sun-thu: 12:00pm-2:00am
fri-sat: 12:00pm -4:00am
Lap Dance Cost: 20
Avg. Drink Cost: 4
Cover Day: 0
Cover Night: 15
Lap Dances are 2 for $25 on Tuesdays 7 pm-12 am
Alcohol, Bottle Service, Food, DJ, Topless Lap Dances, Private Lap Dance Rooms, Couple Friendly, VIP Room, Feature Dancers
Submit a review

I know that you're young and inexperienced; but you can trust me to be sensitive and understanding. Now, here, have more tequila.
6 days ago
friendly dancers amid some questionable transactions (jeers not cheers)
I've written a couple previous reviews of this club that you may find offer some useful perspectives. Thought it was time for a Monday evening...