Interesting stuff here. Idk how I feel about this.
Granted, this is California and a lot of clubs make dancers employees anyways. So they might as well unionize and fight for their rights after the clubs out there used the whole thing as an excuse to f—everyone over big time. (As opposed to other areas in the country where clubs have managed to quietly classify dancers as employees without extorting them and without fanfare happening)
BUT it does make wonder if all this is yet one step closer to the end of free mobility to go between clubs. I’ve noticed a lot of the younger dancers in certain discussion groups have posted and asked “what is so bad about being employees anyways” with us older ones responding in some way equivalent to “stfu —being an independent contractor is a GOOD thing”)
But either way, I figure if this walkout has that many dancers backing it—it probably was just a terrible club and they had it coming. So…go them!
last commentOh and aside from classification stuff, good on them for getting the club staff openly shamed if protecting their security isn’t a thing.
Well we have this dynamech decision which says they pretty much have to be made employees, and they we have AB-5 which eliminates any wiggle room.
Some feel that unless they are made into employees, then there will be lawsuits later on.
Others point out that this will destroy the industry and that other states will follow suit.
I agree.
We have to move to the Private Party / Membership Club model. Then we can have it as good as Tijuana.
To make the US into Tijuana, just gotta destabilize things enough to downgrade us into a 3rd world country. Then people from other regions of the world will be flying in for cheap sex. 👍
The Republican Party has been turning the US into a 3rd World County for 40 years.
What we need to make our clubs as good as TJ is to get around employee status and state and local ordinances and the public sex and lewd conduct laws as they apply to retail businesses.
Done right, the Private Party / Membership Model does it. Its the legal compliance model pioneered by Swingers Clubs. Except that here it wont be Creepy Republican Wife Swappers.
^^^ no it will be just one creepy guy who fucks goats and an entire heard of goats.
And Shailynn is still trying to figure out how he can get away from his mother, driving him through the vast expanse that is West Texas for Christian Glee Club Events.
^^^ at least my wife didn’t leave me because I’m a psycho like yours did.
Ending a marriage is never easy. But at least I was honest about it and did what was needed.
About Shailynn we cannot say the same.
California is so over regulated, you can't do anything. Can't build housing, can't fire anybody, can't start a business, can't breath without thinking about race/gender/sexual orientation.
Girls benefit from employee status but clubs have become ruthless and relentless in trying to fuck dancers over because of it. Girls in more clubs need to stand up. I'm all for them.
Some of the regulations are good and necessary. Some I also take exception to. I especially object to Newsom and the COVID hysteria.
I dumpin loadz on dat club!!! 💩💩💩🤸♀️😄
The ghost of Lusty Lady Past is rearing its ugly head. I have no doubt that, if these girls got there way, this club would eventually experience the same fate. Once a strip club has been utterly sterilized nobody wants to go to it anymore.
This club and the dancers would be off my list for good. Whenever someone is an "activist" they cease to exist in my world.
All they want js....
At the Club, we navigate a room which is regularly full of belligerently drunk men who push our boundaries and often scare us. Our employer should not prioritize customers’ desire for entertainment over our health and safety. When customers become drunk, we expect the bar to cut them off, as is required by law. When customers film us performing without our consent, we need the Club to demand that they stop. "
You have to be a weirdo to oppose that
^ Assuming it's even completely accurate as opposed to a handful of isolated incidents being spun as routine. There's a lot we don't know here.
Now I don't disagree with some of this, like asking the club to eject guys who physically assault them or to put a stop to filming. But the devil is always in the details. It's one thing to remove the most egregious activities, yet quite another to make the place a dancer utopia.
When the dancers decided to handle this by walking out on a Friday night, they really left the club owner no choice but to fire them immediately, before they could begin any type of protected unionizing activities (now that they are employees). A walkout for so-called "hazardous" conditions is not the same as a protected strike. I'm sure they were advised by counsel that the further these girls got down the organizing road the tougher it would be and under no circumstances should the club owner start collectively bargaining with them.
So you want the sleazy owner to make the club perv friendly rather than a safe work place
The safest environment would be no customers at all and that's what both the club and the dancers deserve. Dancers get guys to drink so they part with cash and then get upset they got drunk lol. Of course, the dancers are young and that means, male or female, weak, whiny, lazy, and useless.
So now we're automatically assuming that the owner is sleazy? By all reports I've read this place has always been extremely low mileage, with LDs done out in the open with security sitting right there. If I had to guess, I suspect that these girls were already dealing with many fewer issues than girls who work in many other area clubs.
A strip club can never be made 100% safe and survive as a business. By its very nature it attracts "perverts" and some will inevitably go too far. Unless you put glass between the dancers and customers, like they do in some European clubs or they did in the now defunct Lusty Lady, unwanted contact will occur from time to time. While a club can certainly adopt policies to manage and maybe limit this (like prohibiting LD contact and putting it out in the open), there is no way to completely prevent it without making the place non-viable.
I'm guessing that this club was already the last stop for some bitter girls who couldn't tolerate most of the higher mileage clubs in the area. But even still it wasn't enough that guys already weren't allowed to touch them during dances - they needed the club to serve as alcohol police and otherwise micromanage customer behavior too.
Don’t you find it at least mildly entertaining that a douche on an anonymous Internet forum is claiming he is a pimp, but also championing for strippers rights!?!?
I think that’s the equivalent of a Vegan eating bacon for breakfast every morning but this sap is too stupid to understand the correlation.