Trip Report 10/27 -10/29 -First Time Rideshare US to HK

For new visitors, please see other previous trip reports for more details of the clubs and club/hotel protocols. I will be repeating a lot if I go over all that again. For pricing at HK, things are the same with $11 lady drink (ficha) and $6 drink for us. A round is $17+tip. BT, I think it is $14+tip for the round, I had a few this week. For Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, in general arriba pricing at $120 but then they usually ask for a tip which I already leave by their purse if they are into the session which I never had a problem because I have a few drinks first with them. If quoted $140 or $150, then I haven't been asked for a tip.
Ok, so the last 3 trips, I have taken the Blue Line, I have been close to a lot of incidents that I just didn't care to be around. All incidents ended, no harm no foul for me but just a little too close for comfort. Incidents are usually at or one or two stops away from Palomar Station. Last time, a bunch of these older kids/young adult gang bangers boarded sat around me and were taking with each other and other acquaintances who joined from later stop talking about pounding someone or someone getting capped at this party and that and what they were going to now while smoking thc vape. One guy's eye was swollen shut. Again, they were around me acting tough but ignoring me and no harm no foul but it just takes one to turn toward me, etc. Another time, someone sitting in the seats between the doors (handicap priority) got his backpack ripped off running out the door before it closed. Be careful sitting in those few seats and another time this very non hygienic guy was just coughing real badly sitting in those same seats. I actually left the train and waited for the next one in case it was TB or COVID by the way he coughed. Now with that said, I took the Blue line back to SD airport this trip with no problems at all and for $2.50 for both the light rail and 922 bus it is an absolute bargain.
Ok so that leaves me with my most expensive but ride to HK. This was the first time I flew into SD at night, it was around 9pm. I was concerned about riding the Blue Line that late with all that cash in my bag. I exited the airport and saw the ride share waiting area was packed of people, then I looked and the 922 bus literally was about to park. So I just walked in the 922 to figure this out at the Blue Line station. I decided just to take a ride share (Uber or Lyft, can't remember) instead of the light rail. It was going to cost $35 from Santa Fe station.
On the way down the driver asked where I was going in TJ and I told him I was meeting friends at ZN. He tells me he drives people straight to HK. I said, I thought you can't leave the country on ride share and he said that is correct, the ride ends at San Ysidro. I asked how much and it was another $25. Again being this late at night and no longer able to find the HK shuttle across the border, I decided to just go for it. I have never driven in so it would be an experience.
So we got to the destination, the ride officially ended. He had told me once we ended, that I would need to ride up front as his amigo if we get stopped (randomly) and also we had to turn off our phones because last time he and this doctor did this, both got suspended by the ride sharing company as they could see they were still driving together after the ride ended. The driver said he was lucky the passenger called and took the blame and the suspension was for only 1 day after the call. They don't play losing money.
I must say the ride from Santa Fe station was nice, comfortable, no traffic and pretty fast. After our quick 1 minute stop at the end the ride at San Ysidro, he drives around the corner and it is the on ramp into Mexico. There are a couple of stop light checkpoints and then you come up to a checkpoint with a standing guard (no booth). The driver pointed out the car 2 cars ahead was waved into the parking spot for a random check. We just went though and seemed to be at HK 5 minutes later. I'm not kidding, from the US side through customs to front door of HK took maybe 7-8 minutes. Not needing to walk across and look for another cab as a potential mark at night just was the safest, easiest and most costliest airport to HK trip. It was a cool experience though.
Sunday night at both HK and BT was somewhat busy but not as busy as previous Sundays from memory. As I mentioned in previous reports, I will have drinks with ladies, talk, lap dances, flirt, touch, etc. and take my time much more than most. Yes, it isn't the cheapest way to go about. Many seem to like to get a drink and then straight to arriba. I had one hell of a bender that night that started around 10:30pm, that after an arriba, I looked it was almost 7am.
Went to bed finally around 8am. Room in Casadas was really quiet so I was fortunate. Problem was had friends call at 10am and 11am and burning heartburn I never felt before (that level). I realized I didn't eat dinner and just drank all night... not smart. Got up went to eat at Azuls around lunch and it was half full. Surprisingly for late October, even sitting inside I was cold.
Went back to HK and BT at 3pm, wasn't feeling it because I just needed sleep. I did get my drink passes between HK and BT and just saved them.
So with a lot of sleep, I woke up early which is rare there. I checked out conditions at 8am to report back to the forum. At BT, there were literally only 2 ladies both sitting in the back by the entrance, the rest of the club was empty, no customers or other ladies. In HK, at 8am, the main stage area was closed and lit up bright with flood lights as they had a bunch of staff taking apart booths for cleaning. Everything was getting wiped and floors mopped.
The back stage area had about 12 ladies and about 15 patrons, most were just sitting watching. Some ladies very attractive even at this shift. Like last trip, the morning girls approach you way more than they do in the evenings. LC had 0 ladies this time, it was empty, both sides. I didn't stay long because I did have to cross back to SD quickly for business.
When taking the HK shuttle from HK to the border, the guy at the stand was telling me that Ped West line believe it or not, is longer than Ped East. I told him I had Sentri so then it was all good. The driver then told me the same thing. We dropped off at East first and the line went up to the u-turn type street, maybe 150 feet short from the HK now unmanned booth. At Ped West, yes the line was a little past the offices half way down the long hallway/bridge. So those without GE/Sentri, you might want to ask which is shorter.
Tuesday at 1pm, HK wasn't busy. Barely anyone sitting upstairs. Jesus (mesero) was up there that day taking care of business. There were a lot of girls and downstairs was half full of seated guests and standing. While sitting there drinking watching the dancers downstairs from the balcony, chilling and on my phone, I did have 3 separate girls sit down to ask for a drink. First two I just gave a tip for appreciation and told them I want to look around. The third girl I said ok for a drink and it ended up being my record sitting with one girl, time flew and we sat, drank and she ate snacks for almost 4 hours!!! We had a blast. Since nobody was really up there, they weren't pushing drinks, we just waited until we wanted more and found Jesus. Don't get me wrong, it isn't cheap but I had probably one of my best times in HK. I calculated I had tipped her about $120 total, we had 8 rounds (basically $160 with tip) and she got these fried snacks like corn chips and they squeeze hot sauce over them from one of the old guys asking if you want the basket of snacks. It was only $3 and he had plates and gave the girl the hot sauce to squeeze how much we liked. I gave the really old, short guy with a large sweet smile yet missing teeth (just for visual for you guys) another $2 for a tip and this guy was smiling ear to ear. He taps his heart and points to God smiling and laughing twice. Then soft first first bumps me. Again, this was only a $2 tip. About 30 minutes later, the old man comes by with 2 lollipops and puts them on the table for free again pointing to the sky and saying thank you and wanting us to enjoy. Then he leaves smiling, I called him back and just gave him another $5 and he asked us to pick another snack, we didn't want another and dude was just happy. Unintentionally this melted the girl's heart to see this and she gave me a huge passionate kiss and then said "thank you so much" to me. She later kept kissing the side of my face smiling, feeding me as well. Man guys, for all the money spent this was the smallest amount and they made such a big deal. Anyways, we later also ordered a fried shrimp appetizer from the Azul tray they ask you at the tables so as you see, the 4 hours costed about $300. Most guys will roll their eyes because $300 and not even nut when they could have 2 arribas and a drink. I know but to me this was great. I eventually had to eat and take a break and get more cash from the room. After a eating dinner and a few phone calls I had to make, I went back to get her to come to the room but I missed the end of her shift.
So now Tuesday night, I'm walking around since she is not working. It is really busy. Easily busier than Sunday which is weird. No booths open anywhere except in LC. Had a drink with a couple of ladies and moved on, no chemistry, they were a little boring. Over 2 hours had gone by and the girl I spent time with on the balcony had texted me a couple of times almost 3 hours before and wanted to meet up, off the clock, not paying for her time to continue our night. I'm sure she knew i would tip her. I missed her She waited a while but I didn't text back and I guess she was back at the apartment sleeping (we texted next morning). Dang. Next morning I had to leave early so I couldn't meet so next time.
Didn't get into all the girls and descriptions because this report is already a novel.
PM me if you have any questions.
last commentPretty sure this should be a review, not a discussion.
Bravo, however
Nice report Justin! Yeah, definitely need to eat something if you’re going to be drinking a bit; it helps you feel more sober.
I like your style. I too like to ficha fuck. I was in CC last week, met a sweet little fireball. We spent about two hours together before arriba. Great conversation. Lots of dancing for me in the booth. Lots of kissing.
The only money I consider wasted was a $33 shot of Patron for her. My shot from the same bottle was $10. The guy walking around with a little cart and the bottle was pushy and I thought that the price was $11 for her shot. A variation of the HK wine scam. Also, I know that a shot for the girls ordered from the bar is $11, but 80 percent water, so I wanted to treat her to some good liquor. Lesson learned.
Tried to get her otc, but she kept setting a time, and then moving it. Got tired of waiting for her. Went to La Caretta and got a BBBJCIMWS in the VIP room from a friendly little gal.
Wow, never been to La Caretta. I have walked across the street to Gold Palace a couple of times and both times nobody really in there. To be fair, I went both times after lunch and never really during primetime hours. Maybe I should try La Caretta. I basically stay at HK or BT. Been to Chicago once but don't like the walk since I drink in the clubs. Thanks for the feedback and tips on the shot scam!
@justin: I would try La Caretta and Gold Palace. They’re honestly both better and livelier in the evenings. I’ve had fun at both places.
Thanks Op, I definitely will next visit. I am curious now. Debating if I should go mid December or just wait until February for now. If I go, I will write a trip report for both. Thanks!!
You spent a hell of a lot of money on transportation.
I drive my car and park at palm Avenue.Three stops north of San Ysidro. So far no problem at all.
and after clearing Mexico customs I took the Ruta bus and paid the guy extrato drop me off at Cahuila.
and Tahoe... WS... Is that with sex or with swallow?
@jascoi - are you asking about Puta's bbbjcimws? Yes that stands for with swallow.
I also agree, spent a lot for transportation but I'm not from there, so I can't drive and park. Also, not interested in taking a bus in TJ with over a grand in $20s, $100+in $1s at night. To each is there own though, you do have it figured out more than me but it was like insurance to likely get me there (not a sure thing either) with less of a chance of getting robbed including police. Losing that cash would ruin the whole purpose of the stay.
Overreaction to a potential risk that costed me some cash, yeah probably.