IMO opinion, but not to surprising coming from a misogynist like you. Is that part of reason you were so adamant that the statistics about the prevalence of HSV and HPV must have been part of some giant conspiracy? Because you were trying to evade responsibility for your reckless and irresponsible behavior toward your wife? njcsfan, I am not even going to get into the part about loyalty and honesty, right now. But please, for the love of anything you consider good (is there anything?) at least tell her so knows that she is risking getting STDs by sticking with you!


  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    bobby I hesitate to respond to your garbage. We all know you are posting these threads about my wife only because you are angry about being called a loser by me and others, and you are lashing out. Since you are just making things up (e.g., your claim that I pm'd you saying I was unhappy in my marriage, which you know was false), it's rather like if I wrote "Bobby, thanks for your pm telling me about how fat and ugly you are, etc., etc." You and I know nothing can satisfy you because you don't really care about my wife (or anyone else), you're just putting up these garbage attacks on me and my family because you are stressed that you have been called on for your bs. Nonetheless, I will point out that I always practice safe sex (unlike you, per your own prior admissions), and I've been regularly tested, and I've never infected anyone with anything. (Your claim that protection reduces the risk of exposure by only 50% is wrong, like much else that you say regarding STDs.) As for whether cheating on my wife is "moral," or not, other people on this site can think whatever they want, although I think it would be the height of hypocrisy for people who regularly go to strip clubs to be judgmental. But in your case the accusation is laughable. You publicly state on this board that you regularly have unprotected sex, and feel under no compulsion to wear a condom. You claim (I know, I know, it's a debatable claim, since I doubt that anything you say has any truth to it) to have sex with a number of sex workers. By your own reckoning, therefore, you are exposing countless women to disease. That is clearly immoral. And, given that you have repeatedly taken the position that strippers are unimportant "degenerates," one can only conclude that you are deliberately and recklessly exposing them to harm because you do not care about them as human beings. Should you ever get a girlfriend, according to your own moral reckoning, you would also be morally required to tell her that you have repeatedly had unprotected sex with sex workers in the past. Is that what you bring up on your first date? I'm betting not. But there I go again, relying on unreliable assumptions. The reason you have gone on these obsessive attacks against me (starting two threads in two days attacking me by name) is that you are angry because I asked some simple questions: Have you ever had a girlfriend? Ever been married? How old are you? Do you have any friends? When did you last have sex without having to pay for it? I guess those questions are hitting pretty close to home, and making you feel uncomfortable. So, your only way to respond is by attacking me and my marriage. Good luck. My marriage is stable and happy (I've been married almost all of my adult life). I've always been in good, long term, stable relationships with women. I have wonderful kids and a great family and lots of friends. I get lots of sex that I never pay anything for. And I don't go around hating women or the world generally. Attack me all you want, but you will never get any of that, because you are a miserable, sad pathetic loser, who can only get sex if you pay for it. (If then. Your explanations for refusing to write even one review ring pretty false.) Women can tell what a hateful loser you are, and that's why they shun you like the plague. But, honestly, don't get mad at me. I'm just the messenger, and attacking me won't do you any good.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Bad news njcsfan. The 50% number is real (for the the STDs I mentioned, namely HSV and HPV). As I said elsewhere, condoms are highly effective against HIV by contrast. The prevalence of HSV and HPV and their relative infectivity even in the prevalence of condoms is a fact, njcsfan. Not part of this conspiracy you like to dream up to evade responsibility for your actions! I can see why you suggest that I am 13. It's because your irresponsibility with regard to your wife here, and your hiding behind conspiracy theories as part of your denial is perfectly symptomatic of adolescence. Nice that you get tested. Here's the problem though. Most STDs are infectious when they are asymptomatic. Then it often takes a week or so to get back test results. This means you can (and will one day) spread it even before you know you have it. Back before you got all mad at me lately, I asked you to point out one factually incorrect statement I had made about STDs. You could not. You know why? Because I don't. I research the subject. All you could come up with was that you thought the statistics regarding HSV had to be wrong because the numbers were so high. (No documentation to back up your claim, of course.) Any stripper I've had sex with knows that I have sex with other strippers (that's kind of a, duh, thing don't you think?). That is consenting to the risk. And you forget the threads where I said I will use protection when they want me to, and they are ones that pull it off! I think a stripper pulling off your condom is consenting to STD risk, don't' you? (BTW, like you I get tested regularly. In fact, I ask for more tests than the defaults. No STDs here, not even HSV-1. If I had something they would be notified. How about you? Ever had an FDA approved test for HPV?) Exposing "countless" women? Five strippers in the last year? Five is "countless"? Let me see. I can count to five. One, two, three, four, five... Guess you didn't make it that far in school. Strippers don't know if I have paid sex with them I've had it with others? LMFAO. They aren't doing with others themselves. Please! Anyway, I haven't had sex with strippers in 12 weeks now: Precisely because I am timing myself out to get accurate STD tests, because it's time to get a girlfriend (and married soon). I jumped the gun a little and I saw nothing showed up at 10 weeks, so I am definitely out of the woods for HIV, the bacterial ones, and probably HSV. Anyway, I'll wait the entire 16 week they recommend and get retested at that point. If I have anything (or not!) future girlfriends will be informed about my sexual before I have sex with them. That's been the way it's been in the past, and will always be in the future. Now for your personal questions. Not going to go into super great detail. I have never been married. I've had girlfriends. Sex with them without paying (last year was the last time). The last girlfriend I had was an LTR. She wanted to get married, and I didn't so that didn't end up working. Like MisterGay you can only attack imagined claims I make and imagined claims about who I am, not the real thing. It gets especially funny when your claims are inconsistent. Ok, I am 13 years old so can't get into strip clubs, yet I have unprotected sex with "countless" strippers. Hmmmm.... At least try to keep your story straight. Finally, let's get back to the point of this thread: NJCSFAN GO AND TELL YOUR WIFE YOU ARE FUCKING 20+ STRIPPRES/ESCORTS A YEAR AND, THUS, PUTTING HERE AT RISK OF HSV, HPV, AND, TO A LESSER EXTENT, OTHER STDs. EVEN IF YOU HATE HERE LIKE YOU APPARENTLY DO ALL WOMEN, IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO!
  • imnumnutz
    16 years ago
    wake me when its over...
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    Girls will be girls. Same as it ever was.
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