What Law School did Kamala Harris Attend?

avatar for motorhead
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
And what was her grade in Constitutional Law?

In a recent interview she said-

"I think that, to be very honest with you, I — I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believed that certain issues are just settled," she responded. "Certain issues are just settled."

Does she also feel this should have applied to Dred Scott v. Sandford?


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avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
**. Speaking about Roe v. Wade
avatar for HannibalSmith
3 years ago
Hastings college of law which is part of the woke UC system. Since she was willie browns whore she wouldn’t have to actually show up to class. He just needed her to get the degree so he could justify his OTC on the tax payer dime.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
"Word Salad" is her middle name.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The problem is the justices lied about roe v wade so they could get their positions and now we see what they're really about.

No one wants to believe how brazen the far right is today.

I believe in any means necessary to shut them up.

They even deserve sjgs autistic commandos.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
She comes across as someone that has known how to work the system (and Willie Brown's balls) to get ahead likely using gender and race to get supa-liberal San Francisco to LDK all over themselves with virtue-signalling that they voted for a woman of color and how awesome and progressive they are.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
She's always been pretty conservative
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"I believe in any means necessary to shut them up."

Icee, that sounds like you are advocating violence against conservative supreme court justices.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
" "Certain issues are just settled.""

They're settled until they're not.

Dred Scott and Plessy were settled at one time, too. Why should Roe be more sacred then any other precedent when even RBG said the legal reasoning was shoddy?
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
Maybe she should ask her boss if he always thought Roe v Wade was settled law. Joe Biden voted for a constitutional amendment that would have overturned Roe v Wade and left the issue up to each state when he was a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee back in 1982.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
There are obvious reasons why she was the firs candidate to fail out of the 2020 nominations. There are obvious reasons why she is regarded as a toxic supervisor, who has a history of dysfunctional and chaotic offices. There are no reasons to have chosen her as a vice-presidential running mate except as a box-checking exercise. Female, black, multi-racial, west coast liberal. No experience? No competencies? No qualifications? You're hired!
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
She sure as hell isn;t the brightest bulb in the chandelier lol. U. Cal. law school where the only entrance requirement is to not be a white male.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I saw the footage of her speaking about abortion as a constitutional right.

I’m no legal scholar, but even I was scratching my head hearing that.

It was a bizarre thing for her to say. It doesn’t make sense to me.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Without affirmative action she'd be night manager at 7/11.
avatar for Longball300
3 years ago
There is no way she would be able to handle the duties of a 7/11 manager, let alone night shift.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
If you guys don't understand her. The problem is you not her. Work on your language comprehension and be humble enough to understand that a constitutional lawyer knows more about the constitution than you.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
^^^ I know more about shit trucks Dan you and I filling up your basement. Don't swim I'm lumpy water bro. Da turds in your basement are not for eating
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
She isn't a constitutional lawyer at all, or even a lawyer since she isn't a member of any bar association. She is just an asshole with a law degree. The Constitutional lawyer Fraud was Barack Obama, who I will always recall making a big deal in a speech about the preamble to the Constitution and then quoting the declaration of independence. That total fuckwit remains the only Law School Review editor in the history of American Law Schools, to have never published an article.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Her career working for the DAS office is more impressive than being a bottom feeder divorce attorney.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Yeah, state employees are all world renowned for working extra, nights, weekends etc. lol. She had a 9'-5 affirmative action job and sucked at it. I represent poor people, minorities, welfare people and minimum wage workers. The fact you think they are on the bottom means you're a piece of shit.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
My favorite Kamala moment was the debate with Tulsi Gabbard that killed Kamala’s candidacy

avatar for sideshow_bob
3 years ago
She's always been one of my elected officials or sat on public commissions at local or state level so I'm very familiar with her.

She's a blank slate. She'll do or say whatever the consultants tell her to do while getting a woke pass. She's never been in the spotlight like now though so no one had any idea of how vapid she was.

avatar for mark94
3 years ago
The mainstream media never challenges those on the left, so they don’t need to understand their talking points or defend their positions. Basically, it’s like an athlete who doesn’t train.

Biden got away with it by hiding in his basement. I guess it was a winning strategy for him.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
About Roe, there was a declaration issued by the 7 justices at the center of the court, and this included O'Connor, saying that Roe was "settled law". This meant that it was like Brown v Board, and that it would be highly unlikely that it would ever be changed. So Harris is correct, and what she is saying is what people were being taught in our finest law schools.


The Warning, playlist
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
Roe was never settled. There are currently at least 40 abortions cases in the lower courts

Hardly a rational argument for settled

Plessy was older than Roe when it was overturned so one can’t argue time
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
The law is never settled just like science is never settled. “Settled “ is another magic word, like racist or fascist, used by lefties to stop people on the right from voicing their opinion.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
7 justices, the center of the court, said that it was "settled law". They were echoing a statement published before about Brown v Board.

It means you should not expect that it would be changed. And more specifically this, when Clarence Thomas went through his confirmation hearings, they asked him about Roe, and he said that he had never thought about it.

Well no one gets onto the court if they say that about brown v board. So what these 7 justices were saying was that someone who said what Thomas said should not be on the court.

And so Harris is repeating accepted legal doctrine, as likely she was taught in school.


How the Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Helped Preserve Abortion Rights

^ Harris is just repeating what lawyers are taught. ^ might explain about the O'Connor statement, with 7 total.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
^ Dred Scott and Plessy had 7 votes too.

Find the clause in the constitution that says some decisions are irreversible, or cope harder.

Dems should have solidified this when they had a filibuster proof majority, instead they jerked off trying to rework the healthcare system and failed at that too.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I don't know of anytime when the Dems had a filibuster proof majority. You must be thinking a long time ago. Probably back when you had Southern Democrats, Conservative Democrats. I think the last from the South Might have been Alabama's Howell Heflin. These Southerners from way back were likely anti-choice. Al Gore had been anti-choice.

Today this portion of the electorate is voting for Republicans. The country did not move to the Right, its just that some voters of the Right switched parties.

Anyway, Harris is not making up the language of "settled law" up. It was applied by the court to Brown V Board. And in the early 90's, responding to the Casey challenge when they upheld Roe, and responding to the insult to the court of the moron Clarence Thomas being seated, they issued their statement that Roe v Wade was settled law.

Doesn't mean that that it could not possibly ever be changed, but it meant that they don't think it should be changed, and that someone like Clarence Thomas should not be on the court.

O'Connor being part of this was significant because she is of an anti-Choice leaning and Roman Catholic, and she did not really like the Trimesters concept in Roe. But still, she did not think Roe should be changed, and really, someone who says they had never thought about it and who did not voice support for Roe, as they do for Brown v Board, should not be allowed on the court.

So Harris is simply repeating what is taught, up until now, in our finest law schools.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
After the 2008 elections, for a time the Democratic Senate had a filibuster proof majority.

Could have should have whatever. There is no higher standard for precedents Democrats hold dear. It's yet another Democratic excuse for their own failure.

In fact, Dems are showing a disturbing tendency towards changing rules when they don't yield their preferred outcomes. Republicans built up an anti Roe majority over 50 years. Democrats want to pack the courts and strip jurisdiction.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
After 2008, I was not aware of that.

As the Right has gotten more determined to over turn Roe and to have no limits on gun rights, the Dems and their voters have become more unified around protecting Roe and having some sensible gun limits.

The Dems are not making excuses for anyone or anything. They don't need to. THey know that this is a democracy and that there are a lots of people who hold opposing views.

And these deep red vs blue divides are getting deeper.

SCOTUS has an anti-roe 5 to 4 majority. BUt in pole after pole, the population supports a compromise like Roe. And these people will come out to vote in Novemeber.


Jefferson Starship - Jane - 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Averages of polls have Biden underwater 19 points, Republicans up 2.5.

What's at the top? Inflation. Gas prices. The economy. Immigration. Abortion is down the list.

Gun issues are high, but that's among Democrats _and_ Republicans. And Republican gun owners care about them all year long while Democrat activists care about them right after a shooting.

We have 4 months to go, and barring another ruling or major shooting, abortion and guns will slide while the economy will linger. Inflation is unlikely to fade, and even if it decelerates prices will remain high. This month we might officially be in a recession.

This November will not be pretty for the blue team, unless the Republicans do something very, very stupid (some of their Senate noms qualify).
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
A large number of Democrats say they want someone else. But Sanders won the 2020 primary.

Biden is President of a Constitutional Democracy, not a dictator. And our nation is gowning even more divided.

If Biden could get more of his stuff passed it would beat inflation.

Biden beats Trump in poles. BUt a large numbers on both sides want another candidate.


Jefferson Starship - Jane - 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
'Biden beats Trump in poles.'

What kind of 'poles'?

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
No, Trump beats Biden in most polls. If you add the built in ~2 point advantage from the electoral college, it's a decisive victory where it counts.


Unseating an incumbent president in a primary is hard, so it looks like you're stuck with an 82 year old man who wasn't Harvard material in his long-ago prime.

Brace yourself.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden is doing an extremely good job.

But how the voting will go is hard to predict. Trump and his SCOTUS picks have widened an already deep gap.

Some say that both parties will implode, and then eventually their will be two new parties.

I don't know now which better candidates either of the two parties could offer up.


Jane - School of Rock
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
Biden is the most outmatched president in my lifetime. Domestic, foreign, he's a train wreck.

Only 13% believe the country is on the right track
64% of _Democrats_ want someone else

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I do not agree. Biden has the hardest job in the world, and he is doing it very very well.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden cannot impose his will on us, he has to get both houses of the legislature to go along with it.

With a whole lot of Republican obstructionists, that is really hard.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"I do not agree. Biden has the hardest job in the world, and he is doing it very very well."

You must get really lonely thinking that. Take away the people who only think that in comparison to Trump, and you must get _really_ lonely.

Everything has gone to shit on his watch.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Has really has done nothing wrong.

1. Put forth an excellent economic plan, from Build Back Better to Upper INcome Tax Hikes.

2. Led us out of COVID idiocy, though I wish had never endorsed that so called vaccine, and even tried to mandate it.

3. Got us out of Afghanistan which was a serious problem we inherited. Every day we stayed it would have gotten worse.

4. Responded forcefully to the Ukraine crisis and giving tough words about Taiwan tensions.

5. Responded as definitively as one President can over Roe v Wade being gutted.

6. Strong position about Jan 6th.

Sure I wish more was done, but he is only the President, not SCOTUS or the Congress.


Jefferson Starship - Jane - 2018 School of Rock AllStars Team 6
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
1. Put forth an excellent economic plan, from Build Back Better to Upper INcome Tax Hikes.

That would have exacerbated inflation. Oh and it was never passed. Presidents don't get participation medals. Not even in 2022.

2. Led us out of COVID idiocy, though I wish had never endorsed that so called vaccine, and even tried to mandate it.

You're giving him credit for mandating a vaccine that you hated, and for slowly removing restrictions you didn't think were necessary? Talk about grading on a curve.

3. Got us out of Afghanistan which was a serious problem we inherited. Every day we stayed it would have gotten worse.

In the most shambolic, embarrassing possible way, leaving $87 billion in military equipment that I'm sure is being reverse engineered as we speak by Russia and China.

4. Responded forcefully to the Ukraine crisis and giving tough words about Taiwan tensions.

How's Ukraine going right now? I notice you've gone radio silent about that. We're half in half out. And he's no tougher than Trump on Taiwan.

5. Responded as definitively as one President can over Roe v Wade being gutted.

Which is to say he's done absolutely nothing because there's nothing he can do. You're really reaching for things to give him credit on.

6. Strong position about Jan 6th.

No, Congress has, and about 3 people outside of Congress and Democratic newsrooms care about.

Man, with "accomplishments" like that. Lulz.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Here’s another Rhodes scholar in the Whitehouse:

“First Lady Jill Biden told a group of progressive Texas Hispanic voters they were as “unique” as “breakfast tacos” during a speech Monday in San Antonio.

Biden addressed a crowd assembled for the UnidosUS Annual Conference, which began on Saturday.

She also mispronounced the word “bodega” when she said “bogeda.”
avatar for vmaxhp
3 years ago
Trump U? lol
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
In 1993 Bill Clinton took office, having run on a platform of creating "a health care which covers every American." And covering every American is the only part he would not compromise on. But still a 52 Senate Majority he still could not get it passed. He was elected President, not Dictator.

1. Build Back Better Payout are all tied to increased job and business opportunities. These are not creating inflation. Extreme inflation is present because of the very irresponsible and immense size of the COVID bailout payments. And all that money has served to do was to fatten landlords and mortgage lenders. Now we need to get it back via upper income tax hikes and a wealth tax.

2. Biden led us out of COVID idiocy. BUt I mark him down seriously for endorsing the so called vaccine and for having tried to mandate it.

3. Afghanistan was ugly and evoked negative emotion. There are books written about it now. These are where I would look for a critique about what might have been better. But overall Biden did what was necessary as best as possible with a problem he did not create.

4. Biden has pitched for even larger military aide for Ukraine. Real solution depends on Ukrainians. Taiwan is not something we want to agitate about. Want it to diffuse. But it also depends on the Asian parties. And I am not saying Trump did anything wrong pertaining to Taiwan. Pertaining to Ukraine he make us all look like dick heads by playing games with them.

5. Biden has signed an order to give some protection to abortion access on federal lands, out of reach of state laws.

6. Biden and his US DOJ are supporting the actions over Jan 6.

When FDR came in the congressional members of both parties were being inundated with letters tell them to give this President and his party whatever they want. These are not such times. So most of what might happen is tied up in am impasse and literal filibuster.

The problem is in the population, and it is why there are such office holders.

Fox News, the Right Internet, and the idiotic logic of the Right are the reason for this.

Biden more than jus about anyone knows how to take it on the chin and not lose his cool.


Jane - School of Rock


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Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers (from Come Hell or High Water)

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avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@SJG, I was going to go point by point about how you're grading Biden on the nicest possible curve, giving him participation-medal points for proposals that didn't pass, or saying he did the best he could given the circumstances, but this line encapsulates it.

"The problem is in the population, and it is why there are such office holders. Fox News, the Right Internet, and the idiotic logic of the Right are the reason for this."

LOL. Every head of state since Emperor Sargon of Akkad has faced opposition. You win them over, or you get shit done despite it, or you get remembered as a failure.

A new NYT poll put him underwater at a jaw-dropping 27 points.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Biden is not an emperor. He is an elected President. And we are a very divided country, and just like Bill Clinton could not get much done, and Obama had a hard time, so it goes for Biden.

With Kennedy, LBJ, and Carter I don't think people looked at it this way. But ever since Reagan, the issue for Democrats has been to try to dismantle the Supply Side Idiocy. But instead of doing that it continues to get worse as industrial and information technology advance and labor becomes less and less important and we become more and more like a third world country, dividing into the very rich and the very poor.

Sure, I wish AOC were President. I love the stuff she says. But I know that if she were, she would not be able to get anything done either.

The real battle is for the hearts and minds of the American People, not for any one specific office holder.

Biden is real good because he doesn't wince when he gets his teeth kicked in.


Jane - School of Rock
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
bitter face? Make big farts
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
1960, Kennedy v Nixon was our first POTUS election with 50 states. And it was said that all 50 states were competitive. There was not really this Red - Blue divide like there is today.

Up through the mid 60's the US was generally on track with Western Europe and Scandinavia, moving slowly to the Left towards Social Democracy. Canada's first national healthcare plan was named after ours, Medicare.

But then in 1968 Richard Nixon unveiled his Southern Strategy, getting White Southerners, people who had always been Democrats, to vote for Republicans and for Nixon, because of coded racism and their rejection of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

Since that time we have continued to move further and further to the Right, and with lots of the people believing completely idiotic things, and putting their faith in securities and real estate ponzi schemes and believing in social Darwinism.

avatar for emilio42
3 years ago
Keep in mind Biden is a diagnosed stutterer. Sometimes when he speaks he may come off as confused, but if you actually read the transcript of what he is saying. He is actually the most kind and moderate president we have had in 40 years. I don't think he was anybody's favorite but let's be honest, the only reason he won is because Trump totally sucked. Any other Republican in the country would easily have beaten Biden. As a matter of fact, for the next election it is a sure thing that if he runs again Biden will loose to any candidate except Trump. The Democrats literally are planning to support Trump in the primaries so they can own him in the general election. If that wasn't enough, just think the only piece of legislation in 4 years of Trump presidency was a federal tax cut that placed a cap on the state tax exemption. What that means is that while most middle class families saw a lowering of their income tax by a couple of hundred dollars every two weeks. The law increased what they owe on state taxes by thousands of dollars per year. So when people filed their taxes a lot of people discovered they owed money or if they had been expecting a refund, it was a third of what it would have been before the Trump tax scheme. I have done the math and it is really simple. Any household whose income is mostly from capital gains and earns greater than $437,000.00 per year was better off with the Trump tax scheme. Any Household that makes less than $35,000 and do not own a home,it made no difference, because they don't pay taxes at all and what they do pay gets returned when they file. Finally, any household that earns between $35,000 and $437,000 and owns a home wound up paying more. The problem is that 99% of Americans earn between 35k and 437k, so his only legislation actually hurt the very people that voted for him, in order to subsidize his own family and his wealthy friends. We definitely need younger politicians if we want this country to be great.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
"He is actually the most kind and moderate president we have had in 40 years."

I agree!

Listen to Biden before the IBEW and the AFL-CIO. He is wonderful!

And Trump and his party's idiocy are not worth talking about.

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