Cascadas vs Rizo de Oro
Hey guys - headed to Hong Kong early march on a Tuesday - trying to decide between one night at cascadas versus Rizo - sounds like Rizo a bit quieter and less expensive. Planning only the night at Hong Kong - no issue bringing HK girls to Rizo? Seems odd they would walk across the street in a robe rather than just up to Cascadas. Any issues with Arriba to Rizo, or anything else to sway to one or the other?
@ Cascadas you in the lions den. Straight up above the party only to continue your own party.
Slightly better, more reliable internet at cascadas.
Savings on Monday-Tuesday are minimal difference with VIP card.
Crossing the street is not do bad, most chicas will go. Some street girls are also able to go to cascadas.
If this is your first couple of trips to the glorious HK, Cascadas! Just immerse yourself in HK stank & bang as much as you can.
One thing, friendly advice, don’t be this indecisive with chicas. Go get em! Remember Cobra Kai…strike first, etc
Just choose and report back!
Cascadas is right in the middle of the party. Just my suggestion but I'd stay there. More convenient.