How are your clubs this time of year?

avatar for JamesSD
We're officially a week out from Christmas and Walmart has their Last Minute Gift signage up. College kids are finishing finals, some K-12 students are already done for 2024, and others are in their last week. Illness is floating around everywhere as people spread it at holiday parties.

Are your clubs dead? Are the strippers texting you to try to lure you in, or OTC? Anyone cracking a tough nut? Or are the dirty day girls on vacation with their kids for the next two weeks?


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avatar for shailynn
3 months ago
Haven’t been to a club this month but I know the rest of retail/consumers.

I read this the other day, foot traffic is about the same as this time last year, but dollars spent is WAY down compared to to last year. I imagine this would affect clubs as well and Rick Dugan is having a field day getting BJs for only the cost of a $50 Olive Garden gift card.
avatar for mike710
3 months ago
My favorite couple of clubs have had an abundance of dancers going after a slight downturn in customers. Makes sense, disposable income for customers is being diverted to Christmas related things. At the same time, dancers are trying to load up on cash before taking some time off for the holidays. I think by this weekend, dancer selection will diminish due to travel for Christmas.
avatar for Iknowbetter
2 months ago
I don’t know how the clubs are doing around here since I typically don’t do much mongering between Mid-November and Mid-January for all the reasons you mentioned. Too much real life stuff going for me this time of year to have a chance to hit the clubs.
avatar for JamesSD
2 months ago
Haha, so we are collectively going less? The poor girls must be struggling.

I guess the thing I'm always curious about is what point in the year the dancers "hibernate" in response to less guys and less money. I wonder if they will collectively punt on this weekend, or be trying to make one last push.

I'll probably try to swing in on Saturday or Sunday but again... Busy with real life holiday shit.
avatar for Mate27
2 months ago
Friday was busy in the afternoon, but fortunately a girl I’ve seen on a few occasions accommodated me. Came up to me, happy to see me, ultra affectionate, caught up on Christmas activities, and warmed me up for 30 minutes before heading off to a steamy vip sessions for only $100. She even hung around after while I finished my drink to thank me for visiting. My thinking is she is trying to cultivate a regular status for reliable income. So many pls in the club were either from out of town or not spending, despite the heavy foot traffic.
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