
Murdaugh guilty of murdahh.

FUCK Joe Biden
Friday, March 3, 2023 2:22 AM
Okay we all know the guy did it. But "legally"? Nahh... That was a bullshit verdict. Jury voted with their hearts instead of their brains.


  • Longball300
    a year ago
    Esp. less than three hours... Came across as a rich turd liar... which he was.
  • 623
    a year ago
    He wasn’t rich during the trial but I guess that smirk doesn’t go away quickly.
  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    Good. Now maybe they can get back to reporting on Meghan and Harry.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    Two consecutive life sentences. Shit man, I'd rather get the firing squad. But this narcissistic prick probably gets some twisted satisfaction knowing he'll be draining the resources of society for the next 30 or 40 years. Continued to claim innocence right to the end. Probably just a weak attempt to insult the jury and the system. Or perhaps he envisions some kind of appeal, but legal experts are already speculating there's no chance of that.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    The judge dressed him down at the sentencing hearing, I agree with the judge Hopefully he sees his family every night when he tries to sleep That scumbag got what he deserved
  • Hank Moody
    a year ago
    I didn’t watch the trial but had read the news coverage when it first happened. At least one juror is telling the press that what sealed it was Murdaugh denying it for months that it was his voice on a cell phone video taken by his son moments before he was killed, which put Murdaugh at the scene. Juror said when they played the video in court, they knew it was Murdaugh. When Murdaugh later took the stand (always a sign of a Hail Mary when the defendant testifies) Murdaugh admitted it was his voice. Juror said he came off as a liar who was caught and that he showed no remorse. Throw away the key.
  • londonguy
    a year ago
    What is murdahh?
  • londonguy
    a year ago
    I get the play on words now. It’s been a long week lol
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    I only just realized Murdaugh is the guy who, a couple years ago, hired a would-be hitman to kill him so his son could collect on a big life insurance policy. I remember hearing about that but didn't know it was the same guy. Anyway he was only grazed with the bullet, and then it got worse for him when the plot was uncovered. Lol
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