Covering nipples for dancers in Alabama

avatar for Sammy999
Is it true that there is a rule now in Alabama that all dancers have to cover their nipples even in vip? All the dancers in the furnace now cover their nipples


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avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I have no idea but if so, that's a shame. I'd hate the poor PL's in Birmingham to miss out on seeing puuurincess ( well shaped titties with no obstructions. I just saw her pic on the front page by coincidence and thought to myself, well maybe the clubs in Bama ain't so bad. But now I'm back to thinking I'd not even bother hitting up the club if I was standing in the parking lot.
avatar for RockAllNight
a year ago
I recently spoke about the pasties coming into play at Rocket City Girls (formerly Scores) in Huntsville. He said they implemented the new rules as part of their efforts to secure a full liquor license which he thought would take at least a year or longer.

btw - not all girls are wearing them. Seems they can get a pass for various reasons like adhesive hurting their skin, etc. Not sure how long the “pass” might be active for any given dancer.

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