“What so many of you people fail to understand is that MAGA is not about Donald

The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Title couldn’t say it all.

“What so many of you people fail to understand is that MAGA is not about Donald Trump.

MAGA is about America.

We the People were searching for someone, anyone, willing to fight corruption and preserve freedom.

We believe that we found that in Donald Trump.

He is our voice.

You see, it's not a cult.

It's a revolution.

Make America Great Again!”

YOU People should understand The UNDENIABLE REALITY:

“Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

~ François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), known as Voltaire, was a writer, philosopher, poet, dramatist, historian and polemicist of the French Enlightenment.


  • Alfredo_Darke
    6 months ago
    "We the People were searching for someone, anyone, willing to fight corruption and preserve freedom.
    We believe that we found that in Donald Trump."
    Are you serious? 90+ indictments, and 4 criminal trails coming up. Stealing confidential documents. Paling up with Putin and other dictators. Impeached not once, but twice for his corrupt acts, and when he lost the election, he tried to overturn it by having a mob attack Congress. You have a strange view of what "corruption" and "freedom" is. Trump is a traitorous POS.
  • mogul1985
    6 months ago
    ^ Whoever defends his own rights defends the rights of all. The majority of those who are loosely identified by the term 'liberals' are afraid to let themselves discover that what they advocate is statism. They want to keep all the advantages and effects of capitalism, while destroying the cause, and they want to establish statism without its necessary effects. They do not want to know or to admit that they are the champions of dictatorship and slavery.
    - Ayn Rand

    If you can't see what is happening to Trump yet not to Biden, Schiff, Schumer, Pelosi, et al, you are hopeless.

    "First They came for xxx and I did nothing. Then, They came for me."

  • uniquename
    6 months ago
    Nice attempt at whatabouttism mixed in with a dash of persecution complex there. Biden, as was Hillary, has been investigated endlessly by Republican controlled committees and NOTHING has been found. NOTHING. Even their own witnesses have been prosecuted for lying.

    Trump is a criminal. He has always been a crook, long before he ran for office. He was a joke in New York real estate, he managed to bankrupt a casino. He doesn’t pay his bills - ask any of the small businesses he put out of business when he was building casinos. He learned well from the mob.

    Trump is all about Trump, pure and simple. He doesn’t care about anyone or anything else, never has. #FuckTrump
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    Simple fact is both Trump and Biden misused documents. Trump is under indictment and Biden is not. That is why progressives are the enemies of America and all must be treated as such. The idea Trump is any different from Biden is pablum for weak, impotent, very stupid people.
  • Alfredo_Darke
    6 months ago
    "The idea Trump is any different from Biden is pablum for weak, impotent, very stupid people." You're describing yourself.
  • Alfredo_Darke
    6 months ago
    "Simple fact is both Trump and Biden misused documents." Not so simple. When Biden discovered he had some confidential documents, he immediately reported it. He cooperated with all authorities. Trump lied about not having confidential documents, then, when caught, only gave back some. It took a court warrant to search Mar A Lago to find the rest. Then he still tried to hide them, telling employees to hide them. Trump is a con artist, and you've been conned.
  • Alfredo_Darke
    6 months ago
    "First They came for xxx and I did nothing. Then, They came for me." My god, you're using a quote about the persecution and genocide of Jews to defend Trump? A modern day fascist? You're beneath contempt.
  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    ^Useful idiot and a loser. Progressives are simply swine. Real Americans hate them and Trump.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    Serious response to the OP. Only liberals and never-Trumpers believe MAGA to be about Trump. Conservatives and people who have voted for Trump and even those who don't vote for him because of his personality to believe that MAGA is the literal concept of making America great again. Of restoring America as the shining city on the hill. We believe that MAGA is ensuring that government of the people, by the people, and for the people will not perish from the Earth. Trump has consistently driven that agenda while Biden and Obama have always pushed against it. Obama openly said that he wanted to take America down to the level of the rest of the world. Biden has not said it, but his administration is clearly very ideologically aligned with Obama (globalists, communists, anti-American activists) and many more directly from Obama's administration. What has been the result? Record inflation, a plummeting quality of life, the dollar being dropped as the global reserve currency, bad actors and rogue states openly attacking their neighbors and obstructing our foreign policy, catastrophic illegal immigration, nation crime spiking and record lawlessness, and more. MAGA is about wanting a government which engages policies to control inflation and help us maintain a quality of life that is the envy of the world. MAGA is sane border policies which deter, prevent, and deport illegal aliens. MAGA is financial policy which shores up the value of the dollar at home and abroad. MAGA is holding our allies and our opponents accountable for their obligations and actions and having clear repercussions when they stray, MAGA is partnering and incentivizing local/state/federal justice systems to arrest and prosecute criminals to keep them off the street and deter recidivism, while empowering citizens and local cops to protect themselves and their neighbors from these criminals. MAGA is a foreign policy which keeps our enemies in the borders and encourages new allies and promotes peace between historical enemies. Any leader from either party could do that, but only one guy is making it his platform. Not Biden, not Haley, not Cheney, not Christie, DeSantis did but I like him in Florida for as long as we can keep him. Trump, with MAGA, did everything Obama said could not be done. He fixed Obama's anemic economic growth and created millions of jobs. He fixed NAFTA, and quit two very stupid UN Accords (Paris and Iran). He had the lowest rate of illegal immigration of any recent president. Russia and China stayed home. He had begun to fix NATO. MAGA was working. China released COVID, either accidentally at first or as a reason to quash the Hong Kong rebellion. Once they lost control in their own country they deliberately released it into the world so that everyone else would be just as fucked. BLM and ANTIFA rioted for four years funded by the democrat party as 2016 election deniers. It took national and global efforts to successfully push back against making America great again. The UN, China,, and the democrat party do not want America to be great again.

    In summary, it is possible to be for MAGA without being for Trump. It has been shown that Trump's formula for MAGA worked, but few career politicians have the stomach to put up with the abuse which comes with that success. Vivek and DeSantis have shown the clearest understanding of how MAGA works in practice, but Trump has already shown that he is able to implement it in policy. MAGA does not end with Trump, not if Americans truly want all they claim to want.

    (Now that I have presented a rational argument challenging the OPs original point, the retarded masses can drool and shout at each other without actually addressing or rebutting any of the above thoughts.)
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ what a moron, you make a good argument for post birth abortion
  • jaybud999
    6 months ago

    God damn! The typing is good. The punctuation is good. The formatting is adequate. But your content is like a fucking tard' at a school without tard' support. Get it together!
  • Book Guy
    6 months ago
    Serious response: I value statism. I prefer the Scandinavian model, thank you. I would move toward greater state control over a lot of things, especially protecting the environment and the rank-and-file worker against excesses perpetrated in the name of profit by the over-wealthy. I know that it is a dangerous bargain to try to make, a risky balance to try to create, between giving the state the power to protect as opposed to giving the state too much power. But to pick Trump, or MAGA, or even most Republican agendas, is also a form of statism. It is the state of the wealthy, privileged few, born to inherit more than they need, which enables their misrepresentative hoarding, by which the amount they contribute to value in the economy is much less than the wealth they take from their participation in the economy. Right-wingers often value statism -- the state controlling a woman's body, or the state incarcerating those who cannot pay bail fees on the strength of mere unproven accusations, or the state marching across lands occupied by brown-skinned people and bombing them to smithereens, or the right-wingers' freedom to take huge fees for themselves to be middle-men for government contracts, or accepting without complaint the state's socialism-for-the-rich systems which pretend to be free-market competition but mandate non-level playing fields, or expecting tax dollars to build roads and bridges and to fund fire stations and to police contractual obligations and then pretending they didn't need society at large to make their millions because they "did it all themselves." It's just blinded, blinkered statism, but it's as statist as most tax-and-spend lib-tards. I value one form of statism, they value another. Most of them would curl up into a sniveling ball of whining fear and pee their pants if they really had to compete on a level field or really had to defend themselves without the coddling of the nanny-police state they love to hate. Imagine Elon Musk striding across the Wyoming plains to bring a six-gun to bear in order to ensure that the Earp boys or the James Younger gang didn't welch on a car-construction or computer-programming contract.
  • CJKent_band
    6 months ago

    Seriously: YOU People should understand The UNDENIABLE Truth:

    “Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

    ~ François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), known as Voltaire, was a writer, philosopher, poet, dramatist, historian and polemicist of the French Enlightenment.

  • skibum609
    6 months ago
    ^ Only a useless cum stain progressive would have posted this. Trump's support is based solely on the fact that progressive democrats are the enemy.
  • Puddy Tat
    6 months ago
    @Gammanu nailed it. If Trump were to vanish in a puff of smoke, the principles of MAGA would still be ascendant... focusing on the well being of America rather than its status among nations and international organizations who resent us... economic growth over redistribution... strength abroad with relative non intervention...a leaner government (though Trump didn't go as far with it as I'd have liked)... law and order over democratic chaos and urban blight.

    Trump is a highly flawed avatar of it. But not the only one. DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Vance, and many others will take the banner forward in 28.
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    Book Guy truly embodies Reagan's observation, "“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” Most of your observations are false, or apply equally to democrat party/Republicans/third parties, or are more prevalent in European nations, or are hallmarks of the failures of Statism. I appreciate your attempt to offer a serious response, but next time please do research and come with facts instead of false, partisan, demagoguery.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ We appreciate your attempt to offer a serious response, but next time please do research and come with facts instead of false, partisan, demagoguery
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
  • twentyfive
    6 months ago
    ^ You should know you originated this style of trolling
  • gammanu95
    6 months ago
    We already know you're a troll. It is refreshing to see you finally admit it, though.
  • Hank Moody
    6 months ago
    Good to see that with the new website, the old personality of the forum has been preserved. I’ve got an issue with the statism premise offered by Book Guy, though he points out the problems with it in such detail im not sure he and I actually disagree.

    “States rights” was often thrown around as if it was an argument ender over difficult constitutional or Supreme Court issues. Most often, and most recently, it was over abortion as a way to remove it as a constitutional issue. I don’t agree for two reasons. First, a teenage girl in Texas should not have different rights than a teenage girl in California. They didn’t choose where to live, and even if it was a woman in her 30’s who could choose to live somewhere else, a person’s control over their bodily decisions should not be different because you crossed a state line. We’re all Americans.

    Secondly, the states are not red and blue. The state whose citizens cast the most votes for His Magasty in 2020? California. More voters for Don Snoreleone in California than in Florida or Texas. NY cast the 5th most votes for him. It doesn’t make sense to me that we toss major decisions that affect American people the same way to the individual states.

    State taxes, some education funding, and other particularly local issues? Sure, vest that in the states. But things that affect everyone the same? Those are national issues.
  • Local Hick
    5 months ago
    My only response is a page long Laugh Emoji
  • Local Hick
    5 months ago
    If Donald Trump "Is Your Voice". It is obvious that MAGA is a group that ate way too many lead paint chips as children.
  • mogul1985
    5 months ago
    ^ Be sure to be near a bathroom on 6-Nov when you'll need to change your underwear. A lot of us have pointed out what Trump's 4 years are a Royal Flush compared to Biden's 3+ years hot mess we are stewing in. Trump has been very consistent on his messaging/interviews back to a 1986 interview with Oprah, it's on YouTube. Biden and the Dem leadership just say whatever they think the audience wants to hear.

    So yeah, keep a bathroom at the ready like prepping for a colonoscopy.
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