I’m not an elitist snob….
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Thursday, September 28, 2023 4:06 PM
But it was nice to see the Senate adopt a resolution requiring members to dress in business attire - jacket, tie and long pants.
That Fetterman freak was making a mockery of the institution by showing up in a hoodie and basketball shorts.
I know times have changed - people wear gym attire to fly instead of a jacket and tie. And gone are the days men wore a white shirt and tie to a baseball game.
But Fetterman was disrespecting the dignity of the office. L
That Fetterman freak was making a mockery of the institution by showing up in a hoodie and basketball shorts.
I know times have changed - people wear gym attire to fly instead of a jacket and tie. And gone are the days men wore a white shirt and tie to a baseball game.
But Fetterman was disrespecting the dignity of the office. L
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Steve Jobs gave 1000s of people jobs and developed phenomenal technology while wearing jeans and t-shirts.
I'll take (a) good economy and poorly dressed politicians over (b) poor economy and well-dressed politicians.
However, Fetterman could do a bit better than the hoodies....that's a bit extreme.
So now that they have addressed this "important" topic I assume they will deal with term and age limits, filibuster reform, confirm appointments and deal with actually important issues? No?
That's such a great movie.
Also men need to wear heels no shorter than 6".
That's like applying a coat of fresh paint to a piece of rotten wood.
Can that level of hypocrisy even be measured?
Turn the Capitol into a shelter for immigrants and let the Senate meet at some convention center in Maryland or an old National Guard armory garage. They can dress however the fuck they want as long as they don’t affect my life and don’t raise my taxes.
Make the White House an AirB&B p.m. and let the President do business from his home - I don’t care as long as he doesn’t give our taxpayer money away and keeps us out of war.
skibum's anecdote of suit-and-tie vs casual wear is valid, largely due to uptight societal standards/expectations.