Playhouse Lounge
1205 US Route 130 N
Burlington, NJ 08016
When does Bia work and don’t you miss the old schedule?
Anyone know Bia’s schedule? When I call the hotline, I can never hear her name. I wonder if I'm mishearing it as 'Via.' I usually hear 'Via' working at night, but I thought Bia worked afternoons. I know I know! Just go in and find out. It really is the best answer, even if she isn’t there someone is. Haha.
I also miss the old way of checking the schedule. The hotline is better than nothing, but I used to like being able to send a text and get a list. Or even before that, when it was on the website
I also miss the old way of checking the schedule. The hotline is better than nothing, but I used to like being able to send a text and get a list. Or even before that, when it was on the website