Star Garden
6630 Lankershim Blvd North Hollywood, CA 91606

Update article on protest/union

Friday, August 19, 2022 6:42 AM
This link strips the adblocker for the LA Times article [view link] If even a fraction of the dancer's claims is true, that's a shitty club. I don't think unionizing will solve a lot - their best move is to switch clubs in my opinion. But it would let them work at the club again and force some changes I guess. There's a lot of complicated issues since California ruled on contractor vs. employee status, and many clubs are sliding by by effectively ignoring the ruling. Anyways, just wanted to share this since it's a general trend in the economy. Bring out the popcorn.


Here is what they had to say about it on the Gutfeld show: [view link]
2 years ago
Of course unionization will solve s lot of problems. Just like in a lot of other industries.
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Their complaints about aggressive drunks makes me wonder, will we ever see SCs that sell you disposable THC vapes instead of booze?
2 years ago
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