tuscl basically has a monopoly on SC reviews

avatar for Muddy
It's pretty much google, Amazon etc. now. Yeah there's Bing (google reviews? stripclublist?) out there, but your not gonna use it and it's kind of a joke.

There's just really just no serious alternative. The voting system (quality went way way up after that) turned this website on Overpowered mode and today there's nothing even close. I see some dancers smack talk this place but at the end of the day, be it dancer or customer you HAVE to come here if you want to find out about clubs ahead of time. Lowkey I'm sure many do. Otherwise your freestylin it. I'm merely taking a moment to look around and observe just how far tuscl has ran away with this thing.


last comment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
StripClubList for Providence at least has turned into the bathroom wall at a dive bar.
avatar for founder
3 months ago
Appreciate the kind words. I put a lot of work in it
avatar for mogul1985
3 months ago
This has to be a labor of love for you.
avatar for Redmonwin
3 months ago
I agree with Muddy.
And thank you Founder.

I found this site a few years ago and it has helped me and entertained me. I hope the quality goes up and the non contributors are kept out.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 months ago
There really isn’t an alternative.
avatar for tin man
tin man
3 months ago
Good guy founder, thank you from 17 year old me almost 20 years later. I would be flying blind if i didnt randomly google "the Atlantis " and found this outstanding group of degenerate gentle dudes.
avatar for ClubFan81077
3 months ago
TUSCL. Accept no substitutes….

Thank you founder! 😀
avatar for shadowcat
3 months ago
I read but do not post on USAsexguide. They are terrible when it comes to sharing information that could be harmful to dancers and clubs. And some of the ignorant questions they ask could be answered if they only consulted TUSCL.
I've been a member of the TUSCL community almost since it's inception and I'll keep going as long as I can.

Thanks Founder.
avatar for snowtime
3 months ago
At my advanced age I don't go to strip clubs nearly as much as I did when I joined TUSCL over 10 years ago, but I still read the reviews and discussions almost daily.
I would like to add my thanks to Founder for creating this incredibly useful site. Over the many years I have been on TUSCL , Founder has constantly made upgrades to the site which I am sure require a lot of time and effort on his part. Those changes make this great site even better for all of the members.
avatar for Electronman
3 months ago
I agree with the above commentary. One additional acknowledgement: Founder often solicits user commentary and suggestions for improvement. He then incorporates those suggestions into frequent improvements on the web site.

I would be remiss if I didn't also note the key role that writers and adjudicators of reviews make to the content of this web site.

"Well done" to Founder and fellow contributors to this web site.
avatar for Rod84
3 months ago
I will jump on the PL bandwagon. Aside from email and text, TUSCL is the one thing I read everyday. Not only do I learn about clubs and girls (with the occasional ROB warning - thanks!), I've met some cool PL buds, and no longer feel as lonely and disconnected while engaging in "the hobby."

Thanks for bringing us together, Founder! 👌
avatar for Techman
3 months ago
A Thanksgiving turkey (without dressing of course) to founder. Thanks for my 17 years of money saving knowledge and insight into our 'hobby'.
avatar for nicespice
3 months ago
As long as a dancer knows how to use a search bar (which admittedly isn’t everyone), they can find what club info they need from dancer spaces. Dancers are a lot better at responding to individual queries than projecting out to the World Wide Web. And it’s nice because customers don’t really know what tip out expectations are or how much a club enforces whether a dancer must be at a club before 7pm.

But in general, yes TUSCL has its uses. Tho I would argue if somebody is just looking for club mileage and want the easiest answer of where it’s the highest, than Eccie’s strip club section for its city area would be the easiest. Even if one doesn’t read the reviews, just seeing what names appear over and over are pretty telling. Or at least in Texas it’s that way, I think that site is not as active for those in other regions?

But so many sites/resources have come and gone over the years. I remember seeing some old site names on stripperweb that had gone away long before I found their posts.(and rip stripperweb) So cheers to tuscl for sticking around when most similar resources do not.
avatar for founder
3 months ago
Cheers to nicespice for sticking around. Most strippers can't handle it here
avatar for Icey
3 months ago
No. TUSCL reviews are off. Too many fake reviews. New ones for closed clubs. Popular clubs that havent been reviewed in years. And theyre about where guys can buy sex rather than the strip club experience itself.

If you want actual up to date strip club reviews. Its google by far. Even yelp is better
avatar for JimGassagain
3 months ago
^^ and yet, here you are spouting off about how much more you know than anyone else….

avatar for founder
3 months ago
Thanks for the support icey. Happy Thanksgiving
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 months ago
^ LOL, Yelp. You forgot ChatGPT which writes a lot of reviews these days.
avatar for Owlyoung_ggofv
3 months ago
@ Founder. Thank you for making this site. It has not only saved me a small fortune in cash, it has given me new destinations to try instead of circling the same 5 clubs.

I wish I would have used this place more 5 years ago.

Technically R/strip clubs and similar pages on Reddit are more popular and easily implemented in the cultural zeitgeist. However, they lack the details that TUSCL goes into. The issue lies in what people want. Are you looking for possible extras and high mileage dances at relatively affordable rates? Or are you just looking for a relatively safe place to hang out with friends with some hot eye candy ?

Your answer to those questions and everything in between will determine how useful this site is. The truth is most strip club goers are not making this hobby a primary target in their life. I love visiting strip clubs and club culture. But not everyone feels the same way.

Thanks again Founder.
avatar for MajoraCream
3 months ago
This site really is something special. With an internet that is increasingly hostile to supporting real human connection, especially in the realm of sex work, that is choked with endless seas of machine generated content served up by algorithm, and that houses so many communities built on folks putting on a sanitized facade of their real lives for fake points, TUSCL hosts some of the realest stories regarding a taboo activity (or any activity) that I've ever seen, while also being structured in the most effective manner for actually being able to aggregate useful data on a club.

Not without its flaws of course but considering the alternatives I am aware of: r/stripclubs is literally a joke in comparison with the same old first-timer questions and answers. Google/Yelp reviews will almost only ever give you the opposite impression of how your time at a club will go. USASexGuide is a horrifying miasma of emojis and euphemism. No other place online gives a real space to both express and learn about this ancient, awful, beautiful hobby.

Sincere thanks to Founder and to the whole community.
avatar for mjx01
3 months ago
I concur, thank you Fonder. This site has been tremendously useful and I admire you putting the time/effort/etc into creating it.
avatar for Mate27
3 months ago
The only downside is the need to sift through so much subjective matter to discern what’s factual. That holds true anywhere, but if you hang around long enough you learn to take bits and pieces of valuable info and put into use. My Mongering pales to most veterans due to needing to direct resources in other directions, but when I got time I concentrate precisely from shared experiences. These girls know the game well, and it helps to level the playing field.
avatar for Jascoi
3 months ago
Thank you founder for TUSCL
Lots of work that you've put in to get it where it is right now.
Definitely one of my favorite websites.
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