Initiation Into The Organization, inspired by Story of 'O' and de Naglowska

TUSCL is currently under attack by those using a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Unchecked this will destroy TUSCL. The persons who have done this are Ishmael, Heaving, Nicespice, and Georgemicrodong.
I call upon Founder to shut off post HTML, until there be some such time that he can make it safe.
Beginning thread for this topic:
So our same two women are talking again:
"So the Ranking Priestess explained it like this: Say a guy walks into a room full of pretty girls, he will want to fuck all of them one after another. But this is impossible, there is not way he can do this. So best probably is just to pick one of them and bed down with her and do her a few times.
And in Our Oraganization, once you are through your initiation you will see this all the time.
But if a woman walks into a room full of guys, she really can fuck all of them one after another. Some of us have worked in extreme underground strip clubs and other venues where this was common.
And so after the Sex Slave initiation and after some other experiences at out temple events, women come to recognize this ability in themselves and they come to want to practice it. They come to want to fuck as many of our guys as possible, and day after day. And the only thing that hold them back is just that our other women are trying to do the same.
So it is the men that are the limit, women have no real limits. And the initiation shows you this. And we keep you in bare breasted 3 inputs action uniforms so that you will see this. "
How explicit these pictures are varies. I guess it depends on who is holding the camera, and which manufacturer they are for. Overall this company does have hotter catalog pictures and hotter designs than I have previously seen.
Need private party venues if you expect to see women dressed this way. Strip club nudity just does not compare.
last comment'I call upon Founder to shut off post HTML'
And I call on georgmicrodong to shut this thread so we don't see it bumped up multiple times a day, every day, with more mindless drivel. We need you now georg!
Me too! Thus expel creepy fiction that no doubt borderlines into OP openly admitting he wants his fantasy life to become reality is the flag that screams sociopath on board! The other way to look at it is thus site gives him a platform to disillusion himself long enough so he doesn’t actually try to go out in real life and attempt sadistic actions.
SJG has been here almost 10 years spouting off about building an organization to which point has failed to expand beyond himself as the sole proprietor of this organization. TLDR, SJG is full of shit and hasn’t the capacity to follow through with his claims.
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