My mother is every good adjective. She is the strength of a storm and the radiance of sunshine. She is speak-your-mind snappy and calm-you-down comfort. She is my best friend, my biggest supporter, and my forever role model. She is everything I want emulated in a woman……
For anyone who has that great woman in your life, show your appreciation every day, not just today. They can have a great handle on their emotions when situations call for it. Their instincts never wane, and consistently protect us from evil when called upon. I’m always amazed in their endless efforts raising beautiful children, and showcasing talents I couldn’t imagine a mortal possessing. Please take time today and reflect upon the gifts she gave you if she is no longer here. For me, I have two wonderful mothers in my life to appreciate. Both who have given me a life worth living. Now go out and tip your favorite stripper mother for whatever good reason you have. Show the love!
^*My thoughts exactly. Looks like we are the only ones with that sentiment or else others were too busy spoiling the mothers in their life! Let’s hope so.
last commentI had a wonderful Mother’s Day with my mom. We ate crawfish, and that’s one of her favorite foods. 🦞 😋