Entitlement - It's Not Just for Strippers Anymore

avatar for funonthaside

Olympic gymnast Mary Lou Retton is in ICU. Her daughter posted Instagram post asking for donations, specifically stating (a) she won't disclose details of her condition, and (b) she is not insured.

Sure, honey.....happy to help. Your Mom was irresponsible (and even breaking the law) by not having health insurance.....fellow citizens will just send money to help.


last comment
avatar for caseyx
1 yr ago

Not breaking the law. It's never been illegal to not have health insurance. not even at the start of ObamaCare. There was just a civil penalty…

avatar for BumHip
1 yr ago

To hell with a national hero right? If she shot a protestor I bet you would be the first to donate. Instead of pointing out how embarrassingly flawed…

avatar for londonguy
1 yr ago

It’s reading things like this that reminds me how grateful I am that we have the NHS, free at point of use for everyone no matter what their…

avatar for motorhead
1 yr ago

Woman gymnasts from the USA have mostly dominated the Olympic all-around Gold Medal this century, but for the younger folks, you may not realize that post WW II,…

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

She does commercials and as such probably belonged to SAG. She chose to not protect herself for less than 20k a year, when she had 2-8 million? Bad…

avatar for BumHip
1 yr ago

@bum, so you are no taking, or going to take advantage of Medicare? Or are you just another loud hypocrite?

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

^Calling me a hypocrite is beyond stupid and false flag bullshit. I have to take medicare asshole, everyone does. I still use my regular insurance. I…

avatar for WiseToo
1 yr ago

The Go Fund Me goal was only $50,000 which won't buy much considering she is in ICU with a rare form of pneumonia. At last count the…

avatar for mogul1985
1 yr ago

@TooOld4ThisShit: Medicare is not welfare - we were forced to pay into it for many MANY years, just like SS. What is you beef?

At this point, there…

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

A lot of these go fund me's are crazy

avatar for Brahma2k
1 yr ago

A lot of these go fund me’s are crazy as @Muddy said. I don’t know the story behind Mary Lou Retton but she was a national hero at…

avatar for BumHip
1 yr ago

@bum, I did not call you anything, I asked if you were a hypocrite. You are a suspiciously, and predictably defensive there.

As long as you, and those…

avatar for shailynn
1 yr ago

Did this daughter just want a new car and said her mom doesn’t have health insurance to fund it?

Over the years I’ve met Mary Lou several times. …

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Too old the idea I hate you us just more simplistic foolishness from a fool. Phrasing an accusation or insult as a question changes nothing other than…

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
1 yr ago

Vote with your wallet. Send money if you’d like, don’t send money if you don’t support her. The morality and personal responsibility police is overly preachy. People find…

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

MY healthcare is great and cost effective. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. If you have 2-8 million, you're not in a desperate situation. Jesus fucking Christ…

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