^ What makes her a white nationalist is that she's just made a shit ton of racist comments in the past. I believe that recently she said the white house would stink of collared greens and curry if Kamala was elected.
And to OP's question, it's a bad thing definitely.
Has he fucked her? No doubt. Is he currently fucking her? Probably not anymore given the backlash to her presence with the campaign/him. Is he fucking his hot wife? Nope, she’s moving on, and so will everybody else if he loses in November. So who is he fucking now? My money’s on MTG.
White supremacists are weird sexually. I knew a Mexican junkie who dated a neonazi. His baby momma was Laotian.
I fucked a neonazis girlfriend before. She was a dancer. A very pretty white girl with a body like Betty Boop. Her boyfriend would pick her up at the club and he has a swastika tattooed on the back of his head. SS bolts on his arms. He was vegan. Tried being real friendly but I kept my distance. When he was in jail I got to know her out of curiosity. She was confused. Looking for meaning in life. Wed get high and fucked a few times.
Or like the white supremacists on here who are into black hookers. Maybe its a weird slavery era fetish. Then we have tetradon puddy tat and cacaplop rickmacrodong who aren't white but support white supremacist political views.
Tetradon puddy tat thats icee loco and theres nothing wrong about that thread. It also doesn't change the fact that youre a non white person with white supremacist tendencies
Since he was vegan Icey, maybe that was a Hindu or Buddhist guy using the swastika religiously.
I dont follow your point, you claim white supremacists are weird sexually, but provided an example of a guy dating a stripper, and the guy later went to jail.
White supremacy simply means you believe the race is in some way or multiple ways superior to other races. It doesn’t really mean anything if a white supremacist bangs a black hooker. Theres plenty of people who believe the black race is morally, intellectually, physically or otherwise superior to other races, yet still do stuff with people who aren’t black.
Youre overthinking the racial supremacy stuff, a lot of people have racial pride or nationalistic pride nowadays… for some reason in the US it’s frowned upon if a white person is proud of their race or heritage, but seen as okay for other races to do the same.
I think he made her feel protected and like she had value. She had low self esteem. Ironically most of her tricks were black. But shed light up talking about things like norse mythology or wanting to live in the country and have a family. Her boyfriend was constantly in and out of jail. His tattoos made him an automatic target for cops. He had a huge black swastika on the back of his head and acted like its normal. I couldn't get over that. I shook a little the first time i saw him coz its so out of the norm.
last commentFor who? Those two ghouls deserve each other
she has been pushed out of the campaign
Id fuck Loomer. Im sure Trump did...
Isnt she very pro Israel? What makes her white nationalist
^ What makes her a white nationalist is that she's just made a shit ton of racist comments in the past. I believe that recently she said the white house would stink of collared greens and curry if Kamala was elected.
And to OP's question, it's a bad thing definitely.
Isn't she blacklisted from any and all synagogues in SFL?
How can a Jew be a White Nationalist. I don’t get it.
How can she be a 9/11 denier when she was 5 years old in 2001? I don’t get it. Unless of course she’s just an asshole who likes to suck power dicks.
Isnt her name spelled Cumala
I guessing that many of you guys have never heard the phrase “Politics makes strange bedfellows “
Has he fucked her? No doubt. Is he currently fucking her? Probably not anymore given the backlash to her presence with the campaign/him. Is he fucking his hot wife? Nope, she’s moving on, and so will everybody else if he loses in November. So who is he fucking now? My money’s on MTG.
White supremacists are weird sexually. I knew a Mexican junkie who dated a neonazi. His baby momma was Laotian.
I fucked a neonazis girlfriend before. She was a dancer. A very pretty white girl with a body like Betty Boop. Her boyfriend would pick her up at the club and he has a swastika tattooed on the back of his head. SS bolts on his arms. He was vegan. Tried being real friendly but I kept my distance. When he was in jail I got to know her out of curiosity. She was confused. Looking for meaning in life. Wed get high and fucked a few times.
Or like the white supremacists on here who are into black hookers. Maybe its a weird slavery era fetish. Then we have tetradon puddy tat and cacaplop rickmacrodong who aren't white but support white supremacist political views.
^ Meanwhile, here's the real Icey, who claims to be such a font of wisdom. Always looking to flex to a bunch of people he claims to hold in contempt.
Tetradon puddy tat thats icee loco and theres nothing wrong about that thread. It also doesn't change the fact that youre a non white person with white supremacist tendencies
But keep trolling
^ You're the same person, tard bait.
Since he was vegan Icey, maybe that was a Hindu or Buddhist guy using the swastika religiously.
I dont follow your point, you claim white supremacists are weird sexually, but provided an example of a guy dating a stripper, and the guy later went to jail.
White supremacy simply means you believe the race is in some way or multiple ways superior to other races. It doesn’t really mean anything if a white supremacist bangs a black hooker. Theres plenty of people who believe the black race is morally, intellectually, physically or otherwise superior to other races, yet still do stuff with people who aren’t black.
Youre overthinking the racial supremacy stuff, a lot of people have racial pride or nationalistic pride nowadays… for some reason in the US it’s frowned upon if a white person is proud of their race or heritage, but seen as okay for other races to do the same.
You wrote, and the quote:
“I fucked a neonazis girlfriend before. She was a dancer. A very pretty white girl with a body like Betty Boop.”
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
I think he made her feel protected and like she had value. She had low self esteem. Ironically most of her tricks were black. But shed light up talking about things like norse mythology or wanting to live in the country and have a family. Her boyfriend was constantly in and out of jail. His tattoos made him an automatic target for cops. He had a huge black swastika on the back of his head and acted like its normal. I couldn't get over that. I shook a little the first time i saw him coz its so out of the norm.
Ding ding ding.... we have a winner.