Gas Prices

avatar for Muddy

In just a few months it went up a dollar a gallon. Last time I filled up it was $4.19 and going up every day. Some of my little strip club excursion between the tolls and all that shit are expensive enough, this has got me having second thoughts. Might be time to fire up xvideos again.

California was over $5 in some spots last summer, it's probably over $6 now maybe even pushing $7. Combined with activism from these radical environmental types that hate cars, hate oil, make traffic as miserable as possible, just want us all to walk everywhere and live in tents plus what's going on in the world, driving could get pretty expensive this year. And on top of that God help you if you had to buy a car recently.

Is it affecting your strip clubbing at all or even just going out in general?


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I don't love paying more for gas, but it's not stopping me from going anywhere. At least not yet.

Possibly one of the few weird benefits of the pandemic is that a much larger percentage of the workforce is now equipped and able to work from home and save some gas money on their daily commute, but that's only helpful to certain types of workers. Right now, CA and HI have the highest prices:…

The biggest effect will be on logistics and transportation, but that will affect us as well as those price increases typically get passed to the consumer.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
It's def on my mind - I still do what I gotta do but now I'm more cognizant of how many errands I actually run which seem to add up many of which are for my 85 y/o aunt that doesn't drive and rarely leaves her house (groceries; dinner multiple times per week; pick up meds; checking up on her; doc appointments; etc) - and then my errands on top of that (groceries; going to lunch/dinner almost daily; gym a few times a week; etc)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Anyone use that "GetUpside" gasoline app - is it any-good/worthwhile? Or any other app?
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
Inflations is back and is not going away. The FED is way behind the curve and the DEMS ain't doing nothing to slow down the economy before the mid-term elections. Expect higher prices on everything in the near future.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Gas buddy seems to be a good app a lot of people seem to use it, I usually fill up at the same WAWA now that I'm retired I don't usually fill up but once every 8-10 days, unless I head out to visit friends in Sarasota or family in St Augustine
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
The only thing that made me reconsider my habits was a few months ago some gas stations in New Mexico and Colorado didn’t actually have gas to sell for a few weeks, and I was filling up more frequently just in case the place down the road didn’t have it available. Something like that is what would give me the most concern, and a possibility I watch out for.

Recent price increases haven’t made me change my ways though. And I drive a lot
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
But you're all happy. It's a small sacrifice for bidens war
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
I am happy to donate gas anytime. Just bring the right hose and nozzle.
avatar for EndlessSummer
3 years ago
Next month will make 4 years since I joined and started using the GetUpside app and the total I've gotten back as of today is $640.79. I love this little app and use it every chance I get... but, that being said, right now it's not paying off the greatest.

It definitely fluctuates, but it's free, easy money that I get back on something I'm spending money on all the time anyway. I cash it out every December and use it for Christmas shopping. I just transfer the money to PayPal but they'll cut a check, put it on gift cards, and I think they might have the option to deposit it directly into a bank account at this point.

I also have a few referrals that use it pretty steadily and I get money whenever they do. If anyone here is interested, you can use my referral code and get 20 cents per gallon back the first time you use it:

avatar for Lone_Wolf
3 years ago
@Dixie - in 2016 you voted for a divisive tv persona which led to Biden. Any other Republican candidate in 2016 would still be president right now.

To be clear, it's the folks that voted for trump that gave us Biden.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You're all forgetting the fact that oil companies could lower prices if they wanted to. They'll use any excuse to price gouge. The glories of capitalism
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
^poor Icey was banned from r/antiwork and has no other online home to go ☹️
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
Gas prices are supplemented by the government. Otherwise they would be three or four times what it costs. The glories of government assistance and socialism. Icey is a dumbass boomer.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The gov is owned by the private sector. Welfare subsidizes wage slavery.

Prices are about greed
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^^ Iceefag is a dumbass not a boomer, no boomer is that stupid
avatar for crazyjoe
3 years ago
I filled up a bunch of gas cans today for $3.31
avatar for crazyjoe
3 years ago
Most gas around Denver is at $3.75 to $3.99 today.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
And use ethanol if you can.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
^So if gas prices are supplemented by the government, then by your, gas is supplemented by the private sector. So the private sector is greedy by paying for most of your gas? Boomer logic... smh
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
By using ethanol, you are putting your food in your gas tank. Makes sense when there are starving kids in africa
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Work on your reading skills
avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
My car runs on spaghetti o's…
avatar for Lone_Wolf
3 years ago
89 grade was 4.74 in Phoenix today.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
Gas prices around here went up to $4.09 today. It hasn't really affected my driving habits or where I go much yet. However, it is starting to get to the point where I've started to think twice about whether to drive my truck or to use my car. Normally I drive my truck about 20% of the time just to save mileage on my car and to keep the truck from sitting for too long. Now I'll probably just take it for a short errand run once a week instead since it gets about 12 mpg vs around 30 mpg with my car.

Also, I have a trip coming up later this month for a family tradition that will involve a total of around 450 miles of driving. Normally my parents, my brother, my sister and I all drive separately even though we all live within about 10 miles of each other and we will be going to the same places. We started talking over the weekend and if gas prices keep rising my parents are going to ride with my sister and my brother is going to ride with me to cut our total gas usage by more than half by using 2 cars instead of the 2 cars, 1 truck and 1 suv that we would normally have taken.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
Last Thursday I was driving home from my favorite Atlanta club and I noticed gas prices at one station in Atlanta at $3.69 for regular and $4.59 for diesel. When I got off the interstate out in the burbs first station I saw gas was $3.99 for regular and $2.99 for diesel. I can't understand the diesel prices being so different.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
How gas prices affect you is not limited to what you pay at the pump. Almost everything you buy in stores was brought there by a truck and the cost of gas for that is included in the price of what you buy. The food you eat required tractors and other farm equipment, which use gas, to produce and fertilizer, which also requires gas, to produce. So as gas prices go up so do food prices.

This is partly caused by bad government energy policy which restricts supplies but is primarily being caused by government money printing to cover deficit spending which then leads to inflation. In these situations, the government usually blames "greedy businessmen" to deflect the blame. Businessmen are no greedier now than previously. This same thing happened as recently as the seventies. They tried to deal with "greedy businessmen" then with price controls but that didn't work because that wasn't the root of the problem. They had to decrease the money supply and raise interest rates, which is what we will have to do. That will likely pop the stock market bubble and lead to a major recession. I've talked to long time strippers over the years who said the last recession in 2008 led to fewer customers in strip clubs so this is likely to happen again in the upcoming recession.
avatar for crosscheck
3 years ago
$4.25 at the place around the corner from me, which is generally one of the cheaper stations around. The BJ's Gas down the street is now causing traffic jams onto adjacent streets as folks look to save 10 or 15 cents a gallon.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
I have a short commute and don’t think too much about gas prices. Last night I was at Costco but had half a tank so didn’t top off. With oil up another 7.5% today I’m had momentary regrets not buying those ‘cheap’ 6 gallons last night.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
Trump in 2020: "If Biden got in, you'd be paying $7, $8, $9. Then they'd say 'get rid of your car!'"

Pete Buttigieg this week: If gas prices are too high, just buy an electric car!
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago

whoever didn't see this coming had their eyes closed.
Check recent history for highest gas prices during various president's terms.
Going back to jimmy carter's fake energy crisis, followed by clinton, nobama, and now biden, prices have always been highest when a D is in the white house.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
From the Babylon Bee

U.S.—With oil imports from Russia banned and gas prices continuing to rise, many around the nation report really wishing we had our own oil we could dig up with big machines and then transport around with some sort of pipeline.

"If only we had oil, and knew how to get it," said one local mom as she shelled out $300 for gas to take her kids to soccer practice. "Then maybe we wouldn't have to buy it from evil regimes around the world and gas prices would be lower. I know that's ridiculous, but it sure would be nice if that were possible!"

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg says he commiserates with people who are struggling right now. "I do have a solution though," he said. "If you all just plop down $90K on an electric car and another 3 million on building a windmill in your backyard, you won't have to deal with these gas costs. I am smart!"
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ geez mark the Babylon Bee really, every time you start to go all political, you shred your own credibility with the sources you quote, why not quote Alfred E. Neuman,
Actually production in the USA rises with the price of oil, production is up and as long as oil prices remain high production will increase, that’s purely a function of the capital markets, that doesn’t mean that the government doesn’t have an effect on production there are policies that favor increases but, that would be an issue for intelligent thoughtful discussion, not this partisan nonsense that is batted around on this website like a beach ball at a wet t-shirt party.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
I filled up at 6:00 am: $4.32 for premium. Did a lot of driving and filled up again at the same station just now: $4.63.
avatar for boomer79
3 years ago
I get 50 mpg so I’m fine. I don’t like paying more but it is not a major expense.
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
How long till we get a whole bunch of new scumbags trying to siphon oil? Lmao
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
My prius gets 50 mpg...
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
The increase maybe makes a 1500 a year difference. 3 club visits less. No harm. No foul.
avatar for tin man
tin man
3 years ago
Not really, not having children means my day to day living is actually really cheap. I save up my money for lappers and rub joints. If gas goes up to $7 i might just give up strip clubs and deal with hookers instead, much much cheaper and the mileage is unlimited.
avatar for Dr_Rainmaker
3 years ago
My job affords me the luxury of a gas card. Haven’t paid for gas since Jan 2019! Free trips to the club! Sorry, not sorry. 🙄
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
Remember when the secretary of transportation told American they wouldn't care about the Russians hacking the pipeline is they had an electric car? She had that stupid little smirk like she thought she just said the smartest thing in the world How many patriots' blood boiled at the ignorance, self-righteousness, and callousness of her remarks?

Now, Secretary Buttcheck, who ignored the supply chain crisis, is telling Americans to buy electric cars. Doe mayor pete not understand that the supply chain crisis he has ignored has driven the auto supply so low that paying above MSRP has become the new normal?

This is beyond bizarre. How do we have a government that is so disconnected from reality, so out-of-touch with what normal Americans live with every day?

I would advise that people vote for new blood in November, and no professional politicians. I would advise that people vote for their neighbors, people with their shared experience; but the democrat party which caused this mess is filled with bartenders and homeless grifters being led around by the noses with Nancy and Chuck.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
“… How do we have a government that is so disconnected from reality, so out-of-touch with what normal Americans live with every day? …”

They are not disconnected – everything they do they know why they do it and they have an end-game – the lefties love gas-prices being sky-high, this works right into their plans of people wanting to give up on gas-cars at the first-chance they get – high-ass gas-prices gets them closer to their alternative-energy-utopia since sky-high gas-prices make alternative-energy prices less outrageous-looking - it's basically a way of forcing people to go electric no-matter-what.

So it’s not as if the lefties have-no-idea – quite the opposite – they know exactly what they are doing, and what is happening w/ conventional-energy is a good-thing in their eyes – the current administration is trying to force their will on the American people it’s just that b/c of our political-system they have to do it indirectly by getting the media to do their bidding, getting social media to silence free speech on their behalf, appointing radicals to key-positions so those radicals can implement their radical agendas, etc.

We need to stop this thinking that “they don’t understand” or “they don’t get it” or “they are just incompetent” – it’s none of this – for the most-part it’s done on *purpose* b/c they want to dismantle everything America has stood for and they want a new socialist-style/big-government-controlling-EVERYTHING type of society w/ them in power indefinitely and where the people answer to the government in every aspect of their lives instead of the government answering to the people.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
“… I would advise that people vote for new blood in November …”

The left is trying as hard as they can to make sure this doesn’t happen – that is why their big push for their election-legislation so they could take over the elections-process that they were unable to pass but will keep trying to pass or some version of it – and why they want to do away w/ the filibuster – they are also trying to disqualify conservatives from running in 2022 by trying to connect them to and smear them w/ January 6.

The left knows their agenda is not popular and why Brandon and Kamala have abysmal pole-ratings – but instead of changing course they double-down – and they don’t double-down b/c they’re stupid – IMO it’s b/c they feel they can rig future elections like they did in 2020 even more so now that they are in power.

A lot of people are thinking it’s a bygone conclusion Republicans will take over Congress in 2022 – I don’t think the left will let that happen just like they didn't allow for Trump to get reelected – we'll see what happens.
avatar for Goodclubrep
3 years ago
" Let them buy an EV." A long time ago in France the government was obstinately disconnected from at the citizens needs and we all know what happened there.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
The left is rational, if you understand their world view is:
-Deficits don’t matter. The more government spends, the better the economy is.
- The vast majority of people are idiots and don’t know what’s best for them. They are better off when they obey the experts in government.
- The concept of a nation is outdated and dangerous. The faster we get to a world government, the better.
- The environment is sacred and more important than the people who live in it.
- Group identity is the best way to view people, not as individuals.
- Anyone who doesn’t accept the above is both stupid and evil. They must’ve defeated by any means for the good of humanity.

If you realize that the left takes the above as gospel ( literally ), then every move they make is sensible.
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