Initiation Into The Organization, inspired by Story of 'O' and de Naglowska

TUSCL is currently under attack by those using a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Unchecked this will destroy TUSCL. The persons who have done this are Ishmael, Heaving, Nicespice, and Georgemicrodong.
Earlier Thread
Original Thread
So our same two women are talking again:
"They say that it is part of our bonobo heritage, the ability and practice of fucking all the men in the group. Humans are hairless apes and we could go either way, Bonobo or Chimpanzee. Chimpanzee's are male dominated, Bonobo's are female dominated.
So when a woman walks into a room she thinks, "maybe I will find The One". This is our Chimpazee heritage, male domination, monogamy and women as property.
But once a woman's bonobo side has been brought out, when she walks into a room full of guys, she thinks I am going to fuck all of them. And she could except other women that have developed the same side of themselves are thinking the same thing.
So it is actually the men that are the limit. A small number of women can drain them out completely every single day.
Well not you see, this is how the organiztion works. I'm getting near the end of my Sex Slave Initiation, but they will have other excerises for me, all about learning to have fun servicing our guys. I am already loving it! "
Quite good, but need to keep them in high heels and makeup:
last commentTUSCL isn't under attack by any of them, it's been under attack from you trying to set the agenda with your daily bumped off topic spam posts since you arrived here in 2014. You are the one and only board attacker here you self important psychotic creepozoid!
Hey if you’re starting an “organization” and recruiting hot women to suck on dongs all day why don’t you go talk to some women in a strip club or a bar, or out in front of a Victoria secret store instead of clogging the boards of a website that is 97% men.
Are your here to recruit some men you can blow or something? Or do you just need some help moving your cardboard box, or maybe getting internet access to adult based sites on Sundays.
SJG go fuck yourself. Unless you and founder are one and the same, in which case... carry on bro.
TheeOSU, which one of his OH lamp posts is he standing under tonight?
Shailynn, so stupid he actually believes the drivel he writes.
misterorange, you don't have to like my posts, but just STFU.
ThatXGuy, STFU
So our two favorite women are talking again.
"So what happened now?"
"Well this was the third weekend, the fifth day, so this was my gang bang. The altar we used was similar to this one in the catalog, but this Org makes all its own sex furniture, so it is better. And it certainly has been more thoroughly tested out."
The priestesses brought me out and hitched me up. Then they blindfolded me. Guys won't be climbing on to me or kissing me in this, they just stand at the end of the table. And so I am not ever to know who jizzed me. Everyone is sworn to secrecy for ever.
Two of the priestesses were down on kneelers fluffing. And two of the men started massaging my tits and pussy, to get me lubed and loosened up.
The the first one entered me, and he was good. Shallow massaging strokes and sparing deep strokes to let air get out and make vacuum. Shifting angles and cork screwing, massaging my g-spot. I have no idea how many times I came, it was all just like continuous. It is always like that with these guys. They know how not to work us enough to make us sore. But the continual orgasm tires us out, our own muscle contractions. The sense of just total surrender is incredible, and after the third one I just lost count. I don't know how many there were.
After the priestesses unhitch me, one got under each arm. They said I looked like a bowl of over cooked spaghetti. But I was loving it.
I was till in my 10" heels, similar to these, but this group makes its own, and these have the handy restraint points built in.
You can't walk in these, they're just to hobble us for sucking and riding cock, and I recognized this right off.
They brought me to lie down.
Then my boyfried came to me and slept with me. They all welcomed me to the organization and told me how proud they were of me.
He waited to see if I was ready for it before he entered me. But I was ready. Now I am always ready.
I am a fully initiated sex slave, for our men. Restraints and assisting women to hold me down were just for effect. I hear that they still do some of that in rituals, but it is entirely for effect.
Now, before one of our guys could ever get restraints onto me or get assistants to hold me down, I'll be climbing on him and holding him down.
The priestesses told me that now it is the men who are our sex slaves.
If a girl approaches and a guy hesitates, another four girls rush over and help hold him down while they all take turns riding him right in the middle of the floor.
And most of the events at the temple are either free form or ladies choice. Female sex slaves is just something to get us converted, and it certainly has done that. They insist that this is how it works in Story of 'O'.
And so it is the capability of the men that is always the limiting factor. Women's batteries don't run out. And of course well all want to be in the highest heels the most extreme paint up and action uniforms, to get the most loads.
This is the difference between Bonobos and Chimpanzees, and I am full Bonobo now.
Perfect action uniform, and little video where she parades around in high heels
Full Action Uniform, does not need to be taken off. Bondage style, but it probably is not strong enough for real bondage, well maybe.
You write all that shit and nobody reads it but someone should be along soon to lock this psychotic waste of space thread, lol
So our two favorite women are talking again.
"So what happened this last day?"
"Well in the morning I was waiting tables, serving our men. And any of them that wanted me could have me right then. I was in the short version of the slave uniform, 10" heels and thigh highs, waist cincher with garter straps. No panties at all.
And the long open gloves, like these:
They just add color and make the outfit a little more kinky, because it is something else that does not need to be taken off. They make them to match the uniforms.
And then the main part is a minidress which is totally open in front, down to the hemline, just a waist belt closing it in front. And then in back it is too short to cover anything.
So some would take me and do me on the sex furniture, maybe just bend me over on something. The uniform suggests that. And some would take me into a private area and usually they would start front door and then finish up anally.
Around 3pm they changed us into the formal uniforms. Long skirts, but slit high up both sides. Then changing the waist cincher for a garter belt, to bear our tummies, and then a matching full boob out top. This is as covered at it gets in the temple. The gloves, thigh highs, and 10 inch heels too.
So they had a little ceremony to recognize us as members, then we had a little dance party. Mostly slow dancing. Guys could dance with us and they gave us lots of ass massage and boobies massage, then an extensive makeout session, them putting on a porno movie grade show on the sex furniture.
The guys take of my skirt and top. It isn't just action instantly. That is why these are called the formal uniforms.
That is how it works here, if the guy asks you to dance then probably there will be a make out session and sex.
Several guys did me this way. Then at the end my BF can and he danced with me, and then slept with me and did me front and back.
Then in the morning he let some of the women take me home.
So I am a member, a first degree level member. I can come to all events. I am not qualified to initiate the new men yet and I have much more to learn and a few things to do to get the higher degrees. Nothing more sexually extreme than what I have already done. I am very happy and I like noting better than working loads out of our guys, and dressing and painting up for them. I am always ready and eager to be their sex slave. "
Full back door action uniform. Girls are proportioned different ways, and this works even though she does not have huge tits.
Also nice possibilities
California Dreamin' - School of Rock
^^^ more like “The Story of O My God, SJG is Finally in Jail” for trying to create an illegal sex cult!
Instead of spending a decade fantasizing on tuscl he could have gotten involved in a local swingers group and started throwing his own parties...
ThatGuy and Icee, you stupid dumb fucks, you have no idea what I do and do not do, and I have a plate very full of on going urgent legal and political work. Fortunately my f2f life is very well defended, so I don't have to shot gun trolls that often, but I am always ready.
So our two favorite women are talking again.
"So what do you see coming from this now?"
" Well I am an initiated sex slave for The Order. But with that now done, it is actually the men who are my sex slaves, our sex slaves. The women have control of the f2f interactions of course.
Being initiated I was required be demure and to just let them do it to me. But now with that behind me, I can jump on guys, climb on them, shove everything into their faces, and go for their cocks and suck and ride them. I can do them on sofas, chairs, or even right in the middle of the floor.
And we have some women around and awake 24-7, just in case any guys want another round. I will be doing some of this. We take care of our guys sexually, and the whole Order takes care of us.
The accepted rule is that after a set on the stage or in belly dancing, or leading a ritual, we can go jump which ever guy we want.
More stuff than not is Lady's Choice, Sex Slaves is just a foundation layer.
Top 10 Real Life Secret Societies
Great action uniform, with three pieces to be stripped off.
She could do a set on the stage, removing the three pieces. Then working herself with the cybervibe. Guys might buzz her with the button on their tables. If they do, that turns a light on so she can see who is doing it. There might be matching lights on the ceiling, easier for her to see when she is on her back.
The she might want to go over and see the guy who was buzzing her the most. He was paying the most attention to her, instead of the other girls who wanted to climb on him. So she might want to go over and see if he wants her to ram her tongue and everything else into his mouth and then to suck and ride his cock. She could pace the fore play to keep it above her waist for a while, to give her a chance to recharge down there.
In a secret sex cult, things could be a great deal better than what guys know in retail strip clubs, and even in Mexico.
Cowboy Song -- Thin Lizzy -- School of Rock
Wtf, did the library open for sundays or did SJG find a public internet access??
Yeah meat it's a sad day and future for TUSCL and the world.
In the past te branches were closed and only the main library was open on Sunday. Now most branches are also open Sundays...
A SAD SAD day in TUSCL history!
TheeOSU, with my open ended commitment to life long education, of course books are a big part of my life. But that brings me to academic libraries, and we have several of them.
As far as how my weekly schedule hinges on other people and institutions, that is multi-faceted. I like to ride the bicycle and avoid driving in the car.
Beyond that, none of this is anyone's business.
My Organization will share the most legacy with 19th Century Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, Fraternitas Saturni, Typhonian Order and Horus and Maat Lodge, Memphis-Misraim Masons, Maria de Naglowska's Order of the Golden Arrow, and the Gnostic Groups that got plowed under at the start of the Christian Era.
Breasts bared 3 inputs action uniform. Things could be vastly better than what guys are now finding in retail strip clubs.
Don't Take Me Alive
ThatXGUy85, my F2F life is safely firewalled off from my online life. And I protect that firewall, otherwise I would have to be shot gunning multiple trolls per hour. Too much blood and muck to have to step through.
The High Volume Explosive Instant Sex and the extreme CFM uniforms in the Organization I am building will be real. But the idea that there is slavery, coercion, or rape is nothing more than consensual theatrics.
Anyone who joins will get immediate benefits in terms of organizing housing, career development, and education.
But we fully understand that those getting good money form strip clubs, or harder core forms of sex work, might not actually want to spend much time with The Organization until they are looking to a second career and retirement.
Hotel California - School of Rock
it's been a year since San Jose Guys last discussion topic post. I admit I do miss his posts about Fiats.
What's done is done but it would have been nice if you didn't bump his spam to remind us of him.