Joe Biden finally gets to do what all old men love to do.
He gets to say,
"I told you so."
If only he could remember what it was he told them!
Let's face it, old Joe did not take getting undemocraticlly booted of the ticket very well. Nor should he have.
Told ya so! Now bring me my pudding cup!
The margin would have been even worse with Joe
Brandon was given 3 choices: "Night of Long Knives", Drop off the ticket (yet he is cognitive enough to be POTUS with access to the nuke codes and…
last commentIf only he could remember what it was he told them!
Let's face it, old Joe did not take getting undemocraticlly booted of the ticket very well. Nor should he have.
Told ya so! Now bring me my pudding cup!
The margin would have been even worse with Joe
Brandon was given 3 choices: "Night of Long Knives", Drop off the ticket (yet he is cognitive enough to be POTUS with access to the nuke codes and…