AP: Killing nursing student out for run underscores fears of solo female athlete

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 1:16 AM
Let me correct this Headline for AP: "Nursing Student Killed By Known Violent Illegal Alien from Venezuela in USA since September 22, 2022" The real story is about violent illegals allowed lose in America, not that women need to be careful (as they should be already.) Rather than handing out free cell phones to illegals, hand out pocket Tasers to American women and have free classes on how to use them effectively like to the NUTS, JAW or NECK. Carry would be better however not all want to be armed, I get it. [view link]


The link has a pay wall.
3 months ago
Hmmm, I was able to get thru, I don't have an account, weird. You can search, there are a lot of media outlets that published this AP story.
3 months ago
Everyone who voted for Biden is a murderer.
3 months ago
Sadly, such events happen more than is publicized. This story has gained traction due to the illegal migrant spin. It also has the "young attractive college girl" spin. When such events occur in the hood, it's considered part of life in the hood. But....certainly, this situation demonstrates the tragic impact of not cracking down on illegal migrants. If he weren't here, she would still be alive. Another story of a violent migrant in the US is the escapee in the Philly suburbs who had fled Brazil after killing a woman in Brazil, then killed his girlfriend in US. I don't recall whether he entered through the proper channel or not. If he entered legally, one needs to wonder why someone wanted for murder in Brazil was allowed here. But, that opens the question of how much information should be shared between countries? Do we want the Chinese government's hands, for example, in the records of our citizens?
3 months ago
^ "This story has gained traction due to the illegal migrant spin." Spin? Seriously? Black on Black killing is not addressed by BLM and the Democrats, and other criminal behavior in the 'hood. The lack of crime control & strong punishment is horrendous. Now that we are seeing the POTUS will probably not have Complete Immunity during office, family members may have standing when illegals commit murder and rape and trafficing when they are are known criminals and released.
3 months ago
Perhaps I should have used the word "aspect". vs spin, as I certainly was not implying that the illegal migrant component was fabricated. My point was that it made news due to the sensationalized nature/interest in immigration currently.
3 months ago
Yeah these are NOT serious people. Every time they do this bullshit they trade out their long term credibility every day people wake up.
3 months ago
We can only imagine the sadness and trauma Laken's family is going through. I have friends working for Homeland Security who text and call me with their stories from down at the border. They are sure there will be a terrorist attack in the United States in the next year or two. There are thousands of Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and people from other countries that hate us coming in. Most are military age men.
3 months ago
funonthaside: As I read your comment, the "spin" confused me a tad. Aspect - spot on! Sinclair: I do fear we'll have another 911 event sooner than later. I have a good friend who works at NORTHCOM, former Army Lt Colonial, who does disaster planning. Plan all you want, as soon as it starts, everything changes when a lone wolf pack attacks. Rep Katie Porter (D-CA) was saying this is being politicized by the GOP. She must have forgotten George Floyd. ONE DEATH, literally changed America with BLM. One person can make a difference, and Laken Riley's intentional must not be ignored, nor the 1,000s of Americans whose lives are being forcibly changed through death, violence, theft, and crime against their will. America has seen some especially very dark days like post-Civil War. We found our way out, and I do hope we'll do it again - my glass is half-full, not half-empty.
3 months ago
The right wing sure is trying to get a lot of mileage out of this story. Meanwhile, a bipartisan bill in the Senate that would have imposed tougher immigration and asylum laws was rejected by House Republicans. Apparently because Trump told them to, as it would hurt them in the election. I conclude from this that Republican's main interest in this topic is for political gain.
3 months ago
did he rape her or not? get that pussy and kill her is wrong you gotta just kill her outright then no DNA in her snatch did they say DNA in the snatch?? if not it was her fault
3 months ago
@wldtatas: "Meanwhile, a bipartisan bill in the Senate..." So explain why HR 2 that was sent to the Senate in May 2023 was NEVER addressed/shelfed by Schumer? It has real border security and enforcement, not some leaky border allowing 2M illegals a year with more "Travel Agents" to catch and release like bass fishing. There are WAY too many RINOs in the senate with McConnell be #1 ASSWIPE that needs to be dumped ASAP.
3 months ago
There are way too many RINOs everywhere. Even on TUSCL, we have dyed in the wool libs claiming to be Republicans who defend Biden and a federal government which is weak on foreign policy and border security but attempting to destroy every domestic freedom we used to enjoy. The criminally complicit mainstream media refuses to report on HR 2 passed by the Republica house but ignored by the democrat party in the Senate; while focusing on a democrat party Senate bill which rewards illegal immigration, further erodes border security, and has billions in non-immigration related liberal earmarks. It will be nearly impossible to get this country back on the right track without a press which has the integrity and courage to set aside their own personal biases, ignore their liberal editors/producers desired narrative, and report the facts to the American people.
3 months ago
HR2 wasn't a bipartisan effort. It was just a Republican vision of their own preferred approach, with no effort for bipartisan support, and therefore not a single Democrat vote. The recent Senate bill was bipartisan. Those who worked on it deserve kudos. If Republicans are serious about making progress on illegal immigration they should be looking at it. When you have a divided government, sometimes you need to compromise to get things done.
3 months ago
^ The Senate Bill was Dem and RINOs. Remember the ObamaCare Vote? Let's take a short walk down memory lane: 1) Pelosi: You can read after you vote for it; 2) not one Republican voted for it, NOT ONE. And look at the hot shitty mess we have today. So yeah, not 1 Dem voted for it in the House - I could GIVE A FUCK! HR 2 secures the borders and deports - yes, it will take time. The Senate Bill allows around 2M a year, hires Travel Agents and prevents Trump, or GOP, should s/he be elected from messing wit h it.
3 months ago
Fortunately, McConnell will FINALLY retire. I will say, he kept Comrade Merrick Garland OFF THE SC.
3 months ago
The Kentucky replaces a US Senator is by having the party of the Senator, not the Gov or special election, select. It would be best if McConnell just left and a strong Conservative replaced him then when elections come up, that person would already have a track record to run on.
3 months ago
>1) Pelosi: You can read after you vote for it; LOL you probably got suckered by the Fox News spin on this like many others. Pelosi was referring to the fact that the House didn't have a Senate bill yet, they were urging the Senate to pass a bill so they (the House) could see what's in it. And importantly, show that it wasn't about death panels and a jobs killer and all the lies that Republicans tried to throw at it. Years later, the ACA/Obamacare became so popular that Republicans not only couldn't repeal it, but they have now abandoned it as part of their agenda.
3 months ago
Mogul “ The Senate Bill was Dem and RINOs.” Really? James Lankford is a RINO? Wtf. The Speaker said no Ukraine funding but we must have border protection. Schumer said, fine and Lankford got nearly everything he wanted into the bill. Never mind that republicans control only a slim majority in one half of congress they got nearly everything they’ve been asking for, for years. The border bill was the strongest in 50 years. This is undisputed. The House rejected it because Mar A Lardo didn’t want the USA to get a win on Biden’s watch. This is undisputed. Schumer said fine, then give me the Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan funding since the border is no longer a republican priority and the Speaker rejected it again, because it … had no border protection. These are your representatives harming the USA in their own self interest. Hmm … why would anyone not want to work against Russia and leave the border open? Couldn’t be so they’d get elected in November even if it hurts the USA, could it? Give me a fucking break.
Hank Moody
3 months ago
^ The Bill does nothing to control Border Security, hires more "Travel Agents" and allows over 2M illegals per year. Lankford can go fuck himself, he needs to go. HR 2 has been ignored by the Senate since May 2023. Only now, election year, this is important to Democrats and RINOs, and senators like Lankford to pass something/anything. The same Dem/RINO crowd that voted for border security over and over in the mid-2000s yet the POTUD nothing (Bush and Obama); I will say Obama deported over 3M. Then Trump comes along as a huge surprise, says he'll do, and Congress does all they can to block his efforts, that today are now more important than ever. 30 years ago the slogan was, "It's the economy, stupid" so well coined by James Carvelle. Today, "It's ILLEGAL immigration, stupid." Now, the Dems are concerned, not 3 years ago when over 90 ExOs were created for Biden to sign to destroy what Trump was doing for Border control and remain in Mexico; if you think Biden created them, go have another ice cream cone. Yeah, it'll never ever be 100% locked down. However, visa over-stays and illegals need to be deported as soon as they are discovered. If we need "crop pickers" as Pelosi and Nadler said, fine, create a special worker program where non-citizens can come in for low-wage jobs we can't fill, track them, use eVerify, tax them (fed, state, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, City, what Americans in that area pay), have the employer pay for their health care costs. If they commit a crime of any sort even misdemeanors, back they go never to return. ^ As far as Pelosi goes, she said, "Congress has to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy." That "Fog of Controversy is debate, key to Democracy the Democrats preach they want to "save" from MAGA/Trump. [view link] Not one Republican voted for it in the Senate or House, not one. So when no Dems voted for HR 2, it's the same. ObamaCare was crafted by SCJ Kagan before she was seated on the SC by Obama as a reward for ensuring ACA could not be overturned - parts have been. Premiums and medical costs have gone non-linear, as planned, to help crater all health care so gov't can step in and give us "Medicaid" (not Medicare) for all. Kagan has never recused herself whenever a challenge to ACA is presented to the SC. Had a Constitutional SCJ been faced with same, Chuck Schumer would be on the steps to the SC threatening them. We have two types of SCJs: Activists and Constitutionalists - you can decide for yourself who is who.
3 months ago
@mogul Huh. I thought you were going to argue against me? Instead you pointed out that the White House, the senate and about 2/3 of the House want to pass the bipartisan immigration law and Ukraine aid? So the fault lies with a minority of republicans who are shutting down the legislation while also running up to the government appropriations shutdown cliff? Interesting way to argue. HR2 has no chance. It won’t get anywhere near 60 votes in the senate nor will Biden sign it. But sure, if you want to waste time you can encourage your congressman to hold out for its passage. The Pelosi debate wasn’t my fight, but you’ve not addressed the difference between 2014 and now. In 2014, the dems had the White House, 60 seats in the senate!!!! and a majority in the House. That is not the same as now when the republicans have only a 7 seat house majority and they can’t agree on anything among themselves, let alone something that might actually be good for the country. As for Obamacare, it’s the great white whale for republicans. They want to tear it down without regard for what it does right. I was an opponent of it in 2014 but even I can see the benefits of: - no exclusion for pre existing conditions. Get laid off while you’re sick and tell me that’s not scary as hell without Obamacare - coverage for dependents until age 26. I’ve got kids in grad school who are covered under my plan rather than having to work in school or borrow for coverage. Lastly, if Obamacare is so bad why were there more people on it in 2023 than in any previous year? More than 40 million if you count the Medicaid expansion and other ACA related programs. McCain did rural republicans a huge favor by preventing its repeal when there was no safety net in place to cover all those rural people who need healthcare.
Hank Moody
3 months ago
This threat against Lankford pretty much sums it up: “I had a popular commentator that told me flat out, before they knew any of the contents of the bill, if you try to move a bill that solves the border crisis during this presidential year, I will do whatever I can to destroy you, because I do not want you to solve this during the presidential election,” the Oklahoma Republican continued.
3 months ago
^ Note, that "popular commentator" was not outed, and should be. This Bill is not necessary as POTUS has all the tools he needs. This Bill does more for Illegals than keeping them out. Debating HR 2 in the Senate would be the right way in a Democracy - Schumer and McConnell (glad his ass is exiting) made a decision not to even bring it up. So why should the House, GOP controlled even with a slim margin, deal with if their proposal was ignored. My point is, this is a political tool and Americans are getting fucked up the ass with no KY. Allowing mass Illegal Aliens to flow in has been shown to be the Top Concern of American, hence the reason the Dems are shitting their pants and sent Joe to Brownsville that had like 12 illegals cross in a week. Why are they not crossing there? Texas Razor Wire - A WALL. And why did Joe go today, Trump was to be in Eagle Pass, TX. Biden has cottage cheese for white matter, and only does what he is told. None of what he does are his plans. He is like Mel Brooks as Gov in "Blazing Saddles" just signing stuff: ^ The cost of Obamacare has skyrocketed premiums and over all costs. To address people who lose jobs could be covered by state or federal plans as part of Unemployment. Going after the entire system wasn't needed. What we really need was insurance for Major Medical, and an annual physical - not every "sniffle" visit to the doc. The end goal of ObamaCare is still to have it crater from expenses and have gov't do a complete Medicaid takeover. Then, we'll get rationed healthcare that will worsen care. If ObamaCare was so great, why was it passed deceitfully? Obamacare architect MIT Econ Professor Jonathan Gruber said "Obamacare only passed due to the "stupidity" of the American voter and a lack of "transparency," [view link] Sure, a lot of people benefited, however, this didn't need to affect 100% of the population who liked their insurance - private or personal.
3 months ago
"The Pelosi debate wasn’t my fight, but you’ve not addressed the difference between 2014 and now." BTW, Obamacare was 2010, and then the Dems got "shellacked" in November. If Obamacare was so great, the Dems would still have that control.
3 months ago
“There are thousands of Chinese, Russians, Iranians, and people from other countries that hate us coming in. Most are military age men.” Isn’t that how the Cubans infiltrated the US from Mexico in the original Red Dawn. Never saw the remake with the Koreans.
3 months ago
WOLVERINES! The first was better.
3 months ago
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