
posting comment count ?

Avatar for Jascoi
Jascoi Mr Wonderful to single moms and college age girls...

founder... it would be nice to have the comment count show up again on the content page of reviews, articles and forum postings...
maybe it does on a desktop but I'm using my phone 99.99% of the time. I have to click on the specific posting to see if anybody and who has posted.
I do apologize for being a bit picky.
thank you sir.


last comment
Avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor

You're not picky. It used to be that way and should be again.

Avatar for Techman

I would like it to come back.

Avatar for Lex Luthor
Lex Luthor

Founder: Don't mix pending reviews with approved reviews. Bring back the thumbs-up-and-down buttons for both reviews and comments. I liked seeing how people voted on rejected reviews.

Avatar for Jascoi

I for one DO like the pending reviews and rejected reviews along with the approved reviews available...

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