Multiple choice:

avatar for gammanu95
Should Joe Biden be remembered as

A) the most incompetent President in American history?

B) the most corrupt President in American history?

C) the most divisive President in American history?

There is no all of the above or none of the above. Any follow-ups must begin with "yes", and contain no "if"s, "and"s, or "but"s.


last comment
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
D) First vegetable president
@gsteph- those who forget the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them
A) Second to Carter; B) Tied with his predecessor and his predecessor; C) Yes and to make it worse he lied.
A. Carter was worse
B. Debatable
C. Obama


A. depends on your worldview: for me, Trump

B. Nixon got canned. Trump did not get canned, but he has a felony....whether you think he deserves it is debatable. But he'll get at least one more, again debatable on whether he should get another one.

C. refer to my answer to A.
1) No. several previous presidents got less accomplished
2) No. His predecessor was much worse and convicted for criminal conduct.
3) No. Again his predecessor was definitely much more divisive

That’s my opinion, my guess is you’re just trolling, and this is another example.
B. the most corrupt President in American history.

He is clearly competent at destroying the border and the United States's reputation abroad. Obama was the most divisive president.
25IQ, you're a known idiot and incompetent on par with Joe Biden. Unlike Joe Biden, no one cares about your opinion. Joe Biden's opinion matters because it impacts our lives. Your life impacts nothing, and we all look forward to your passing.
Yawn, you’re such a troll, if you don’t want opinions that disagree with your dogma, don’t post here.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
I don't see how anyone can say Trump (or Obama, or anyone after the Cold War for that matter) is worse than the likes of James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson.

Divisive? Buchanan literally saw the country divided under his watch. Johnson fucked up Reconstruction and we're literally still facing the racial consequences of that today.

Anyone who knows more American history than a baboon has more perspective than that.
avatar for Dqirish
7 months ago
Most incompetent president? Donny "Inject yourself with bleach" Trump.
Most corrupt president? Trump or Harding, but a 2nd term will definitely put Donny over the top.
Most divisive president? Trump, Nixon as a distant second.
Laziest president? Trump.
Fattest president? Taft, but fat fuck Donny could make a run in a 2nd term.
We're on the verge of the middle east going to massive war ending in a nuclear attack; China is bullying all of their neighbors; North Korea is sending missiles to Iran; Russia is killing everyone in sight; interest rates are terrible and the CCI is crashing. Yeah, to a progressive democrat Biden is doing a great job, because they hate America and want to see our formerly great country modelled on Chine; whom you never, ever see a progressive criticize.
Biden will be remembered as a good to great President, who led the country during a period of great volatility. Weak points on inflation and immigration, yes. But he navigated the aftermath of the deadliest pandemic in US history, helping restore a strong US economy and avoid a recession that was widely predicted. He restored confidence and respect for the US, and demonstrated strong leadership in working with our allies to address global conflicts and aggression from dictatorships. He had numerous significant legislative achievements, addressing infrastructure, semiconductor manufacturing, green energy, climate change and prescription drug prices. He will be remembered as a strong defender of democracy on both international and domestic fronts.
Biden spent over $60 million renaming military bases. While my go to Taco Bell meal went from $4 to $18

What a great president!
^ You routinely post anecdotes with no evidence. Let's see the proof that your Taco Bell meal went from $4 to $18 under Biden.

avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ You also thought Biden won the disastrous debate. You aren't exactly dripping in credibility.
^ Only on substance and facts, I said.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ In your opinion.

Biden will be known for having worsening dementia throughout the whole presidency and a cadre of handlers who played the victim when it was called out. He will also be known for proudly letting in 11 million illegals, 20% inflation over his term, and spectacularly fucking up the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

"TRUMP will be known for having worsening NARCISSISM throughout the whole presidency and a cadre of handlers who QUIT OR GOT FIRED when it was called out. He will also be known for proudly IGNORING DAILY SECURITY BRIEFINGS, ATTEMPTING TO MANAGE COVID over his term, and spectacularly SETTING up the withdrawal from Afghanistan. "
^^^^some TIT for your TAT.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Yet the world didn't get inflamed under his watch. Biden undid everything Trump set up the day he took office, then rushed Afghanistan to say he got out by the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Results, baby.
Joe will rank amongst the three worst presidents along with Jimmy and Barry. Only Jimmy had a worse inflation policy, but Joe had worse illegal alien numbers than the previous title-holder, Barry. His leftist allies used rioters and looters to cause civil unrest amd volatility to help sway widely questioned election results. Everyone knows paper ballots and mail in voting is rife for cheating. He had more COVID deaths per year after the release of dangeroualy undertested vaccines than Trump did before the vaccines. Regardless, COVID deaths were consistently over reported and sensationalized. Joe destroyed the credibility of, confidence in, and respect for the US by surrendering Afghanistan and abandoning our allies there; causing Russia, China, Iran, DPRK, the Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah to viciously expand their influence and attack their neighbors, causing global chaos on a scale not seen since the Second World War. His administration failed to address cyber attacks, import shortages, crumbling roads and bridges, and military recruiting shortfalls. His vicious political rhetoric only inflamed political tensions, alienated those across the aisle, and directly contributed to the first near miss attempt on a former president and political rival.

He should be forgotten, remembered only as a footnote to a constitutional amendment mandating universal term limits and retirement ages.
^ This post is a joke by a troll, I laughed out loud when I saw this, nobody cares except for the committed MAGA cultists and I bet most of them are laughing at you as well.
He’ll be remembered as so bad he was replaced by Kamala
25IQ, lol fucking sucks to be you, bitch. Fixate more on me, loser. I own you.
^ LOLOL dance monkey dance
avatar for 5footguy
7 months ago
He'll be remembered as the President who, despite the claims of those close to him that he could run circles around them only weeks prior, had to be forced out of running again because he was quite literally incapable of doing so physically and mentally. He can't walk down steps without a handler, and yet only a month ago we were told that this clown could make sound decisions regarding national security and the like for another 4 years. Like they do with everything, the goal is to make sure we forget what we saw with our own eyes for years. Orwell said it best: "The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth."
Hey 5footguy, why aren't you calling out Puddy Tat for pinning 20% inflation on Biden? Inflation was low under Trump, "and then this thing called "Covid" hit", and it's well documented that the unprecedented disruptions in supply vs. demand were a significant cause of inflation (in addition to stimulus spending). Pinning inflation entirely on Biden is either stupidity, or intentionally misrepresenting facts - would you agree?
avatar for TheeOSU
7 months ago

wild4testes is an expert regarding stupidity and intentionally misrepresenting facts because he is and does it all the time!

BTW, I'm late on this thread biden is at or near the top of the list on a b and c.
^^That statement is factually false. 20% inflation was under Biden. the COVID news cycle was irrelevant, as Biden campaigned on a promise to fix an economy that was not broken (the quiet part is that he would fix it for his cronies and donors with wasteful "green" spending).
The democrat congress passed the stimulus spending, Trump endorsed it. Politically, Trump really had no choice to endorse it, but it was a democrat bill.
It was Biden's Admin and his gay DEI hire as SecTrans that took paternity leave and ignored the supply crisis.
It was Biden's admin and his grossly unqualified Defense and NSC which allowed Russians to hack our oil and gas pipelines and hold them hostage.

Crooked Joe owns this 110%. Period. Full stop.
Under Biden - words such as “hard work”, “self reliance”, and “being polite” were deemed a product of “white dominant culture” and are now considered to be racist.

Just how fucked up is that. No, Trump is far from the perfect candidate and his frank personality ruffles the feathers of the progressive Karens. But Biden led us down a wrong path - and if Harris is elected, her radical Marxist agenda will only be spread further.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"It was Biden's admin and his grossly unqualified Defense and NSC which allowed Russians to hack our oil and gas pipelines and hold them hostage."

Forgot about the you can hack other things but not this. You can fuck us in the ass Vlad but please use lube!
Inflation was 1.9% when Biden took office. Worst president ever. More people died of covid with vaccines available than under Trump. Worst president ever. Replaced the population of native burns, with foreign welfare recipients and criminals. Worst president ever.
Biden had very low approval ratings consistently throughout his term. Most Presidents have a honeymoon phase or something positive when they have at least a bump in approval. Biden never did. People saw him and his family for what they were day 1.
The best Biden could hope for is people excuse him like the do some cranky, douchey old man in their lives.
He reminded of some old fuck in my life when he would repeatedly introduce himself as “Jill Biden’s husband.” Cringe.
@motorhead - still waiting for the proof that your Taco Bell meal went from $4 to $18 under Biden
avatar for 5footguy
7 months ago
"Pinning inflation entirely on Biden is either stupidity, or intentionally misrepresenting facts - would you agree?"

Yes, I would agree that Biden is not primarily responsible for the inflation seen under his administration. He's also not responsible for so-called "job creation" which were jobs lost at the end of Trump's term due to Covid. The president doesn't control monetary policy, which affects inflation a lot more than most anything a president can do.

When you don't give a fuck what other people think and don't lick boots all day, it's easy to just say when you think, even if it goes contrary to the narrative that doesn't agree with the party. Nice try on the "gotcha bitch" though.
?The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, commonly known as the Federal Reserve Board, is the main governing body of the Federal Reserve System. It is charged with overseeing the Federal Reserve Banks and with helping implement the monetary policy of the United States. Governors are appointed by the president of the United States and confirmed by the Senate for staggered 14-year terms.[1][2] It is headquartered in the Eccles Building on Constitution Avenue, N.W. in Washington, D.C."

So, yes and no. Who the president nominates for the Fed affects monetary policy, but any random president is not likely to nominate more than 50% or so of the sitting board members. However, through treaties, tariffs, and Cabinet Secretaries, the President can do a lot to affect monetary policy with direct impacts on employment and inflation.
avatar for rickmacrodong
7 months ago
^Some people argue the Fed Chairman is actually the most powerful man in the world, more so than the US president.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"Yes, I would agree that Biden is not primarily responsible for the inflation seen under his administration."

He is the de facto leader of his party which passed the spending bills, much of which was unrelated to the pandemic and in addition to what Trump had spent when government spend was needed to keep small businesses afloat and compensate for a lack of consumer demand. He nominated an incompetent SecTrans who took 2 months' paternity leave during a supply chain crisis.

Biden isn't responsible for the whole thing, but he's more culpable than any other single person. He deserves the bolts and arrows thrown his way on this.
^Democrats had control. They are all guilty. Biden wants to take credit for the improving economy? Fine, he can take it, but he gets 100% blame for inflation.
I totally get people hating Trump and willing to vote Harris or Biden. The idea they defend their choice by pretending that those two fucknuts did not wreck this country, just makes them look like the uneducated liars they happen to be.
avatar for 5footguy
7 months ago
I'm not saying Biden shares no blame, but if Trump is elected and we get a second round of inflation, which we probably will get, everyone will blame Trump even though it won't be his fault, and it will be a very bad look. Presidents who take credit for economies and markets are taking a huge risk. Trump was always taking credit for soaring equities, and that was a huge mistake, because he had nothing to do with it.

It wasn't Bush's fault that the .com bubble came into full swing as he took office, it wasn't Obama's fault that the GFC hit as he was coming into office, it wasn't Trump's fault that Covid happened at the end of his term. The US economy generally runs itself, regardless of who is in the white house.

"Who the president nominates for the Fed affects monetary policy"

Powell was an Obama appointee, made prez by Trump, and reappointed by Biden. When it comes to fiscal discipline, Trump is no different from Biden. They both love to spend and both want a dovish Fed because it stokes economic expansion. Volcker, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Powell ... these are the masters of the universe, not Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, or Biden. With MMT in full swing, I'm not so sure we can't kick this can down the road another generation or two.

Remember when everyone thought the world would end because of Obamacare? Well, when you can print money with impunity, the party just keeps going. Don't bet on it stopping. Money printing was out of control from 2010 to 2020 but it was actually deflationary. Don't believe the seemingly logical argument that printing money is inflationary, because it wasn't for a very long time. Remember how cars were so expensive in 2021? Well, of course they were, because you couldn't find cars on lots. It had nothing to do with money printing. Supply chain disruptions were to blame. No, the multi trillion dollar injection from the Fed did not help, but it wasn't the most direct cause either. All just my opinion, there are good arguments for other cases.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
@5footguy - All presidents take credit for a good economy, and assign blame for a bad one. I'm not aware of any analysis that attributes percentages of inflation to Trump and Biden, but there's a direct causal line from Biden's spending to inflation. Spending during a deflationary shock that decreases aggregate demand is far different than spending into the natural rebound that results from that, and not resolving the supply chain crisis. Buttigieg was too busy taking paternity leave and calling roads "racist."

Too much money chasing too few goods is the very definition of inflation. Biden exacerbated both of those.

Biden (and Harris) deservedly own inflation.
If you’re looking for something to tie inflation to take a look at the PPP program. The premise was they give money to businesses to pay the employees even when there was nothing to produce, that’s the true cause behind inflation, so now you got a bunch of consumers with money to buy shit, and nothing to buy. Use your brain for something other than making idiotic political arguments.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Yeah, I'm sure it was that <$1 trillion, rather than the nearly $5 trillion Biden spent. LOL
^^stupid old twat will never learn that it is better to stay silent and be thought an idiot than to open his mouth and remove all doubt. Right, 25? Who was it that said that? PT Barnum? Winston Churchill?

Dumbass will never learn.
^ Sure thing scooter, most of the ppp funds were stolen by the way, Trump ran up the deficit by over 8 Trillion before he even created the ppp program with his tax schemes.

Geezaloo gammon fuck off you moron, you have no clue how stupid you sound.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Slow day in SE Florida? Need a little TUSCL drama to spice things up? Trump oversaw sub-2% inflation.
^ wow among all of your other skills you’re an economist as well, inflation has many causes, main cause is deficit spending, blame all of them for that, including congress, there’s plenty of blame to go around. I’m not in Florida right now, have fun with the cult, I’ve got better things to do.
BTW I’m voting for Harris, she’s going to win.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"BTW I’m voting for Harris, she’s going to win."

25 is a self- proclaimed "centrist Republican" who has voted.for Obama, Hillary, Biden, and will now vote.for Kamala. He is a liar, a leftist shill, and a self-loathing social justice liberal jew. Not that there's anything wrong with being Jewish. But, the rest of it just goes to prove that he's worthless human flotsam.
Apparently, I run his "vacations" as well as his "retirement". I'm living in your head rent free, you demented old loser, just taking around in there, 24/7
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ I don't know (or care) about his faith--that's personal--but on other political message boards I've met a lot of self-proclaimed "centrist Republicans" who haven't voted for a Republican in 20 years. I don't care what you SAY you are when what you DO is discordant with that.

No idea why he was spoiling for a fight with me today. I don't like drama for the sake of drama. I love arguing politics a bit much for my own good but I'll return the energy that's thrown at me.
avatar for JamesSD
7 months ago
He likely will be remembered very fondly. Below Obama but definitely above average. He saved us from a pandemic his predecessor was trying to make money off of.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ Biden didn't save us from anything. Trump got us the vax, through the uncertainty and the worst strains.

Biden will be known for 20% inflation, 11 million illegals (oh and Elizabeth Warren is pushing for a path to citizenship that Democrats swore they would never do), absolutely buttfucking the Afghanistan withdrawal, and having his incapacity concealed more than any president since Woodrow Wilson.

Obama will be remembered as the first black president, and for his limp wristed foreign policy that we're still paying the price for.
^ Yeah, we heard your list already. Why the need to repeat it just because someone posted a view you don't agree with?
avatar for Christinavorce
7 months ago
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@Puddy - Dems have only ever been pushing for full entitlements and citizenship (direct or de facto) for illegals. Serious question, when did they tell us they would never seek citizenship for illegals? Before they reneged on the amnesty promise with Reagan?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ I'll pull up the quote later.

@wld4tatas - can you refute any of it? Still waiting.
It looks like it's pretty much already settled, it turns out. The latest survey of scholars of American presidents was published last February, and Biden was included based on the first 3 years of his presidency. He came in 14th. It makes sense to refer to a neutral third party, in this case a group of 154 experts. Democrats are going to focus on Biden's accomplishments. While Republicans will focus on his perceived failures, even stooping to things like Afghanistan that most people don't remember or care about, except the most desperate online right wing shills.

Here are the survey results. Read and weep kids. And thanks for playing.

Trump ranked as worst US president in history, with Biden 14th greatest……
"survey of scholars"? You mean the leftists that encourage students to riot, assault people they disagree with, demand the genocide of people they've never met, and have abandoned the mission of educating young minds in favor of brainwashing and indoctrination? Those scholars?

You are truly deranged to believe they have even a shred of credibility left. No one believes them, and fewer believe you.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
^ See what I said above. Returns are still coming in. If you think any bunch of scholars using these ridiculously biased criteria end the argument, ice got some oceanfront property in Nebraska I'd like to sell you. They're trying to influence the election, like most "scholars" of heavily left wing political science departments are. "Fealty to norms," yeah, being just like the last guy is such a plus, LOL.

Afghanistan is what sent Biden's polls diving, and they never recovered. I guess every American is a desperate online right wing shill.
Only a truly ignorant and dishonest person would post anything from the Guardian as truth and expect it to be believed. A survey by the guardian would be no different than asking a Nazi who the greatest leader of Germany was in history. The Guardian is so left wing their positions make even a stupid hobag like AOC almost seem like a decent American. People who hate America, democracy and capitalism think Biden was the 14th best President? Lmao how fucking stupid that anyone would believe it. There are only 13 better? Washinton, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, Wilson, F. Roosevelt, J. Adams, McKinley, Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and even a twat like Obama was better. So was Trump. Who is worse? Carter? Buchanon?
Only someone who doesn't bother to do any research, the hallmark of a low information voter, would conclude this was a survey by the Guardian.

From the description:
The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was conducted online via Qualtrics from November 15 to December 31, 2023. Respondents included current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who had recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses.
^weak sauce attack response. I saw the links sent to the Guardian and NYT, two liberal rags which leftists revere and educated Americans know are not with the cheap paper they're printed on. Only low information voters believe anything reported by the Guardian and the NYT.
^ If it were not a left-wing scam and total bullshit it wouldn't be cited in the America hating Guardian. It is the opinion of 154 people out of how many political scientists? Exactly. Total bullshit for idiots to consume.
Only weak minded people would think anything posted here would make anyone change their mind, every response to an opinion that has nothing more than an attack shows the true agenda of these fools who feel the need to rebut any criticism. The fact is that we will see the election results in November, that will be the only opinion I will care about
^ Will file the above post under confession is good for the soul.
What kind of confession is that?
You vote for whomever you like I’ll do the same, Que cera
>I saw the links sent to the Guardian and NYT

Nope it wasn't NYT, look again. Another pathetic shill not even reading the linked articles properly, yet claiming to be certain the survey isn't valid. You guys are a total joke.

Here's another one from 2021, from the often right-leaning Forbes
Trump Ranks 41st Of 44 Presidents In Survey Of Historians As Obama Cracks Top 10…
^^Living in Massachusetts my vote in anything but a town election is of no value. A single party state is a disgrace in a democratic system, but very much like China.
Living in Florida, I know Trump will carry the state.
Wld4cock busted me. He's right. His liberal bullshit isn't worth more than a cursory glance.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"yet claiming to be certain the survey isn't valid"

Yeah, a bunch of opinions from left wing academics using criteria so bad it's hilarious, are "valid." Not like they aren't trying to influence the election or anything.

Anyone who keeps shuffling rankings of presidents from centuries ago, and claims to know where recent presidents stand in history, is not fit to be called an expert.
The intelligence officials who said the Hunter laptop was fake lied to influence the election.

The economists who predicted in 2016 that Trump would crash the economy with a win in 2016 lied to influence the election.

The Hilary campaign and media allies who spread the fake Russian Trump Dossier lied to influence the election.

Do you see the pattern? It's all bullshit. They are pushing a narrative and agenda which is completed disconnected from any rational objectivity. Wld4cocks is happy to drain the leftist media balls dry, get fucked in the ass all day long, and get tossed aside like the crusty cumrag he is when they're done; but he refuses to accept that people disagree with him and demand integrity from our information outlets and accountability from those claiming to have or be authority.

You liberals don't have to respect yourselves, but you're damned well not going to stop me from demanding respect for myself and our constitutional values.
^ You want respect shut the fuck up and vote, you surely aren’t very well respected around here.
Quit while you're behind, 25IQ. You lost a long time ago. You dropped your pants and showed everyone what bitter, angry, dickless, loser you are. You want respect? Grow up. Get a life. Learn how to participate in a discussion without being rude and nasty. Quit being such a cliche angry old liberal. Even skibum has skiing and pot. You've got nothing but jealousy and rage. Demented old jackass.
It’s so easy to trigger you, you’re so easily manipulated
Dance monkey dance
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
"Do you see the pattern? It's all bullshit. They are pushing a narrative and agenda which is completed disconnected from any rational objectivity."

Watch how they're pushing the Harris nonsense now. Her radical proposals never happened. Her botched 2020 run never happened. She's the epitome of cool when Democrats were debating axing her from the ticket last year.

Do they think we all have dementia like Joe now?
Fuck off with your nonsense, 25iq.

The way the media outlets are willfully scrubbing Kamala's history is frightening, and shows just how deeply normed fake news has become. This is what makes liberal shills like 25IQ and wld4cocks so bold. They would otherwise be too cowardly to share their lies, but they have a criminally complicit newsmedia actively trying to rewrite history. So few of us care about the truth and integrity. I guess courage, truth, and integrity are just symbols of white supremacy.
^Dance monkey dance
(Or should I quote you and say dance, porch monkey, dance)
Getting the last word is so important to you. Small dick energy.
^ LOL dance monkey dance
Man this thread really went south on the OP. Starting with a silly multiple choice question with only predetermined answers allowed, and ending with an angry demand for respect while calling other people names like crusty cumrag, loser and jackass....
^wld4cock is too cumdrunk to understand how much fun it is to trigger his ilk
At the end of the day nominating Trump means a fucked-up, close election, when pretty much any real Republican as the nominee almost guaranteed that the Presidency, Senate, and House would all be Republicans, and it would be 2 decades before the democrats recovered if they ever did. Picking an Idiot nothing like Vance just made it worse.
^ Man had an epiphany, maybe a few more people will recover.
^This from a pos liberal who votes Kamala, Joe, Hilary, and Barry. Zero credibility.
Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings, wasting your life and smashing your dreams.
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