
Newby Question

Friday, February 29, 2008 4:30 PM
Ok I don't have the experiance that most of you seem to have with SCs. Anyway yesturday I went to the local club met a hot 9 and took her back to the VIP 30minute room. a few minutes into the dance she took my hands and placed them on her breast I took this as a sign that I could touch more so I did I rubbed her kitty and touched her a lot. then she straddled me and reached down and stroked me through my jeans. I really enjoyed her dance and time my question is are these signs that I should push it further either in club or OTC. Or is this probably just as much as I can expect. what are your thoughts. Please be kind and understand I am fairly new to this stuff.


  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    First of all. NEVER wear jeans. Be respective of their asses. What you experienced is fairly common. Although it can vary from dancer to dancer and club to club. I would continue to seek her out ITC and push it but after only one meeting, it is way too early to be thinking about OTC.
  • rootman
    16 years ago
    It depends ...on the club and the girl. If it got pretty hot already, invest in another session soon before she cmpletely forgets you. Then go for more and finally, you can even ask if she'll take it out, get you off etc. These girls are not generally shy and are propositioned for everything. Just do it with some class.
  • Ironcat
    16 years ago
    In the club I frequent this is standard operating procedure, so I wouldn't presume that it was anything more than business as usual. Did the dancer come back and hang out with you after the dance? This might indicate she was into your program, but still doesn't guarentee anything beyond a dance.
  • Bakersman
    16 years ago
    Ironcat in the this club so far this has not been the norm for dances. I left right after this dance had some place to go but i have been going here about 3 times a month for about 6 months now. I usually drop a bit of cash when I go this girl was new said she waitressed there but i had never seen her. I think maybe she had heard I drop plenty of cash and was hoping to make me a regular or hers. I never really considered much about extras in or out of club. I have had plenty of good grinds and I enjoy the club. There just seemed to be something else there with this one and it defiantly aroused my interest. I am sure I read much more into this then there is.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Bakersman, I think you just answered your own question. "I think maybe she had heard I drop plenty of cash and was hoping to make me a regular or hers." I've never met, and doubt there is, even one dancer that does it for anything other than the money. That said, what you can and can't do depends on the amount of maney you wish to spend and the amount she wishes to make. It's like the old joke... He: Hello, sweetie! Would you sleep with me for a million dollars? She: Of course! He: Would you sleep with me for a quarter? She: Of course not! What kind of woman do you think I am? He: We know what you are, we're just haggling over the price.
  • Bakersman
    16 years ago
    Clubber you make a good point I guess I should get another dance with her push the envelope and see what she is offering and what her price is of course. I agree they are all there to make money and they all I assume have a price.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Just don't fall in love.
  • rootman
    16 years ago
    You're on the right track being a regular in the club. That builds trust. Now you definitely should be on the attack with this girl to see where it will go. Don't try OTC so early, but definitely seek some extra service if you're interested in that. In my experience, it's usually very strict club rules that keep activity down. A LOT of girls will go for more once they trust you and IF they think they can get away with it in that club.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    With all due respect to the wisdom of the other posters (and I mean that sincerely, I think there is a lot of wisdom in their posts), I think it needs to be said that when the conditions are right you can fuck a girl on your very first visit to a club, and you can fuck her right there in the club. I don't think it is always true that you need to become a regular or spend lots of visits building up to it. I have fucked totally new girls ITC on the very first visit; it's happened repeatedly. It can be done. While I wasn't there in the VIP room with you, every sign was that she was waiting for you to take it further: she put your hand on her breast; she let you rub her pussy; she rubbed your cock through your pants. If you say or do nothing more at this point, some women will just outright proposition you. But some will be afraid to do so, because of concerns that you are a cop. My guess is she was waiting for you to take the next step sexually (more rubbing and touching, kissing, sucking her tits, unbuttoning your pants, etc.). I think we all know how to proceed from 2nd to 3rd base with a girl. This really isn't any different, except it involves money. What would have happened if you had done any of those things will depend on the club and the girl. If the club has an enforced ban on such activity, then there is nothing you can do. The girl will say no. You can then just ask her if she will see you OTC, and again the answer will either be yes or no. I agree with others that seeing someone OTC is a slow process that will not (and if you are wise should not) happen right away, until a level of trust is built up on both sides. On the other hand if the club allows such activity in the club, then it comes down to whether you have the right girl. Some will say no to sex; some will say they will only do you OTC. But some will simply respond to your moves by quoting a price. Again I do not advocate pulling down your pants the minute you walk into the VIP room. But this girl gave you a clear green light to proceed ahead, and were I in your shoes I would have proceeded until I was told to stop. If she says "no" at some point, you've lost nothing. Another way to find out in advance whether the VIP room is worth the fare, of course, is to do a lap dance first. Like any normal "date," of course you increase your odds by presenting well: being well dressed and clean; not getting drunk; being polite; etc. They are selling themselves, but they still would prefer a pleasant experience. I cannot tell you how many adult service providers have emphasized to me their desire for customers who are clean, well groomed and well behaved. They especially wish to avoid guys with unpleasant odors. I always brush my teeth right before I go to a club. As for price, this is going to vary considerably depending on the region, but my experience is that FS ranges from 150 to 300 (not including any room price).
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