
Multiple people charged amid prostitution probe at Tolland's Electric Blue Cafe

Rhode Island
An FYI for Electric Blue patrons.



  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    I'm shocked...shocked, I tell you!

    Goes to show you, if the mayor and police chief don't get their cut, there's hell to pay.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    4 months ago
    Yeah... this isn't really "news" considering it's Electric Blue.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 months ago
    Yeah, it's clear that they're far more concerned with the tax issue than the prostitution one. The prostitution bit was for the headline, and just a bonus. The real meat was the taxes.
  • Mrsuntan
    4 months ago
    Interesting. It's not even the local PD making the charges, it's the feds, alleging that they haven't paid taxes on money they illegally earned and that they hired undocumented workers. That's how they got Capone. LOL. Maybe the locals will follow up with some prostitution charges of their own, but to date they haven't.
  • skibum609
    4 months ago
    Correct me if I am wrong but isn't this the liberal Federal Government, in a very liberal state, attacking low income workers?
  • CJKent_band
    4 months ago

    I will correct you at your request.

    The Federal Government and their Private Industry accomplices in all the United States and the world are attacking low income workers, using America’s and the world’s most vulnerable people into sources of revenue.
  • Lanechange
    4 months ago
    Its the governments job to fuck the little guy. How dare someone else do it instead!
  • skibum609
    4 months ago
    Low-income workers are here for our pleasure CJ. God wants it that way and he hates you as well.
  • Exhossvmd
    4 months ago
    I am surprise Kathy( house mother) was not arrested. She responsible hiring the dancers and collects the money for the VIP room. Will ( doorman) has the personality of a rock.
  • Studme53
    4 months ago
    When the place has a liquor license, the State is all over it. That’s the way it is in NJ too. The State Police get a lot of money thru the liquor licensing so they have to show some activity. Plus, their pervs like us and enjoy going to the clubs, being around the girls, etc. and there’s no risk or danger.
    They leave the clubs without liquor licenses alone.
  • Puddy Tat
    4 months ago
    Plenty of extras factories like Pleasant Moments operating in the open, even after being busted for pimping illegals who've had their passports taken.

    Nothing happens unless city hall gets their cut!
  • Manuellabore
    4 months ago
    Here's the US Attorney's press release on the indictment:
    Place was searched (not raided--this isn't like a vice case where johns were caught with their pants down) in March 2023 and I can attest that was business as usual my last visit in February, 2024, so the only way the feds could get sufficient evidence to support a charge of "conspiracy to promote or facilitate prostitution" is through one or more cooperating insiders.
  • TravelingBoredBusiness
    4 months ago
    Yes the owner of this club likely got greedy and didnt give the "dues" to the proper city officials.

    There is a lot of moves taking place to use ordinances, zoning laws and other legal bullshit to try and shut down gentlemens clubs everywhere. I guess they want men to be gays and sexually frustrated to the point that there wont be anything but street pussy.

    Strip clubs play in important role not only for customers to take a load off (no pun intended) but for the dancers to earn a damn living. With the shit pay that most companies pay people , even with degrees I dont blame them for dancing. Leave the dancers alone already. Damn its not like they are fucking around in the open parking lot or street. If 2 consenting adults agree to fuck for money, to pay a bill or whatever and both adults agree then what the fuck is the issue?
  • TravelingBoredBusiness
    4 months ago
    I mean when you date a female and then you fuck afterwards is she guilty of "prostitution" since she essentially accepted the meal and a nice bracelet or earrings and had sex for it?
  • WiseToo
    4 months ago
    It's a tax issue. If it's true they provided false info to their tax preparer, then they have no one to blame but themselves. The Feds are doing their job, cracking down on tax cheats.
  • Manuellabore
    4 months ago
    No "low income workers" or dancers (I don't necessarily see a lot of overlap in those two categories) are being charged here, or are going to be hurt by this. The charges are against owners and managers who foolishly left too many breadcrumbs revealing that their income exceeded what they were reporting. The immigration and facilitating prostitution charges sound like add-ons to extract a plea on the tax fraud charges. Since there were no reported raids (just a search for financial records), no dancers are being charged with prostitution, or facing deportation. If EB shuts down, it will be a letdown for extras-oriented mungers, but the dancers can just pack up their G-strings and move up or down the road to other clubs.
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