
OT: Inguinal (groin) hernia ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 8:41 PM
Supposedly these are fairly common especially as one ages.

Anyone has dealt w/ one of these? Supposedly surgery is recommended.

For those that have had this surgery; what has been your longterm outcome?

I’ve been looking for info on this surgery on the web and supposedly there have been folks that have had a reaction/longterm-discomfort w.r.t. the mesh that is placed in order to repair the hernia. Anyone has had longterm issues post inguinal-hernia-surgery? If so what and what has been your overall post-surgery results?

[I have been diagnosed w/ an inguinal-hernia – it’s currently not that big and only on the right side – I currently don’t really feel too-many symptoms except when I’m standing for a fairly longtime or walking a fairly long distance that I may feel a bit of discomfort in my groin]


  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    20-30 years ago I had a hernia caused by too much heavy lifting. I cleared about 100 pine trees off my lot. I saw a surgeon. He took one look and asked when I wanted the surgery. I had the laparoscopic surgery done. they went through my belly button and two other minor holes to implant the mesh. I have never had any complications or problems with it.
  • RockAllNight
    a year ago
    Any chance this may have been caused by lifting stripers over 175 lbs.? Best to keep them on your lap rather than lifting them over your head.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    I had hernia surgery about 7-8 years back, it was done w/o mesh, it was minor even though I had a double hernia, two weeks after I was back at work with no problems, I actually didn't know I had the hernia, the only symptom was a sharo muscle pain in my groin when I reached too high.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    "... Any chance this may have been caused by lifting stripers over 175 lbs ..."

    yeah – I guess all those years of me messing-around w/ all those big-booty thick-ebony-dancers eventually took its toll – guess I wasn’t built for that kinda punishment/wear-and-tear
  • ATACdawg
    a year ago
    Hell, I want to know where he caught those 75 pound "stripers" so I can fish there too!😜
  • Longball300
    a year ago
    It will only get worse i.e. larger. Fascia does not heal on it's own. Get it fixed.

    If small enough, inch or two, laparoscopic is fine. Larger (like mine was) better to go open to make sure the mesh is flat and firmly attached esp. if you are an active person. Recovery was 2-3 weeks. Lots of ice packs and a TENS unit helps with the swelling and healing. I have had no issues with my repair.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    I had one repaired with the mesh thing about 10 years ago and it's been totally fine. I don't even remember what side it was on.

    When I first noticed something feeling odd down there my doc said no need to do anything until it becomes painful, which it will. At first it just felt strange, like a rubber band snapping inside the groin area, but a year or so later it started hurting to the point where it was annoying, so went for the surgery. I was sure I'd be a tough guy and return to work (office job) in a day or two, but ended up being down for most of the week plus the weekend.

    The recovery time was painful, but it wasn't as bad as that doctor shoving my balls halfway up into my stomach while "checking" for a hernia. I think he just likes to hurt people.
  • Longball300
    a year ago
    ^ LOL
  • Longball300
    a year ago
    Mine was to the point that it would be flat when I was recumbent or supine and then "pop out" once I moved around a bit... not comfortable and not the kind of "bulge" the ladies wanted to see.

  • dickdecker
    a year ago
    Find a surgeon who does ALOT of these. A minimally invasive specialist, not a general do it all surgeon. The danger of these is if it becomes ‘incarcerated’ the bowel pinched in the hernia defect. Surgical emergency and gotta take whoever ya get to treat this emergency. It aint gonna go away by itself
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    I've had two groin hernias since the mid-80s (one on each side) and both were repaired successfully... and I recovered fairly quickly in both cases with minimal discomfort.
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