Tricky social scene, any lap-dance-focused clubs in the area?

While I liked Cheerleaders' high-mileage lap dances, for some reason they're not widely used, and a lot of the time aren't even offered by the circulating girls. At 9pm on a Sat. night only two cubicles were occupied. It's rare for a girl to suggest "Want a dance?" during her tip walk. I was waiting for it to happen and it almost never did. Most of the guys there seem to be looking for socialization.
I'm all about lap dances, and I don't like socializing; I prefer to be directly propositioned and get lap dances immediately, like the Latinas do in the South, according to some reviews. Are there any clubs in the area like that? Speaking of Latinas, while they were sexy, I was expecting them to be available but they mostly stuck to their own Hispanic customers to my surprise, and didn't do a lot of approaching.
last commentAsk.
Take some initiative and ask. Otherwise, you'll be frustrated everywhere, not just the US.
I like Cheerleaders, but I agree - they don’t circulate generally and offer lapdances - the dancers either sit with customers, other dancers or alone on their phones. Many are only interested in VIP and not offering lapdances. I usually have to specifically ask.
None of the Philly clubs have a “wanna dance” vibe, if that’s what you’re looking for. Most dancers at the mainstream clubs circulate for tips after a stage set and would probably happily do a LD or two before reverting back to a regular, their fellow dancers, or their phone, but you may have to ask
Outer Space/La Pearl Purple Orchid Club Risqué Bristol
That's about it.