Fantasies Nightclub
5520 Pennington Ave Baltimore, MD 21226


Monday, December 11, 2023 4:26 AM
Was wondering if anyone has any feedback on what Mindy’s rooms are like? She’s quite the pro in the regular room with her “adjustment” and moves. Message me if you have any experience with her rooms.


  • funonthaside
    8 months ago
    She's like no other. You won't regret.
  • MacDennis
    8 months ago
    Thanks for the endorsement of her rooms. I was hoping for a bit more detail to be honest. If anyone feels like sharing please DM me.
  • funonthaside
    8 months ago
    Crowbar open your wallet, and find out for yourself. An interaction with a dancer varies from PL to PL. if she views you as a hottie, you will get lots of mileage. If you're a disgusting troll, she will do the minimum required to be able to say she wasn't a ROB.
  • shailynn
    8 months ago
    I can’t remember is she friends with Wendy or Misty?
  • Hank Moody
    8 months ago
    Ask her. She plays things straight.
  • ATACdawg
    7 months ago
    You will not regret a room session with Misty. I have enjoyed her on a number of occasions.
  • MacDennis
    7 months ago
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I actually didn’t end up getting any PMs. My main gripe with Fantasies is how little two way contact is permitted in the regular lap dance area. Mindy has always been a star in the regular room imo. Her regulars have been a lot better than some of the spinners I’ve done VIP with at Fantasies with. I’ll give it a shot next time our paths cross at Fantasies. I wish she worked somewhere like Gold Club that’s more lap dance oriented as I think she’d kill it there. Thanks again.
  • funonthaside
    7 months ago
    If you can't find multiple Mindy-types in Baltimore, it's time to hang up the hobby.
  • MacDennis
    4 months ago
    Did Mindy hang up her heels?? She’s not on the Fantasies schedule at the moment
  • Hank Moody
    4 months ago
    WTF is wrong with you? Stop stalking dancers. The club posts a schedule every week. Just check the schedule.
  • funonthaside
    4 months ago
    She changed her name, due to a stalker.
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