The last couple months of raviews submitted, there's been some a ton of real duds I've voted down on, 2 liners and clearly shill jobs. I mean yeah desertscrub like a guard dog that never shuts the fuck up, but those shit birds certainly stayed off the lawn. Look I'm too lazy yell at people in the indiscriminately in the comments at the bottom but it was nice that somebody did. People are getting too comfortable around here, keep these fuckers on the balls of their feet.
Also it should be noted, as he got into it with a lot of people, and even entire cities on here. But if your somebody that takes downvotes from some psychopath on the internet on your little gay raview as if anybody gives a fuck, you deserve to be torched on a daily basis. Somebody has to say that.
Don't miss him a bit. I could care less about his "shill" comments on reviews. Whether he was commenting on a review or in the discussions, he had devolved into a bitter old man that could never find the good in anything and felt the need to pitch and moan about everything. In my mind I pictured him as a pathetic old man sitting in his nursing home complaining about the staff and about how none of his family or friends would visit him anymore. He seemed like he just wanted to make everyone as miserable as possible so their lives would be as sad and unfulfilled as his. When that didn't work and even the strangers on here started ignoring his pathetic rants, I guess it drove him to stop posting on here.
It seemed like sometimes Scrubby would do his thing on legit reviews as well. Or call reviews that had a lukewarm attitude toward a club an “ad”. He not only offended, but really confused some review submitters with all that.
But otherwise, I miss 🧽. He had some pretty creative insults and it was fun to bait him. Hopefully somebody at the Hiliter is dancing to TLC on his behalf.…
Yeah, I hit the HiLiter once with him for an afternoon. Great guy in person and an encyclopedia for HL and PHX. Also, generous with cash and other club help. He had a particular pet peeve about club ads that would boil over. Even funnier he was positive that nicespice was a dude. When I told him I’d met her and she looked just like the pics she’s posted on here, he looked stunned to where I’m not sure he believed me. Lol
Scrub’s problem was that he was oriented to believing that every review was an ad so his accuracy rate on ‘club ad’ was probably less than 10%
He did make some entertaining comments from time to time but agree that the site is better without him here. And agree with the comment above about Founder’s tolerance being quite high so to get booted you have to really provoke a lot of people over an extended duration
I dunno. He didn’t bother me much and I often found him entertaining. I think if you come to a site like this you should have thick skin, at least to a degree. The few times he fucked with my reviews it never caused them to be rejected. I had a couple DM conversations with him that were pleasant, funny and insightful. His constant (and often unwarranted) badgering of others was probably a turn-off to new members, and that’s unfortunate if potentially valuable contributors were driven off. It’s too bad he didn’t realize that and temper his attacks.
last commentBut otherwise, I miss 🧽. He had some pretty creative insults and it was fun to bait him. Hopefully somebody at the Hiliter is dancing to TLC on his behalf.…
Bazooka Joe: "No, not at all."
He did make some entertaining comments from time to time but agree that the site is better without him here. And agree with the comment above about Founder’s tolerance being quite high so to get booted you have to really provoke a lot of people over an extended duration
Muddy did break the site by writing a title with too many characters,